国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Kha. ii. N. 006. Stucco relief fr. Upper part of front of skull, broken away immediately below eye-sockets. These are hollow and painted blue-black. Across brow a long narrow pattern painted, three parallel lines united by short cross-lines. Cf. Mi. xi. 0095, 0098. Hard white Stucco. 3r X 4r.
Kha. ii. N. 007. Fr. of painted wood of architectural framing (?). At one end the back shows a cut as for mitring, and part of mortice. Front surface smooth and painted with conventional scroll-work in cream-white and dull ochre, outlined with black on salmon-colour ground. Work very free. The type of scroll is that seen in Ajanta Cave paintings, but less carefully executed. Much ant-eaten at back, otherwise hard and well preserved. Length 15" ; width 34-"; thickness Ii". PI. XIV.
Kha. ii. N. 008. Seated Buddha (?) in wood, carved in the round. Hands in lap. Inverted Padmâsana. On head a low hat with upturned brim. Flowing from beneath hat, and parted curtain fashion on forehead, is long straight hair, or, more probably, drapery forming a veil covering most of the ear and resting on shoulders and upper arms. Ears (lobe only visible below veil) elongated slightly. Face round and full. Upper R. part of head and hat broken away. R. side of face scored and defaced, obliterating R. eye, nose, and mouth. Neck short and thick. Body and arms prob. nude. Necklace of double row of square links. Stole crosses back, passes to front just above elbows and resting in fold of arm hangs down at back of haunches. Legs, from pelvis, draped. L. foot visible. Small remains of nimbus. L. knee and large part of Padmâsana burnt away. The whole bears very scanty traces of colour. The carving is somewhat rough. In bottom of Padmasana is the portion of a chule which connected the fig. with some base. Genèral style, Gandhâra. H. 8k"; width at knees (as broken) 44" ; thickness 2". Fairly hard. Pl. CxxXVIII.
Kha. ii. N. oog. Stucco relief fr. Upper part of Buddha with halo, in attitude of protection. Hair painted black, drapery red. Larger in scale than Kha. i. oor, etc., which it otherwise resembles. White stucco. ,rX 2r"
Kha. ii. N. ooio. Stucco relief fr. Three snail-shell curls on portion of scalp. See Kha. ii. oo6. Hard white stucco. 2*" X 2e". Pl. XVI.
Kha. ii. N. oon. Stucco model of oval almsbowl (?); lip simply rounded off; no base, but bottom pierced. Hard white stucco. 4" X 3" ; H.
Kha. ii. N. 0012. Stucco relief fr. Gandharvi flying to L., nude save for mantle over shoulders, and broad belt round hips. R. arm outstretched, L. lowered and bent at elbow. Wing coloured dark red visible in background; legs slightly drawn up from knees. Fig. holds double string of beads with rosette in centre across front of thighs. Head, forearms, foot, and background lost. Hard white
stucco. 5 X 2r.
Kha. ii. N. oo13. Fr. of stucco mould for casting open right hand. Thumb, first and part of second finger remains. Matrix faced with fine flesh-coloured slip. Hard white plaster of Paris. 6" X 3".
Kha. ii. N. 0014. Circular stucco mould for casting small plaque of seated Buddha within lotus-leaf border. Fine white stucco. 3" diam. Pl. xVi.
Kha. ii. N. 0015. Fr. of rect. painted panel, being L. p. upper portion. Near centre, head and shoulders of female fig., / to L., with long veil-like head-dress, long black hair, a tress falling in front of ear. Nimbus. To L., part of face, 1 to R., and upper part of body, of male fig., slightly smaller scale than the central fig. Green garment. To R. faint traces of head with green nimbus. Between this and central fig. some object represented by cross-hatched lines in red. The whole may represent the cocoon' incident (cf. Anc. Kholan, i. p. 229). Very badly defaced. 91" X 24." X 1".
Kha. ii. N. oo16. Fr. of elliptical wooden Padmâsana in the ` round '. Toes and part of instep of R. foot of fig. Traces of colour. The toes are perfectly straight and jointless, but the nails clearly indicated. The under-side of fr. is fiat, so that the fig. would prob. have stood firmly. There is a hole drilled upwards to a depth of about 1v" in which are remains of a wooden peg. Wood hard and well preserved. 44" x 2" X Ir".
Kha. ii. N. 0017. Stucco relief fr. of adoring Gandharvi, R. Traces of red on drapery and vesica border. Pink on lotus pedestal. Head and R. side of vesica missing. Same mould as Kha. i. N. oo1. 51" X 3i".
Kha. ii. N. oox8. Stucco relief fr. of drapery border. Traces of red (inside) and black outside. Slightly concave. See Kha. ii. 0031. White stucco. 8" x 3k".
Kha. ii. N. oo1g. Piece of stucco relief, representing overlapping pieces of leather (?) fastened one to another by studs, two at each end. End piece and one overlapping piece shown. Semicircular bite out of each overlapping edge. Bead border along one side edge. Representation of armour or belt; cf. Anc. Kholan, Pl. II. 3â" x 2".
Kha. ii. N. 0020. Fr. of wood-carving ; L. wing from upright fig. Upper part covered with diamond pattern, each diamond-feather having central incised quill. Long feathers (three only show) curled up at end ; each has plumage on one side of quill only. Regular chip-carving style. 6" X 2 " X r.
Kha. ii. N.W. ooi. Stucco relief fr. Portion of human foot on fr. of crimson painted base ; three toes alone remain. White stucco. I" X ".
Kha. ii. N.W. 002. Small knob of red clay, irregularly semi-spherical, hollow inside, and painted blue-black inside and out. H. 1 "; diam. 1A".
Kha. ii. N.W. oo3. Stucco relief. Crowned Gandharvi to R. in adoration. Cf. *Kha. i. N. ool. 7r x 7k". PL XV.
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