国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Kha. i. E. 0067. a—d. Fresco frs. of heads and shoulders of small seated Buddha figs. Parts of series of such figs. Condition fair. (a) 3" X 3"; (b) 3" X I"; (c) 4" X 2â"; (d) 23" X Ii".
Kha. i. E. oo68. Fresco fr., showing elongated ear and part of shaven head of nearly life-size fig. At back of head are upward-growing imbricated leaves coloured buff, red, green, vermilion. Work rough. 4" X 2k".
Kha. i. E. oo6g. Fresco fr., showing lower part of face and neck of dark-skinned, green-robed Buddha fig. Halo light. Good work. Much abraded. 2-" x 2k".
Kha. i. E. 0070. Fresco fr., showing R. ear and temple of light-skinned fig. with black hair on which is finely-shaped l Iukuta. Side ornaments semicircular, chased in form of lotus, with double row of petals. In front a circular ornament contains a sort of crossed Vajra, the fourth arm forming a base. Visible eyebrow finely arched at outer end. Nimbus pale green. Extremely good work. Abraded. 2" x 2".
Kha. i. E. 0071. Fresco fr. of L. arm of large fig., wearing armlet with red jewel. Background dark grey, and band of white and blue visible to L. p. 4" x
Kha. i. E. 0072. a—c. Fresco fr., showing portions of two seated Buddha figs., one robed in black, the other brown. Each is seated on a cushion decorated in chequer, the squares being coloured buff, green, and red, in such order as to form diagonal bands of colour. The two figs. are placed one in advance (below) and to L. p. of the other, and seem to form part of a general diaper of such figs. on a fine crimson ground. Work fairly good. Stucco extremely hard, porous, and mixed with long grass. 51" x 6".
Kha. i. E. 0073. Fresco fr., showing roughly painted Buddha head with black hair. Probably one of a series. 3" x 2".
Kha. i. E. 0074. Fresco fr., showing part of seated Buddha fig. contemplative, head turned to L. p. Blue robe, green and pink nimbus. White vesica green-bordered. Work rough but good. Broken away on all sides. Abraded. 54" x 5".
Kha. i. E. 0075. Fresco fr., showing portion of head of fig. against a halo of conventional flames. No nimbus. Slight decorative features generally of a rectilinear type. The whole outlined in black, and most of the colour faded. Abraded. 5" X 5".
Kha. i. E. 0076. Fresco fr., showing above a blue Padmâsana on which is lower part of black-robed seated fig. Background red. Below this a broad buff band, under which is ground of mottled red and black spotted with white and buff, possibly in imitation of granite. 5" X 5".
Kha. i. E. 0077. Fresco fr., showing to R. p. part of circular background of red, bordered with light blue. To L. p., white ground on which appear portion of topknot
bound with white, blue halo, and upraised L. arm of Bodhisattva. Two other upraised hands are to R. p., of which one may belong to Bodhisattva, and edge of green nimbus. In style and treatment frs. exactly resemble Kha. i. E. 0048, and prob. belong to it. Abraded. 6" X 4".
*Kha. i. N. o01. Stucco relief fr. Portion of vesica, flame-bordered, with upper part of fig. of crowned Gandharvi to R. in adoration. Face destroyed and top and L. side of vesica lost. Cf. Kha. i. N. 002. Hard stucco, burnt black. 3g" X 3k"•
From same mould : Kha. ii. oo68 ; ii. N.W. 003.
*Kha. i. N. 002. Stucco relief. Crowned Gandharvi, L., on lotus pedestal. Knees bent, hands clasped in adoration. Drapery, rendered by narrow grooves, follows lines of body ; stole flows from under armpits to R. and L. in long tails. Oval flame-bordered vesica. Frs. from R., L., and top of vesica missing. Prob. from colossal
vesica ; cf. Anc. Kholan, Fig. 64. xiii. Mud-coloured
stucco (burned). 7i" X 44".
From same mould : Kha. ii. 0026, oo66 ; ii. C. 003 ; ii. N.W. 004, oo6 ; ii. W. 002, 003.
Kha. i. N. 003. Stucco frs., inscr. with Brâhmi (1) chars. No complete char. remaining. Largest fr. I" x I".
Kha. i. N. of c. (central) base. oor. Fr. of painted wood, in two pieces (now joined) split from thicker piece. Portions of three seated Bodhisattvas nimbate in vesicas. To R. p. (sawn end) robe light (prob. ochre), white nimbus, red field to vesica bordered by light bands, divided by red lines. Second fig. red robe, red nimbus bordered white, white vesica bordered as first. Third fig. nearly all broken away, border of vesica as first. Background (spandrels between vesicas) parti-coloured red and white. Hair, upper eyelids, and outlines of robes black. Flesh contour lines red. Ears elongated. Much damaged and broken away
at L. p. end. Part of one edge chamfered. Ion" x x I".
Kha. i. N. of c. base. 002. Fr. of painted wood, broken from larger piece. Surface split off from more than half its length. Seated Bodhisattvas similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. oor, of which it may be a continuation. Darkened with sand and bad treatment. Rough chamfer at lower edge. '4" x 23" x ".
Kha. i. N. of c. base. 003. Fr. of painted panel, same treatment as Kha. i. N. of c. base. oor. Topknot of one fig. and R. side of face of another. Soft, much damaged and discoloured. Part of edge chamfered. Joined with Kha. i. N. of c. base. 005. 6" x II" x".
Kha. i. N. of c. base. 004. Fr. of painted wood, split from larger piece. Portions of two figs. similar to Kha. i. N. of c. base. oor, but slightly smaller in scale. On L., remains of pink nimbus, white vesica bordered yellow ochre (1). In centre, face and shoulders of seated Buddha with light nimbus; red vesica bordered ochre. Tilaka on forehead. To R. a similar fig. but red robe, shaded red nimbus, pale green (1) vesica bordered ochre (1).
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