国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
262 | THE NIYA SITE | [Chap. VI |
antiquity: Cover 5â" x 2i"; seal cay. x Ii") with
strings and clay filling. Sq. impression intact. Elephant advances R. with trunk lowered, end curled inwards; outline of back rendered by series of dots. Above head and back are a few strokes apparently meaningless. Summary work. Same design as on N. xxrv. viii. 95. Cov.-tablet : Obv. two Il. Khar. above seal.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. Hard and well preserved. 6g" x 2" X I". Pl. XX.
N. xxrv. viii. 87. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; strings tied underneath ; probably opened and re-closed in antiquity. Cov.-tablet : Obv. seal cay. (2i" x Itsg") bearing three seal impressions. Middle impression failed showing only part of border. L. impression same as L. impression (i) on N. xxiv. viii. 85, but not very clear. R. impression same as R. impression (iii) on same (cf. also N. xxrv. 71, 72, 76), but only R. side of seal has taken. Two 11. Khar. very faint and much encrusted with sand on each side of seal. 7 " x 3" x fig" to 4".
N. xxrv. viii. 88. Rectang. double tablet, opened. Seal cay. (ii" x I ") empty ; string lost. Cov.-tablet : Obv. above seal, two 11. Khar. ; below seal, two 11. Khar., clear. Rev. six 11. Khar., clear.
Under-tablet : Obv. six 11. Khar., clear. Rev. four 11. Khar. (one almost effaced) running along tablet, to R. end ; one 1. Khar. (small) running across tablet towards L. end. Good condition. Tablets possibly are not a pair. 6"x 2t"XI".
N. xxiv. viii. 8g. Rectang. double tablet. Complete, unopened. Cov.-tablet : Obv. seal cay. (i 8" x 1"), seal destroyed. Across one end two 11. Khar.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. 94" x 3" x 4" to I."
N. xxiv. viii. 9o. Rectang. double tablet. Opened and loosely re-tied in antiquity. Seal cay. (i" x i") empty. Cov.-tablet : Obv. three 11. Khar. across one end.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. 7" x 2g" x in to d".
N. xxiv. viii. 91. Rectang. double tablet, unopened, with cover (54" x 2r). Seal cay. (2i" x Ii-") with strings intact. Cov.-tablet : Obv. clay seal, two impressions. (i) sq.; within broad border of cross-hatching, stag fallen on fore-knees; (ii) nearly circular; debased design (lotus bud?), narrow rayed border. Three 11. Khar. to R. of cay., black but somewhat obscured. To L. of cay., one 1. Khar. Under-tablet: Rev. two cols. Khar., nine short Il. in first; three in second ; much faded and encrusted. Hard and well preserved ; much spotted with encrustation. 8" X 2g" x 4" to i". Pl. xx.
N. xxrv. viii. 92. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; unopened, but two strings broken. Cov.-tablet : Obv. seal cay. (i" x 14") with seal bearing same impression as N. xxiv. viii. 82 (1). Only one end has taken. Three 11. Khar. across one end.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. Good condition. 74" x 2â"Xigto E.
N. xxiv. viii. 93. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; unopened, but two strings broken. Cov.-tablet : Obv. seal cay. (r*" sq.) has seal in pink clay, damaged at one edge, with same Chinese impression as N. xxrv. viii. 74 and N. xxxvIr. i. 2. Across one end one and a half 11. Khar. faint.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. Wood hard. 98"X3 "X fig" to I".
N. xxiv. viii. 94. Rectang. double tablet, unopened (cover 9iV x 3$"). Cov.-tablet: Obv. seal cay. (Ii" X rite") with strings intact. Red clay, impression from circular metal intaglio. On R. standing male (?) fig., front ; L. hand held free, holds curved bow (?) resting on ground, R. hand free by side ; between legs two lines (ends of stole ?) ; on head, circular nimbus. To L. seated fig. R. on cross-legged chair ; wears circular nimbus and close-fitting dress with close folds ; R. hand behind by side, L. arm extended and bent vertically at elbow. Rude style. Below seal, one 1. Khar., clear ; above seal, two 11. encrusted. See Desert Cathay, i. Fig. 95, 5. 9" X 3g" x ig" to g".
N. xxrv. viii. 95. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; unopened. Cov.-tablet : Obv. seal cay. Imo" sq. Grey clay bearing same device as N. xxiv. viii. 86. Dots along back of elephant (advancing R.) and marks in field faint. Above seal, two 11. Khar., below seal, one 1. Khar., faint and sand-encrusted.
Under-tablet : Rev. apparently blank. Much sand-encrusted. Good condition. 7â" x 31" x An to Ii".
N. xxrv. viii. 96. Rectang. double tablet. Found opened. Cov.-tablet Obv. seal cay. I;g"x I3g"; grey clay, two impressions (i) circular ; eagle, highly conventionalized ; (ii) oval ; human fig. wearing circular nimbus, tunic, and stole crossed on breast (?) with streamers to ground. Body front, legs profile, advancing R. R. arm slightly away from side, hand holding knife (?); L. arm raised and bent at elbow, hand holds object like double sack-purse (of Kubera?). Object, possibly sword, suspended by strap from R. thigh. Debased work showing Roman influence. Above seal, three 11. Khar., below seal, two 11., black and clear. Rev. one 1. Khar., clear.
Under-tablet : Obv. eight 11. Khar., very clear. Rev. blank. Cover 54" x 3" ; tablet 7â" x 3" x 4" max. Pl. xx, XXIII.
N. xxiv. viii. oar. Fr. of coarse buff fabric, gathered very fully into band of same. Lower edge ragged, prob. torn off large piece. Condition bad. Another gathered piece, 41" long, band of which is gone. Also small frs. of loose fabric, salmon and red, and ball (4" diam.) of I" to 2" frs. of buff thread. Chief fr., length of band I I,i" ; depth of band 4"; depth of frill' 3g".
N. xxiv. viii. 002. a, b. Two frs. of tanned leather of irregular shape, with bit of leather thong z' 6" long.
N. xxiv. viii. 003. Fr. of rug (darr:). Satin weave. In bands of pattern, of which the only one completely shown is composed of a diamond in light buff with brown madder
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