国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Sec. iii]
Kha. ix. 13. Strip of wood, flat on one side but curving up from edge on the other. This edge and the two ends
finished. Along inner edge split. 91V x 1 " x to r.
Kha. ix. 14. Fr. of carved wood. Running border pattern. Chevron with half lotus in each triangular space. The band forming chevron composed of two fillets with pearls between. The whole pure Gandhâra style. Hard but cracked and abraded in parts. Length y"; width 1"; thickness A". PI. XIV.
Kha. ix. 15. Stucco relief fr. of Buddha in protective pose. Same mould as Kha. ix. oo5, but drapery and flesh overlaid with gold leaf; hair painted blue-black. White stucco. 2*" x I$".
Kha. ix. x6. Carved wood fr. Cusped arch and spandrels of mihrab. All lower part missing. Centre of arch pointed. Three foliations on each side. Arris of arch is hollow-chamfered with roughly carved beads in hollow. On face of arch, a plain flat moulding adjoining hollow chamfer, and continuous all round square-sided spandrels. Acanthus ornament in Gandhâra style fills spandrels. On R. p. side a small wedge-shaped tenon projects. Well preserved and fairly hard. H. remaining 1i" to 1. "; width between outer sides of spandrel 71" ; thickness /". Pl. XLVII.
Kha. ix. 58. Fr. of painted panel, prob. R. p. of panel. The few remains visible seem to represent the R. arm of fig. wearing bracelets. White, outlined red. R. knee (t) visible. Very defaced. Wood hard. 4i" x $" x eu".
Kha. ix. 58. a. Fr. of painted panel. Traces of paint. Red, white, and black. Design not decipherable. Hard, but broken and split. 81" x 1" x s".
Kha. ix. 60. Fr. of painted panel, broken at three edges, and partially broken at the fourth. Painted on both sides, but badly defaced and unrecognizable. Wood perished and soft. 9i" x 2*" x 1".
Kha. ix. o01. Sandal-wood comb, with curved top and 46 teeth, some broken. Wood hard and sound. 4" X 2k".
Kha. ix. 002. Stucco relief fr. Head of Buddha, with nimbus; very hard white stucco. Same mould as Kha. ix. 15. White stucco. 4" x
Kha. ix. 003. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. Traces of blue on ground. Cf. Kha. vii. 001. White stucco. 2"
Kha. ix. 004. Stucco relief fr. of vesica border formed of imbricated lotus petals grouped into triple layers by dividing cinctures. Groups coloured resp. blue and red. Cf. Kha. vii. oo1. 6" (along outer curve) x 1$". PI. XVI.
Kha. ix. 005. Stucco relief fr. Head and body below breast of Buddha with halo; R. hand raised before breast in attitude of protection, L. arm by side. Same mould as Kha. ix. 15. White stucco. 2H" x I ".
Kha. ix. 007. Wooden key of usual shape, painted dark chocolate colour. Eight ward-pegs, all lost; otherwise well preserved. See Kha. v. oo6. 51" x 4".
Kha. ix. 008. Fine wooden key, painted dark chocolate colour. It had five ward-pegs, two of which are lost; originally the five pegs were differently placed, but these were sawn off and arrangement altered. Fits Kha. ix. 11. b. 5" X Iâ". Pl. XVII.
Kha. ix. oog. Concave wooden disc carved as lotus flower, consisting of three rows of petals surrounding central seed-cushion. The latter prob. painted in light colour, the former blue (now turned blue-black). At lower edge of circumference is a peg, showing that object was a finial orn., perhaps part of head-dress. Flat work lacking detail. Diam. 4k". PI. XLVII.
Kha. ix. ooxo. Stucco relief fr. of bead and lotus petal border. Cf. Kha. vii. 005. Hard white stucco. 2"
Kha. ix. oo11. Bolt of wooden lock ; oblong piece of wood 6" x 2" x". At end six holes are bored,
: , but first three plugged. In side is groove for traverse check-pin 3 " long x A" high x " deep. Hard and well preserved. Cf. Kha. v. oo6.
Kha. ix. 0012. Tumbler block of wooden lock, oblong. Inner end chamfered. Seven holes, : • : • • ; wood hard and well preserved. 4" x 4".
Kha. ix. 0013. Wooden key of usual form ; five pegs (one broken) arranged four as rhombus with one beyond. Wood soft but fairly well preserved, except for deep saw (?) cut near handle. 3H" x 14".
Kha. ix. 0014. Oblong wooden tablet, pierced 3-" from one end. No trace of writing on either face. Soft but fairly preserved. 14 " x 2k-".
Kha. ix. 0015. Short rounded stick, thin at ends, broad in middle where two notches are cut. A somewhat similar object is used in India in fixing pots to rope of well-wheel.
Hard and well preserved. Length 3$" xi" x i ". Tapering
at each end to i".
Kha. ix. 0016. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. Sections painted alternately red and green. Small portion of blue field of vesica remains. Plain double fillets with three rows of small petals between. Cf. Kha. ii. 002. White stucco. 4" X 1 ".
Kha. ix. 0017. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. One section green, portion of field sky-blue. Cf. Kha. vii. oo1. White stucco. 3" X 4".
Kha. ix. oo18. Fr. of pottery, dull red clay glazed inside and out with good dark green glaze, though somewhat unevenly spread. 28" x 2".
Kha. ix. 0020. Fr. of painted panel, intact at lower edge ; all others broken. Obv. Lower portion, on a deep red ground divided from upper part by thin white line, some object of pink colour having contours in red. Upper portion contains a deep red band, i" broad, sweeping in an elliptical curve from above downwards towards the L. p. ; edged on outer side by white line, which helps to divide it from orange-red forming background. This
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