国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
band is the border of a vesica the field of which is orange red.
Rev. Traces of paint. A small fig. . fig. -1 to L. p., wearing a kind of dark brown caleçon, stands on a cloud (?) and bends slightly over. There are traces of long black hair, and a small halo. To R. p. of head curved border of large vesica, pattern being beads between pairs of lines, all outlined in black. Background to small fig. is yellow ochre. Much defaced. Wood hard and well preserved. 6 "X I "x. ".
Kha. ix. 0021. Truncated hollow horn. The point being removed, a long wooden stopper is inserted. Traces of black paint on upper end of stopper. Lower end of horn also open, but may originally have been closed to form a kind of flask. Surface much flaked and very soft. Stopper soft. Length of horn 3r ; diam. base t"; top -"; length of stopper 3f", of which r projects outside.
Kha. ix. 0022. Edge of cup of green glass. Edge rounded. Inside smooth. Outside ground into rudely lozenge-shaped, slightly concave facets. H. 2 "; diam. at edge c. 3" ; thickness k." to i".
KM. ix. 0023. Wooden disc with intaglio design on each side. Obv. Open lotus flower having eight main petals deeply ribbed ; between show eight pointed outer leaves; border of dots round. Rev. Man riding on camel. L. R. hand raised holding bridle ; L. hand with knobbed stick. Much worn. Cf. Coptic cake-stamps. Cat. Nude du Caire, Koptische Kunst, p. 139. Diam. 4"; thickness r". PI. XLVII.
Kha. ix. 0024. Fr. of felt, dull salmon-coloured, ragged and much eaten, oversewn with buff thread along two edges. Also three small frs. of soft red felt. Larger felt fabric, Gr. M. 5. ".
Kha. ix. 0025. Turned piece of wood with plain
mouldings (baluster?). Dowel at one end; cut off
diagonally at other. 13" x 2".
Kha. ix. 0026. Upright of wooden baluster (?), with turned mouldings. At either end, narrow dowel projects across whole diam. z' g" x 2r.
Kha. ix. 0027. Half of wooden object similar to Kha. viii. 002. Shows traces of blue paint. Finial to top of model Stiipa (?). H. 8-" ; diam. 4" ; dowel 8" X I3" X z ". Pl. xvii.
Kha. ix. 0028. Small ball of fine linen thread, with some loose thread. Diam. c. z".
Kha. ix. 002g. Plaited hempen string, prob. from shoe. r z" long.
Kha. ix. 0030. Circular mat of coarse linen material, two thicknesses with felt between ; the whole carefully bound round with a narrow strip of red linen fabric ; all edges turned in and neatly finished. Diam. 3k".
Kha. ix. 0031. Toe of wooden boot•last. Cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIII, N. xx. 04. 51" X 3" X I".
Kha. ix. 0032. Wooden boot•last. Cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIII, N. xx. 04. Heel-piece made separately and lined with cloth. 1oß" X 4" X 31".
Kha. ix. 0033. Fr. of painted wood, split off larger piece. Very rough. Part of one edge chamfered. Near another edge, a roughly cut incised line. Traces of paint on one side only. Subject indistinguishable. Much injured. Wood soft. zoo" x
Kha. x. I. Fr. of wooden panel, painted on both sides Less than half of original remains, the break being vertical. Obv. Against a vesica, male fig. seated cross-legged on lotus (?). Head to front. Flesh colour outlined dark red. Hair, indicated on forehead and eyebrow black. High Persian hat. R. arm hangs almost straight down, behind R. knee. The hand has lost all detail. Arm and body (where visible) clothed in vermilion, close-fitting kurla, ornamented with pattern of white dots forming diagonal lines, between alternate rows being a kind of Tri§ula mark (UU) in black. A stole with no visible colour, but outlined in red, hangs from behind hat and round arm to front. Most of colour has disappeared.
Rev. A fig. probably in same position as that on Obv. and with similar head-dress and stole. The kurla, however, has long bell-mouthed sleeves. It is covered with a spot pattern formed by four white dots grouped flower-wise. A broad band of dark red with diagonal lines of dots forms the cuff. Hand almost invisible but seems to be in same stiff pose as that of Obv. Stole is yellow. Kuria perhaps pale green with white spot pattern. Wood fairly hard, but surface abraded and sand-encrusted. Length 8" ; width 2k" ; thickness r.
Kha. xi. ooi. Wooden spoon or scoop. Bowl flat on upper side, slightly convex on under ; pear-shape. Small portion of handle remaining turns up at angle of about 40° with horizontal plane of bowl. Soft and perished. Length of bowl z"; length over all 3"; width of bowl z "; tapering to handle r; thick. of bowl 1".
Kighillik ' Tati'. | SECTION IV.—MINOR RUINS NEAR KHADALIK Already while at Khotan I had heard from Mullah Khwâja the names of certain smaller sites which he had discovered in the vicinity of Khadalik, and to these I paid rapid visits while the work at the latter ruins could safely be left to the supervision of Naik Ram Singh and Chiang. The nearest of them, which Mullah Khwâja knew by the significant name of Kighillik, the ' dung-heap', |
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