国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
N. xrv. oox. Shallow wooden bowl. Bottom a little convex inside and hollow below. Warped into oval shape. On base a circular groove within which is inscribed a Svastika with cross-lines on the ends. H. I*"-2/"; diam. 74" x 81"; thickness .g".
N. xrv. 002. Wheat in husk. N. xxv. 003. Grains of wheat.
N. xxv. 004. Conical head-gear like a Phrygian cap. Made of carefully gored yellow felt. Much destroyed in centre, but point and lower edge well preserved. Five segmental strips to upper part, c. 4" wide at lower ends. Lower 5" made of two horizontal strips only. H. c. 14"; lower diam. c. 8".
N. xxv. 005. Strip of leather document, with Khar. characters. 2" x
N. ray. oo6. Fr. of small pottery vessel, ' amphora' shape (found W. of N. xtv),. Small mouth with sharp offset lip. Round shoulder, two incised lines. Flat horizontal handle on shoulder. Wheel-made. Hard baked, grey clay. Brown, slightly lustrous glaze outside. Of same nature as modern brown stone-ware ; glaze prob. an
accidental smear formed in firing and not a salt glaze. Chinese. H. belly to mouth 2k"; diam. of mouth c. I"; diam. of belly c. 3". Pl. XxxVI.
XIV. 007. Fr. of hand-made pottery in purple-brown clay, with many white granulations. Pattern on exterior of lines incised diagonally, bounded by incised line. 2j" x 2"; thickness â". Pl. XXXVI.
xxv. oo8. Bronze arrowhead. Three flanges cut back to form barbs. Socketed to take shaft. Triangular depression between flanges, perhaps to secure shaft. Point corroded. Length along shaft line Ii-"; do. barb edges Ii"; barb point to barb point h". Pl. XXIX.
xxv. oog. Bronze disc, with oblong hole near edge, through which passes flat strip bent over and riveted. Apparently riveted to leather ; possibly part .of fringe of cuirass, in which case the disc would dangle free. I*" x A" ; strip I r long ; r-r" wide ; A." thick. Pl. XXix.
xxv. ooxo. Rectang. bronze plate, very thin. Two holes by one edge (" diam.). Perhaps piece of scale armour. TA" x j".
xxv. ooxi. Bronze plate, like N. xiv. oozo. iffy" x
13" Ta•
N. xrv. iii. oor. Three frs. of silk, pale green, faded pink, and dark blue. All somewhat discoloured by dirt, but the green otherwise in good condition. Green 7i" x I "; pink 21." x ir; blue 4-i" x Ir.
N. xxv. iii. ooz. Strip of goat's hide with hair still covering one end and adhering also in few scattered patches. Stitch-marks along upper edge for attachment of another strip, part of which remains. In middle of big strip two holes cut, one I" above the other, and semicircular piece (diam.") taken out of edge above. 9i" X 3".
N. xxv. iii. oos. Fr. of buff felt, ragged, very soft. C. 10" X 3f".
N. xxv. iii. 004. Three frs. of woollen material, thick, firm (as L.A. Iv. 003 and L.A. vl. ii. 0027); yellow ground inwoven with dark brown in parts. From remains on two frs. (which perhaps join) pattern seems to consist of parallel stripes of dark brown at least 5" apart, united by cross-lines 1" wide of the same colour, alternating regularly with equal lines of yellow ground. Third fr. not large enough to give idea of pattern. Longest fr. lo" x c. 7'. Also piece of goat's-hair rope 2' 5" long.
N. xxv. iii. oos. Piece of woollen string, brown and white, three ply, each consisting of strands of two threads. Length r4. "; thickness about s".
N. xxv. iii. 006. a. Hank of thick yellow silk thread. Threads are doubled, and near doubled end a light thread is sewn through hank to separate the up thread from the
down. Tag of whitish and of red felt is attached to this dividing thread. (Thread analysed by Dr. Hanausek.) Length of hank 2' 8".
xxv. iii. 006. b. Frs. of canvas-like woollen fabrics in yellow, buff, and pink. (Determined by Dr. Hanausek.) Gr. M. 17"
xxv. iii. 006. c. Fr. of wool felt of loose texture. Natural buff colour, on which is sewn kind of wave scroll pattern in thin crimson felt. 4" x 6r.
xrv. iii. 008. d. Fr. of pile carpet. Construction as in L. A. vI. ii. 0046, but without back tufts; is more loosely made and warp a looser yarn. Weft is only of two strands, so that pile wool is not so completely embedded and is visible at back. There are two rows of weaving to each row of pile. Pile is about I" long, 5 to inch vertically, and to transversely. Pattern nearly all missing. Colours present, brilliant crimson, bright blue, dark blue, deep brown, saffron and white, much worn. Gr. M. 12" x 6k".
. xxv. iii. 006. e. Two frs. of plaited woollen braid, light red, I " wide ; another of stronger red of same texture but closer and less elastic, edges not remaining, but prob. a wider braid ; strip of crimson wool fabric much frayed out ; and frs. of usual red fabric and light buff felt. Gr.
M. 13"
N. xxv. iii. 006. f. Miscellaneous frs. of fabrics, including small rags of dark blue felt ; fr. of dark grey fabric, usual texture ; strip of green silk ; fr. of buff silk
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