国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Tilaka. Outlines as usual. Damaged on surface and split. One edge chamfered. 1o" x rf" x ".
Kha. i. N. of c. base. ooh. Fr. of painted wood. Traces of paint, prob. figs. with haloes. Near centre a rough indication of a tapering pilaster with stepped base and cap. (Gandhâra style suggested.) Much effaced. Lower edge chamfered. Broken on all sides and split. r 3"
Kha. i. N. of c. base. o07. Fr. of painted wood, now joined to Kha. ii. 0079, showing portions of dome-shaped object with pennons. Fairly preserved. 6k" x " x i".
*Kha. i. S.W. 001, 004 (joined). Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. Cf. Kha. ii. 002 ; vii. 001 ; but has no dividing fillets. Elongated petals separated longitudinally by rows of five dots. Traces of red colour. Red clay. 8i" x 1A".
From same or similar mould : Kha. i. S.W. ooz, 003, clog ; i. W. 009.
Kha. i. S.W. 003. Stucco relief fr., similar to Kha. i. S.W. ooi, 004 (joined); q. v. 4k" x I3". Pl. xv1.
*Kha. i. S.W. 005-007 (joined). Stucco relief frs., forming border inside wreath of vesica. Beaded border with lotus petals springing from it inwards. Cf. Kha. vii. ooI and Kha. i. E. 003. Red clay. 8" x zk".
From same mould : Kha. i. S.W. oo8, 0013.
Kha. i. S.W. ooio. Stucco relief fr. Seated Buddha on lotus flower ; hands clasped on lap. Behind, halo with concentric bands,each orn. with succession of short crescents. Outside, flame border. Top and L. side of vesica missing. Cf. Kha. i. S.W. ooI 1. Clay, burned dull red. 5" x 43j•". PI. xv.
Kha. i. S.W. 0011. Stucco relief fr. Replica of Kha. i. S.W. 0010. Vesica has triangular top. Most of R. side missing. Surface much decayed. Clay, burned dull red. 61" x 4r".
Kha. W. 001. Fr. of painted wood, in two pieces, now joined. Painted on one side. Portion of kneeling fig. similar to Kha. i. 195. Fairly hard. 8," x 3".
Kha. i. W. ooi. Stucco fr. ; slightly convex face with traces of gold leaf. Stucco fine and white. 3" x 2k".
Kha. i. W. oo8. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. Sections painted alternately red and green. Fillet appears to have been gilded. Colour well preserved. Same mould as Kha. i. 009. White stucco. 21" X 4".
*Kha. i. W. 0010. Stucco relief fr., conventional cloud or foliage pattern. Background light green. White stucco. 2}" x Ii".
From same mould : Kha. i. W. 0013.
*Kha. i. W. 0012. Stucco relief fr. of standing Buddha; L. hand by side, R. hand raised in attitude of protection. Low relief but good work. Upper garment painted dark crimson-brown, lower garment light green. Hands and legs below drapery gilded. Colour in good condition, except gilding which is cracked and peeling. Head,
shoulders, R. arm, and feet missing. White stucco. 4r
From same mould : Kha. i. W. ooz, i. E. 0017.
Kha. i. W. 0014. Stucco relief fr. of colossal hand (?); part of three fingers remain and have been gilded ; red lines are painted over gilding to emphasize division of fingers. Very fine hard white stucco ; traces of linen backing. 3g" x 3i".
Kha. i. W. 0015. Stucco relief fr, of hair, with five small snail-shell curls. Surface badly preserved. White stucco. I$" X 1 ".
*Kha. i. W. oo17. Stucco relief. Gandharvi flying R. Hands raised holding wreath which crosses front of body. Nude except for bead necklace with large pendant and girdle with bead fringe. L. forearm and legs below thighs missing. Traces of colour, flesh white with features outlined in red, hair black, wings green, wreath pink, background blue-grey. White stucco. 3 " x 4k".
From same mould : Kha. ii. N.W. 005. Cf. Kha. i. C. 0039.
Kha. i. W. oo18. Fr. of painted wood split from larger piece. Traces of deep red, pink, and black contour lines. Portion of L. foot seems indicated. Prob. part of standing Buddha fig. on red lotus. Hard. Twisted grain. 4" X
ë5" g " X38' Kha. i. W. ooig. Fr. of painted wood, prob. part of Kha. i. W. 0018, the character of painting being similar. Decorative detail. Bright green leaf or feather-like piece, outlined boldly with sweeping black lines. On one side of this, dark and light pink band outlined black. Ground, umber. Wood hard. Grain twisted. 3" x 2" xi".
Kha. i. W. 0020. Wooden flame.tongue from border of vesica. Leaf-shaped. Has itself border of tiny relief flames on each surface. Traces of paint on one side. Both edges chipped. 4a" x i "
Kha. i. W. 0023. Fr. of painted panel. Top of head of Buddha. Flesh yellow ; features red ; hair, eyebrows and eyelashes black ; jewel on forehead red. Nimbus and vesica in two shades of red, pink, and white. 34" x I ".
Kha. i. W. 0024. Fresco fr. To R., part of robe (maroon) with white and black linear markings. perhaps to indicate scales of armour, and foot (?), pink shaded, of standing warrior (?). To L. white hanging drapery outlined red, and beyond again, L., touch of green and crimson. 5" X 5â".
Kha. i. W. 0025. Fresco fr. Part of vesica, decorated with brown, green, and pink chevrons, separated by white dashes to suggest a crimped edge to each overlapping piece. Brown border to L. p. 5" X 5".
Kha. i. W. 0026. Fresco fr., prob. of breast of large fig. Necklet of alternate small seeds in pairs and single large ones. A green jewel pendant. Two ovoid orna-
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