国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
ments studded with green gems held in lotus-pattern settings, with upward-pointing leaves projecting on each side and top. Broken away on all sides. All ornaments outlined red and coloured yellow. Well preserved. 3" x 21". Pl. XI.
Kha. i. W. 0027. Fresco fr. of enrichment, representing woven fabrics covering a cushion. Some green lotus petals appear above. A grey band, powdered with a regularly arranged pointed quatrefoil pattern in white, divides the upper from lower parts of cushion. The upper is pinkish buff with circular spot pattern in dark grey outlined and detailed with white. The lower is a hanging valance of overlapping V-shaped pieces. The first row is dark pink with pattern (embroidered ?) in brown and white. The second, showing between the first, is blue with white rosette, spots, and edging. The third, deep rich maroon, on which hang pendants of long drop shapes in white. Much abraded. 6i" x 6".
Kha. i. W. 0028. Fresco fr. of large composition. Head and shoulders of Bodhisattva, head to L. p. Long ears ; short black hair ; Usnisa ; Tilaka ; eyes long and downcast. Necklet yellow, star-like ornaments in front of shoulders. Nimbus yellow, cone-shaped, bordered with red band from the outer edge of which, growing inwards, is a series of long crocket-like leaves in threes, two scrolling in opposite directions, and the third between them scrolling upwards. In each case outer leaves are green and mid one grey-blue. All outlined in black and white. Vesica bright green, red-bordered. Background to L. p. black. To R. p., partly black and partly red. Above to R. p. on a polychrome narrow-petalled Padmâsana, the crossed legs of a fig. wearing short red dhôli. Bare shins ornamented with simple pattern (Vajra?) in yellow, outlined red. The feet have not the soles up, but rest on Padmasana. Below this, on red ground, three lines Brâhmi (about x6 chars.), in faded black. See Appendix F. Much broken. i" x i 2".
Kha. ii. 4. Painted wooden panel. To R. p. four-armed Gane§a, seated on bolster-shaped âsana, and turned 3 to L. p. Lower L. arm rests on thigh ; upper L. arm holds circular object. Lower R. arm holds long radish at breast ; upper holds circular object like chakra. Long cloth-like ears hang to shoulders in regular tubular folds. Stole twined round lower arms. Dhôli, blue with white (or faded pink) girdle. Head blue, straight tusks, and short curled trunk. Body thin and nude. Mukuta composed of petal-shaped forms, below which, on forehead, is black hair. Armlets and bracelets; nimbus.
To L. p. a Gandharvi fig., human to waist, below which is kilt of blue petals with pink centres. From below this proceed gracefully curling leaves and scrolls in blue, white, and pink. Round waist a girdle of small petals. Short-sleeved close-fitting kurla covers body, and trumpet-shaped blue cuffs, above elbow, finish sleeves. Long black hair ;
Kha. i. W. 0029. a-e. Fresco frs. of rows of seated Buddha figs. all with heads to R. p. (a) shows part of two rows, the upper dark brown-robed, the lower light red.
Brown-robed (head and shoulders only visible). (c, d,
e) light red-robed. Abraded. (a) 5" x 3" ; (b) 6" X 3" ;
5k" x 3â" ; (d) 5i" X 3â"; (e) 3i" X
Kha. i. W. 0030. Fresco fr. of face, showing R. eye half closed and very long. Scale about two-thirds life. Flesh dark pink. No shading. 2" X 1r".
Kha. i. W. 0031. Fresco fr. of head of seated Buddha fig., on blue nimbus, white-edged. i" x i ".
Kha. i. W. 0032. Fresco fr. of head of seated Buddha fig. Very yellow flesh, crimson nimbus. i" x ii".
Kha. i. W. 0033. Fresco fr. of large detail. Three irregular bands of colour—dark green, dark pink, and Indian red. On pink a rough snake-like scroll in brown and white. Other portions plain. Green, outlined black. Colours rich. 3" x 3".
Kha. i. W. 0034. Fresco fr. Triangular tab of valance, rich red, orn. similarly to Kha. i. C. 0074. Abraded. 4" X ai".
Kha. i. W. 0035. Fresco fr., showing much effaced seated Bodhisattva fig. in red outline, with long black hair. Turban-like Mukuta, necklaces, and cord or stole across body. Hands in lap. Arms and most of upper part of body nude. Legs and feet missing. Nimbus vertical elliptical. Fairly good work. Backing, brittle clay with very small admixture of fibre. Much abraded. 3' x 2r.
Kha. i. W. 0036. Fresco fr. showing flowing draperies of standing fig., leg part only. Colours blue, green, and brown; outlines black. Style similar to Bodhisattvas of Indian type on silk paintings from Tun-huang. Much abraded. 3" x 2".
elongated ears ; face (full) pink ; Mukuta of lobate forms with frontal jewel. Hands together before breast in attitude of veneration. Nimbus, blue.
Background white. The whole very faded and abraded. Much of the colour prob. faded out. Rev. blank. g*' x 6 " x I". Pl. xIv.
Kha. ii. 22. Fr. of hard stucco, concave, painted pink. Adhering to it, back and front, much sand and frs. of paper with Brâhmi writing. 8' x 6' x
Kha. ii. 23. Fr. of hard stucco inscribed with Brâhmi chars. See Appendix F. 4i" x 2r.
*Kha. ii. ow. Stucco relief fr., from border of vesica, one of many. Vesica apparently had triple border of flame pattern, two bands painted red and one green or vice versa. Bands cast separately, all from one mould.
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