国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Kha. ii. N.W. 004. Stucco relief. Crowned Gandharvi to L., on lotus pedestal, in act of adoration. Part of vesica above head is missing. Hard stucco burnt to greyish-black colour. See Kha. i. N. 002. 6f" x 4Ar". Pl. xv.
Kha. ii. N.W. 005. Stucco relief of Gandharvi, from same mould as Kha. i. W. oox7. Legs broken below drapery, and L. arm broken above elbow. No trace of paint. 4" x 3e". Pl. XV.
Kha. ii. N.W. oo6. Stucco relief, adoring Gandharvi L., on lotus pedestal. Traces of colour, throne pink; flame-border to vesica, red; hair black, dress red, flesh pink, scarf black, background green. See Kha. i. N. 002.
7-" X 4-".
Kha. ii. N.W. on. Stucco relief fr. Lower part of seated Buddha with hands clasped in lap. Robe red. Vesica (only traces) grey-blue. Lotus throne white. Behind,
projection pierced vertically to take supporting rod. White stucco. 2" X zr".
Kha. ii. W. ooz. Stucco relief of Gandharvi, flying R. and holding garland. From same mould as Kha. i. E. ooz8. Legs broken at knees, R. arm at elbow, and wings outside drapery. Head, halo, and L. arm complete. Traces of colour. Halo and wings red; hair black; drapery black; garland green and blue. Plaster of Paris. 5f" x 3r" Pl. xv.
Kha. ii. W. 002. Stucco relief fr. of adoring Gandharvi. Traces of colour show flesh pink, hair black, and inner part of vesica green. Broken below waist. See Kha. i. N. 002. 5i" X 3h".
Kha. ii. W. 003. Stucco relief fr. of adoring Gandharvi L. Feet missing and top of vesica. Hair and scarf black, robe red. See Kha. i. N. 002. 6" x 4*".
Kha. iii. oor. Stucco relief fr. Detached circular jewel with bead setting. White stucco. Diam. 2".
Kha. iii. ooz. Painted wooden panel, slightly split at both ends and on centre line, about -; from one end, where hole has been drilled. One corner broken away. Surface gone, leaving only faint traces of paint. No pattern visible. Soft and brittle. Length 8 - "; width 3r ; thickness â".
Kha. iii. 003. Part of rude disc of green malachite. Worn depression near centre. One edge badly chipped. Surface polished. Perhaps handle for fire-drill. x i " x
Kha. iii. 004. Half of wooden food-bowl of turned wood, painted inside and out with blue-black paint. Fr. though soft is well preserved. Diam. 6"; H. 2*".
Kha. v. 4. Short wooden truncheon of hard heavy wood, well polished. In section it is octagonal ; much thicker at end than at grip. The handle is pierced with two holes for a cord ; striking portion much cut and scratched from use. Length 84".
Kha. v. oox. Wooden key with pyramidal handle (pierced) long, and oblong back with rounded ends 3 j;" x `" ; from back project six wooden pins : • • : each 4" high (one lost). Length of whole 3i". Cf. Kha. v. oo6.
Kha. v. ooz. Whiskbroom made of grass ; stalks twisted together forming bundle. Brittle. (Cf. Anc. Kholan, ii. Pl. 73, N. x. 07.) Length s' 6".
Kha. v. oo3. a, b. Pair of wooden cantilevers. In upper part, four lozenge-shaped transverse holes. Below, row of relief lozenges with small volute at each end. Lowest part is remarkable, finished at each end with a volute, of which lower end is bent back outwards.
Vertical hole through centre (diam. z*"), which in (a) still has upper part of shaft. This swells into ball just below cantilever, but is then broken short. z' 8" x x o " X 4*". Pl. xvii.
Kha. v. 004. Bag of cotton pods and raw cotton.
Kha. v. 0o5. Frs. of cotton fabrics coarsely woven, of various textures, dyed respectively red, brown, and buff (natural). Small hank of cotton string. Mass of ravelled yarn (cotton) mixed with small frs. of woollen felt. A burst cotton pod and a very hard fruit stone, an apricot stone, and a plum stone ; pieces of twig. Largest fr. of fabric 14"
Kha. v. oo6. Wooden lock with bolt, tumbler block, and three pegs. Constructed for four pegs. Key missing. 8*" X 4" X 3" to i". Pl. xvII.
The following note by Mr. F. H. Andrews describes the construction and working of the lock :
The lock consists of three principal parts (see Figs. A, B, C): (r) the body or case; (2) the tumbler block with its tumblers; (3) the bolt.
Tim BODY is a heavy block, of oblong section and of a length sufficient for fixing to the door or lintel by means of a broad tenon provided at one end and pierced with two dowels (see Fig. A).
A hole for bolt and key runs transversely through the block, and is of rectangular shape, broader in its upper than in its lower part, the difference in width being effected by two shoulders on which the lower edges of the bolt rest and slide. In interior upper part of block or case, a hollow is excavated for reception of tumbler block, which is hidden from view.
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