国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
[Chap. V
Kha. ii. 0092. Fresco fr., having its L. p. half occupied by vertical bands of colour, buff, red, light brown, dark brown. To R. p. a seated Buddha fig. in meditation, unusually robed. A dark grey chiton is worn, passing below the R. arm, and held by white kamarband at waist. The usual mendicant's brown robe is over shoulders and envelops legs. In lap is dark brown object, partly broken away. Hands are completely hidden, and there is no indication of their position. Vesica bright blue, bordered with faded colour. Background pale green. Nimbus pink. Good work. 6" x
Kha. ii. 0094. Fresco fr. Above, row of petals (white and red) of lotus throne. Below, head of seated (?) Buddha. Flesh white, outlines red. Nimbus red and white. Background red. q" x 6".
Kha. ii. 0095. Fresco fr. Seated Buddha, 1 to L. p. Brown robe, white vesica. 21" x 2".
Kha. ii. 0096. Fresco fr. Part of head of Bodhisattva looking L., wearing Mukuta. Grey and pink nimbus. Green and dark red vesica. Brown border with small floral spot pattern. 2 " x 2".
Kha. ii. 0097. Fresco fr., prob. of arm of fig. wearing armlet with jewelled bosses at intervals. Jewels red and blue. Remainder of ornament yellow, outlined red grey. Three coats of paint are present. The orig. whitewash, over which a coat of dark red. On this red the pale pink or creamy white of arm is painted. 21" x 2". Pl. XI.
Kha. ii. 0099. Fresco fr. of hard stucco showing upper part of seated Buddha. Above, roughly indicated, architectural design. To R. a pillar, apparently supporting angle of building. Practically all in black outline only. Rough and poor work. 5-1" x 5".
Kha. ii. C. oox. Stiipa model, of soft greyish clay, cone-shaped, but divided into five equal parts by bands or stories. One side has accidentally (?) been cut flat. Near point small fr. of paper with Brahmi (?) characters adheres. Cf. Kha. ii. C. 007-9. H. 2k", diam. of base of cone t ".
Kha. ii. C. ooz. Stiipa model, with concentric rings and central reed core, as Kha. ii. C. oor, but in perfect state. Impress of stamp below (plain). Soft whitish grey clay. 2" high.
Kha. ii. C. oog. Stucco relief fr. of crowned Gandharvi, to L., on lotus pedestal in act of adoration. Head with top and R. side of vesica lost. Hard white stucco, with traces of paint; tunic red, stole black, background green, lotus pink, flame border red. See Kha. i. N. 002. 5E x 4".
Kha. ii. C. 004. Stucco relief fr. Bead and lotus-petal border. See Kha. i. E. 003. 5" x 3$". Pl. Xvi.
Kha. ii. C. 005. Stucco relief fr. Top of lotus throne, L. hand, and part of body of seated Buddha. Edge of throne, and hand, white ; rest red. 3i" x 3".
Kha. ii. C. oo7. Stiipa model in clay. Cf. Kha. ii. C. 00r. Three chips out of base. Paper with characters adhering near top. H. 2h" ; base diam. 2 tg".
Kha. ii. C. oo8. Sti3pa model. Cf. Kha. ii. C. oor. Large fr. missing on one side. Twig core. No paper. Trace of inscription in relief on base (Tibetan ?). H. 2" ; diam. 2".
Kha. ii. C. oog. Stiipa model. Cf. Kha. ii. C. oar. Complete. Near base and halfway up side frs. of paper adhering, one bearing characters. Irregular cone ; no twig core visible. H. 2E; diam. of base 2*".
Kha. ii. C. ooro. Fresco fr., showing one of row of seated Buddhas. Poor conventional work. Red robe, green vesica, white nimbus. Flesh and lotus (straight row of petals) yellow. Background red. Next fig. to R. had background green and vesica red. 5h" x 6".
Kha. ii. C. oorr. Fresco fr. Above in centre white tassel or knob, do green (water). R. and L., ends of lotus
thrones (?). Below, band with four-petalled rosettes,
alternate green and grey petals on buff. Below again, brown band. 5" x
Kha. ii. E. 6. Frs. of three sheets of paper, which had stuck together. Top sheet had painted picture,—light green, buff, and red, with black outlines, but pieces too fragmentary to show subject. Under-frs. show Brâhmi writing. Soft and decayed.
Kha. ii. E. oox. Stucco relief fr. Conventional acanthus-like leaf. Remains of crimson paint. Red clay 2â" x 2A".
Kha. ii. E. 002. Two frs. of stucco hands of life-size human fig. Larger consists of first and second fingers and part of R. hand ; smaller is from L. hand. Each finger formed of red clay mixed with fibre, round central wooden skewer. White slip. Modelling of nails and back of hand shows great care and skill. Larger fr. 5" x 2i" ; smaller fr. 2j".
Kha. ii. E. oog. Stucco relief fr. Two concentric rings. Red clay mixed with fibre. White slip. Diam. 3". Diam. of central opening xi".
Kha. ii. E. 004. Fr. of thick painted panel on which are part of two horizontal rows of seated Bodhisattvas. One complete fig. and portion of another beside it, with prob. the tops of two similar figs. below. First (to L. p.) fig. in attitude of contemplation, hands resting in lap. Robe dark red. Flesh pale. Hair, eyebrows, upper eyelashes and eye, black. Flesh contours red. Ears elongated. Field of vesica light red. Nimbus colour missing. Background colour missing. Second fig. similar, but robe light red, vesica green (?), background light red. The figs. are seated on a continuous yellow Padmâsana. The change of colour in background is divided by a vertical red line. Lower Register. First, part of head of fig. as above. Background light red. Vesica white. Second,
part of hair, black. Vesica dark red. Background
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