国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Kha. ii. 0046. Stucco relief fr. of vesica border ; three bands of flame pattern. See Kha. ii. oo1. White stucco. 5" X 4k". PI. XVI.
Kha. ii. 0054. Stucco relief fr. Bead and lotus-petal border. See Kha. i. E. 003. 3A" x 2k".
Kha. ii. 0059. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, with series of curved horizontal, between stiff vertical, folds: Cf. Kha. vii. oo6 ; ii. oo6o. Hard white stucco. 6" x 4"
Kha. ii. 0060. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, from same mould as Kha. ii. 0059. Hard whitish stucco. 5" x 5"
Kha. ii. oo6i. Stucco relief fr. of drapery. See Kha. ii. 0031 ; with traces of dark red colour. Hard white stucco. 2" X 3r".
Kha. ii. 0063. Stucco relief fr. of colossal human face ; all below upper lip, with L. side of face and whole of brow, lost ; R. side of nose also split off. Eyes large and prominent ; nose short but with well-marked bridge ; cheeks flat and without modelling. Lip shows traces of black painted moustache. Hard white stucco. 5" X 5k".
Kha. ii. 0065. Stucco relief fr. of lotus petal, prob. from bead and lotus-petal border ; traces of pink slip remain, outlined with vermilion. Soft white stucco. 2k" x
Kha. ii. 0066. Stucco relief. Crowned Gandharvi to L., on lotus pedestal, in act of adoration. Top of vesica and face broken away. Traces of red paint on tunic and black on stole. Light grey stucco ; white body wash. Surface much damaged. See Kha. i. N. 002. 8i" X 5".
Kha. ii. 0067. Stucco relief. Disc with seated Buddha. Upper part of disc (with head of fig.) and R. side lost. Fig. seated on cushion, hands in lap. Much perished. Same mould as Kha. i. 007. Clay. 2i" x 2".
Kha. ii. 006g. a-d. Stucco relief frs. Four ' snail-shell ' curls ; see Kha. ii. oo6. Hard white stucco. I" X A".
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Kha. ii. coop. Stucco fr. R. arm (free) slightly bent, with hand open. Fracture seems to indicate arm was held at height of shoulder, forearm projecting v. slightly to front. Red clay with some fibre. Length 2k".
Kha. ii. 0074. Lower part of stucco mould, for bead and lotus-petal border. See Kha. i. E. 003. On back
incised mark x . Hard white plaster. 6" x 5â".
PI. Xvi.
Kha. ii. 0075. a-c. Frs. of mould, for upper half of vesica with triple flame-pattern border. Hard white plaster. Made from same original as Kha. i. 0015. From it are Kha. ii. ool, etc. roâ" x 61" (together). Pl. XVI.
Kha. ii. 0076. Half of quadrangular mould for casting spiral curls of hair. Hard white plaster. From this are cast Kha. ii. oo6, 0020, 0021, 0069. a-d; ii. N. o01o. x 5}". Pl. xvi.
Kha. ii. 0077. Fr. of mould, for casting pieces of drapery similar to Kha. ii. 0059-60 (from slightly different mould). Hard white plaster, somewhat worn. 3-k"
Kha. ii. 0078. Fr. of painted panel with much damaged traces of paint (white or pale pink). Portion of Padmasana in black outline. Rough work. Rev. blank. Wood fairly hard. Shows abrasion on rev. 6*" X 2" x r.
Kha. ii. 0079. (Now joined to Kha. i. N. of c. base. 007.) Fr. of painted panel containing portion of domed object with pennons similar to Kha. 002. 5" x I " x*".
Kha. ii. oo80. Fr. of painted wood, from thick piece, showing patches of brilliant colour on obv. The colours used are pink, red, cobalt-blue, pale green, fawn, black and white. On one part is a small portion of imbricated work of fawn colour outlined in black, within which a white line. Each scale seems to have had a short mid-rib of black. The whole is too fragmentary to convey any meaning. Wood hard. Length of painted surface 4" ; width 1"-o; length over all 71"; width 14"; thickness about %".
Kha. ii. oo81. Fr. of painted panel. R. side head, shoulder, and breast of Buddha fig. Head, I to L., slightly down. Flesh pink; contours red; hair (high, topknot), eyebrows, eyelashes, and centre of eyes black. Ear elongated, or perhaps ear orn. Robe dark red, white line round edge (turned over). Nimbus brown bordered by white lines. Vesica dark green with white edge. Background red. Above fig., a portion of straight Padmasana, and above this again indications of further painting. Painting well preserved. Wood hard. Length 6r"; width IA"; thickness I".
Kha. ii. 0082. Wooden upright of baluster (?). Similar to Kha. ii. 0083, but on slightly smaller scale. Very rotten. 7" x 21" x I".
Kha. ii. oo83. Wooden upright of baluster (?). Bottom end cut off at 45° angle with projecting tenon. Divided into three cubical parts (lowest bisected) separated by a pair of triple mouldings. Top cube, much broken. Two upper cubes have each two mortices on opposite faces to take connecting bars. The half cube has only one mortice. Cf. Kha. ii. 0082. 8A" X 2A" x Ii". Pl. XVII.
Kha. ii. oo88. Stucco relief fr. of first and second fingers of R. hand, slightly bent. Clay, burned red, showing on back an inner core of grey mixed with straw. White slip with red markings. Length 4"; greatest width of finger 1".
Kha. ii. oo8g. Stucco relief head of Buddha. Features much damaged, but show that treatment was as in Kha. i. 001. White stucco. H. 2*".
Kha. ii. 0091. Fr. of turned wooden baluster. In centre, broad fiat moulding and three narrow ridges ; on each side, umbrella mouldings facing away from centre. C. A of circumference left. Both ends broken. Length 5'; diam. Ir.
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