国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
200 RUINED SITES NEAR DOMOKO [Chap. V Insignificant in themselves, the finds sufficed to establish the important chronological fact that this site, too, though within less than a mile of the stream of Domoko and little more than that distance from the eastern edge of the actual oasis, was abandoned about the same period as Khadalik and distant Dandan-oilik. The discovery had its own special interest, since it strengthened my doubts as to whether this simultaneous abandonment of settlements, dependent on the same water-supply and yet widely separated in distances, could adequately be accounted for by progressive desiccation alone. I had little doubt at the time that the area of sandy jungle stretching east and north of the Domoko Yar with its maze of tamarisk-covered sand-cones was hiding more remains of early occupation than Mullah Khwâja was able or willing to show me during my stay at Khadalik. But as it was, it required very great and almost continuous exertions to complete my explorations within the limited time at my disposal. In the end I felt doubly glad at having spared these ten days of unremitting labour for Khadalik ; for when, in March, 1908, I returned to this tract, I found that the area containing the ruined shrines had, after long centuries, again been brought under irrigation from the Domoko stream—and their destruction completed. | ||||
Limitation of explorations around Khâdalik. | ||||
Bal. oox. Stucco relief fr. of standing Buddha from breast to ankles. L. hand by side. White stucco, much sand-worn. 2r x re".
Bal. 002. Stucco relief fr. Head of a Buddha with nimbus. White stucco, much sand-worn. I"
Bal. oog. Stucco relief fr. of standing Buddha. Broken across neck and hips. White stucco, much sand-worn. 2"X2i"Xg".
Bal. 004. Stucco relief fr. of lotus wreath. Traces of red and blue. Cf. Kha. i. W. oo8. 2" X I" x ".
Bal. oo5. Stucco relief fr. showing L. arm (bent and
upraised) of fig. Below, fold of drapery. Outside, part of border of large petals. Fig. probably rising from lotus ; cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. PI. LVI, D.T. 02 and D. xii. 5. Traces of red. White stucco, much sand-worn. 2k" x 2".
Bal. oo6. Stucco relief fr. Lower part of standing Buddha. Much sand-worn. Traces of red and blue on drapery to R. White stucco. 21 x
Bal. ooq. a—c. Fabrics. (a) Fr. of yellow felt. Gr. M. 3" (b) Piece of cord made of twisted thread. Length 5". (c) Piece of blue-green silk with cruciform pattern printed in buff. 21" X Ii". PI. CXXIII.
Kushuk•aste. ow. Fr. of blown glass, transparent dark green. I" x " x }"
Dar. oox. Painted wooden panel showing seated divinity accompanied by Sakti seated on his R. thigh and proffering a small kalôra with her R. hand. Divinity, dark grey, Sakti, pale pink. Very defaced and almost illegible. 6 " X 3 " X r.
Dar. 002. a—d. Four frs. of plaster of Paris stucco, showing on back marks of straws in clay stucco which they faced. Traces of irregular zigzag pattern in pink, light red, dark grey, and purple. Gr. M. 5" ; thickness %".
Dar. 003. Stucco relief fr. of vesica border. Cf. Kha. i. oo13. Narrow curved lotus petals springing from bead edging. White stucco. 3" x 2" X ".
Dar. 004. Fresco fr. in style of Kha. frescoes, showing head of Buddha in front of pointed halo, the edges of which are notched with black to represent acanthus. Flesh buff, outline dark red, hair black, as also eyebrows,
pupils, and upper curve of eyes. Background white. Halo bordered by three bands, light red, pale green, and light red. Gr. M. 4/".
Dar. 005. a, b. Two frs. of fresco showing, (a) four characters, and (b) part of one character, in black on white ground. (b) also shows part of light red border. Cursive BrAhmi (?) script. See Appendix F. (a) 4" X 3" (b) Ii" x Ii".
Dar. oo6. Toe of string shoe. Plaited sole; uppers of separate cords with bound-over edge. Cf. M.T. 4"X31".
Dar. 007. Wooden strip, off end of cantilever. Above, triple moulding of receding planes (like Ionic architrave) ; below, end (L. p.) of modillion curving into spiral volute carved in relief. Rotten. Traces of white ground for paint. 81' X 3E".
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