国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
彫刻が施された角材N. v. xvi. 001Carved Wooden Block N. v. xvi. 001. |
N. x. oox. Frs. of dark brown-red fabric, loose but even texture, with others of redder colour and more closely
N. xu. M. Fr. of rectang. under-tablet. Obv. eight 11. Khar. almost effaced. Rev. blank. Broken across. 34" x 2" x â".
N. sir. ooi. Bronze ring with flat bezel. Incised design. Cf. Anc. Khotan, Pl. LII, N. 0014. g, and N. xu—xxvli. 002-3. Diam. fi" ; bezel 8" x I". Pl. XXIX.
N. xii. 002. Bronze ring with hollow bezel; stone missing. Diam. Af" x
N. xu. 003. Leaf-shaped piece of sheet bronze with hole at upper end. Possibly from scale armour. Cf. N. NH. 00I I ; XIV. 009—II. i " x r. Pl. XXIX.
N. xu. 004. Bronze wire ring (ear-ring?) of which ends are not joined. Boss opposite opening. Diam. 8" x
N. xu. 005. Glass bead, blue, discoid. -" x ".
N. XII. 006. Glass bead, light blue, roughly ring-shaped.
3" x 8 "•
N. xu. on. Bronze rod, broken each end. 2$" x i".
N. xxl. oo8. Bronze ring with flat bezel. Design incised. Illegible. Cf. Anc. Khotan, Pl. LII, N. 0014. g. Diam. 4" x
N. xu. oog. Rough jade chip, somewhat resembling arrowhead, but not artificial. 2i" x â" x $-". Pl. XXXVI.
N. xu. ooxo. Glass and stone beads : one gilded glass ; eight blue glass, rings, discoid and faceted ; five black paste, flattened spheroids ; three green glass, rings, fused together ; three white, one bone, two glass ; one yellow glass. Cf. 'inc. Khotan, Pl. LXXIV. N. 0014. d and N. 0020. a. (Gilded glass beads occur fairly frequently throughout the Roman Empire and seem to have been manufactured in the south of the Nile Valley. See Woolley and Maclver, Karan6g, p. 74.)
N. xu. oou. Sq. of thin sheet bronze, pierced near middle of one edge; prob. piece of scale armour. i9g" sq.
N. XII. 0012. Fr. of corroded bronze, shapeless. Roughly,
N. xu. 0013. Strip cut from sheet bronze, c.' thick. Pierced at each end. Rough. Prob. a rivet, as e. g., in wooden bowl N. xx1. 2, q. v. I B" x
N. xu. 0014. Bronze ring with hollow bezel ; stone missing. Diam." x â".
N. xxx. 0015. Bronze rod, splayed out end, broken off, round in section. Much corroded. Across end c. r diam. rod .-'.
N. xu, ooi6. Ring of bent bronze wire. Ends not quite joined. Section lozenge-shaped. Diam. j " to r.
woven. Very brittle. Found near human bones to E. of Mazar', W. of N. x. Gr. M. 44- x 4k'.
N. xu. 0017. Ring of bent bronze wire. Ends not quite joined. Section round. Diam. s" x E.
N. xxi. oo18. Sieve (Sapi) for clearing milk. Circumference made of withies bound with string, and covered with yellow felt sewn. Centre covered with network of coarse vegetable fibre, yellow and brown. This broken away in parts. Diam. 94". Pl. XXVIII.
r inches
o A 5
Carved Wooden Block N. v. xvi. oor.
N. XII. 1. I. Fr. of label-like tablet with pointed end. Obv. two Il. Khar. faded, but clear. Rev. blank. Good condition. 3i x I".
N. xu. i. 2. Wooden double bracket. Carved in relief. Side ornament : From top, plain moulding. Band of saw-
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