国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
M.T. 8x. Piece of rug. Pattern in red, blue, and green bands. On blue band, white circular spots. On red, blue serpentine scroll. Simple geometrical forms on other bands. Warp, hemp string. Weft, (?) wool. Gr. M. 7r"
M.T. ooi. Round wooden stick tapering to knobbed ends. Prob. weaver's instrument for tightening threads, like modern ` oinoruj'. Cf. Kha. vi. 8. Hard wood, smooth and well preserved. 41" x
M.T. 002. Fr. of brown felt, ragged. Gr. M. 4" Fr. of brown fabric, cotton (?). Gr. M. 2°.
M.T. 003. Black clay spindle-whorl (or loom-weight). Convex and concave. Incised patterns. Radiating petals on convex side with dots at ends. Row of circles with centres marked on concave side. On edge slanting rows of four dots separated by two lines. Diam. xi"; thickness A°; diam. of hole r.
M.T. 005. Tapestry-weaver's loom-weight. Grey clay. Rudely conical. Base, slightly concave, has incised
ring. Diam. i° to -i" ; diam. of hole r ; thickness A".
M.T. oo6. Tapestry-weaver's loom-weight. Yellowish clay. Obv. convex. Rev, flat. Cf. M.T. 005. Diam. jr'; diam. of hole A"; thickness A-".
M.T. 007. Tapestry-weaver's loom-weight. Grey clay. Dome-shaped. Cf. M.T. 005, oo6. Diam. Hs"; diam. of hole *"; thickness a".
M.T. oo8. a-d. Fabrics. (a) Felt pad of elongated kidney-shape covered with buff silk, length 6A". (b) Part of shoe-upper. Hemp warp, wool weft, xo" x zA". (c) Ball of hemp string. (d) Fr. of coarse cotton (?) fabric.
M.T. oog, 00x0. Frs. of two similar drawings, of horse on buff-laid paper, oog shows hind-legs, tail, and back with high-pommelled saddle ; 00x0 only hind-legs and tail. Black outline filled in with red wash. Crude work. 6° x 4r and 3° x 2°
M.T. i!, I. Fr. of plaster. Traces of gilding left on white backing. Irregular shape. lit x x$°.
M.T. i. 12. Small vase, hand-made, of light red clay, made in mould. Out-bent rim much chipped. Pronounced belly. No foot. Remains of small ring handle. Round
belly two lines incised. H. 2â" ; diam. of rim x e" ; of
base x".
M.T. ii, 13. a. Part of hemp shoe, with thick woven sole, open vertical string sides, and upper edge of stout double cord closely wrapped with finer string. At back of heel a solid woven strip, the thick warp of which divides R. and L. to form upper edge. Sole 7° x 3a". (b) Portion of front of upper of similar shoe. 2" sq.
M.T. ii. oox. Specimen of grain, chiefly wheat.
M.T. i. 002. Wooden comb, used in weaving (now
called panje in Turkestan). Cf. N. 0027. 7" x
6"x1 ".
M.T. E. oox. Rape-seed, specimen.
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