国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Sec. v] THE DOMOKO-YAR AND THE REMAINS AT MAZAR-TOGHRAK 209 constant fight with the desert, whatever the supply of water available in the rivers may be. Both conditions were likely to suffer severely during those troubled times, and in no part of the cultivated area would the effect make itself felt so rapidly and completely as in an isolated colony like Dandan-oilik. It is obvious that a cause which would suffice to explain complete abandonment in the case of Dandân-oilik, might reasonably be held capable also of accounting for the shrinkage which we must assume to have taken place about the same time in the occupied area immediately to the north and east of the present Domoko. But it will be well to remember the lesson which the story of the Domoko dam, as above detailed, can teach us, and to realize that we can never be sure of correctly gauging the cause or causes which• have produced the change in each particular locality, unless definite historical records come within our reach. Neither silent ruins nor scientific conjecture can replace them, and while reliable materials of that kind remain as scanty as now, we can scarcely expect the old sites to give definite answers to all the questions which arise about the physical past of this region. | Doubts about causes of abandonment elsewhere. |
M.T. u. a. Wooden key like Kha. v. oox. Had six pegs in two rows ; four missing, one broken in hole, and one complete. Length 4" (handle 2") x " x in" to â".
M.T. u. b. Wooden bolt like Kha. v. oo6. Six holes in two rows. Groove for check-pin on R. side (2" x " x "). Does not fit M.T. i I. a. 5" x 2" x r.
M.T. 30. Wooden tablet, broken at one end. Hole at other end. Obv. rounded. One 1. Chin. writing (twelve characters) faint. Rev. flat. Blank. Rotten. x x " x I" x ".
M.T. 32. Wooden tablet, effaced. One end broken. Hole at other end. Both sides flattened. No trace of writing. Rotten and insect-eaten. s a" x I" x"•
M.T. 41. Wooden tablet, effaced. Complete. Hole at one end. At other end five cross-grooves. No trace of, writing. Both sides flat. Rotten, insect-eaten. r 2" x ij"X, ".
M.T. 47. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken one end. Hole at other end. Both sides slightly rounded. One shows traces (?) of writing and has three grooves cut across broken end. Rotten. x 2" x i " x $ ".
M.T. 48. Wooden tablet, effaced. At one end hole, other end broken. Rotten. No trace of writing. I2" x I" x "•
M.T. 58. a—m. Twelve frs. of wooden slips. (a), (b), and (c) have one side crossed with incised lines (3, 5, and 5) ; (d) has hole at one end. Rotten, no writing visible. Greatest length 7E; greatest width I8".
M.T. 6o. Wooden tablet. Broken both ends. Obv. rounded. No trace of writing. Rev. flat. At one end traces of one 1. Chin. writing. 6k-" x " x I".
M.T. 62. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken both ends. Obv. convex. Rev. flat. No trace of writing. Rotten. 4--" X " X E.
M.T. 64. Wooden tablet. Broken at each end, and half thickness split away from middle. No trace of writing. Rotten. x o" x r x S".
M.T. 66. Wooden tablet. Broken at each end. One side flat, one rounded. No trace of writing. Insect-eaten, Rotten. 91" x i" x"•
M.T. 67. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken at each end. Trace of hole shows in break at one end. Both sides rounded. No trace of writing. Rotten. 9*" x }" x
M.T. 68. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken at each end. Both sides flat. On one side six cross-lines near one end. No trace of writing. Rotten. 8" x $" x ".
M.T. 6g. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken at one end. Hole at other end. Each side slightly rounded. No trace of writing. Rotten. 7" x g" x
M.T. II. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken at one end. Hole at other end. Both sides rounded. No trace of writing. Rotten. 8i" x x "
M.T. 72. Wooden tablet, effaced. Broken at one end. Hole at other end. Oblong in section. No trace of writing. Rotten. rye" x" x".
M.T. 75. Wooden tablet. Rectang. in section. On one side traces of writing. Rotten. 4}." x x" x ".
M.T. 76. Wooden tablet. Broken at one end. At other end hole. One side flat, other rounded. No trace of writing. Rotten. 3 " x la" x ".
M.T. 78. Wooden tablet, effaced. One end broken. Obv. convex. Rev. flat. Near complete end groove cut across, and next it seven lines scratched. No trace of writing. Hard. g1" x E x I".
M.T. 79. Wooden slip, effaced. Rotten. No writing visible. Both ends broken. 8E x x" x`".
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