国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
centre dot, on a ground of brown madder, divided from the next repeat by two vertical parallel lines with ends curling away from each other, in buff. Above and below, the brown is bordered by a solid chevron of scarlet, counterchanging with a similar pattern in buff. Beyond this, on one side is a band of some indistinguishable pattern in bright blue and orange. Loosely woven.
68" x 28"
N. xxiv. viii. 004. Flat strip of wood, like N. xxcv. oo6, q. v. Near one end, three triangular nicks are cut in one edge and two in the other (opposite to the two furthest from end). 2 28" x fin x 8".
N. xxiv. viii. 005. Oblong wooden block. Down middle five holes (â" to 2") are pierced. Across one edge two slanting saw-cuts i " deep, marking direction of holes. 78"xI "to IrXs".
N. xxiv. viii. oo6. Short wooden stick, with raised central collar r 18" long; on either side of which has been a belt (? of metal). Peg from some instrument. s8" x fu" to 8" (in middle).
N. xxiv. viii. oo7. Wooden stick, slightly thickened towards one end, then tapering down gradually to rounded end. 18" x -12-g" to â".
N. xxxv. viii. oo8. Wooden stick, like N. xxiv. viii. oo7. I 48" X 8" to
N. xxiv. viii. oog. Wooden strip like N. xxiv. viii. 62. Edges on one side rounded off. Both ends broken. On one edge two groups of two notches, and opposite them on other edge two groups of four and three notches. I O " x g" x A".
N. xxiv. viii. ooxo. Wooden stick, tapering gradually to each end from its thickest point at one-third of its height.
N. xxvi. i. I. Rectang. under-tablet. Blank. Wood soft. '4E x 48" X 2".
N. xxvi. i. 2. Oblong tablet, pierced in one corner. Obv. three cols. Khar. of four II. each (?), and two longer 11. Writing very faint. Rev. five cols. Khar. of three or four 11. each. Writing very faint. Soft but well preserved. 88" x I" X T".
N. xxvi. i. 3. Oblong tablet, pierced in one corner ; in hole is fr. of folded cloth as tape. Obv. one 1. Khar., very faint. Rev, four (or five ?) 11. Khar. Well preserved but soft. 58" x r 8" x â" to I".
N. xxvi. i. 4. Rectang. cov:tablet. Obv. seal cay. (r" x xi") with sq. impression. Round-bodied narrow-necked vase ; from its base two long palm-leaves spring outwards and curve up, framing design; from mouth two similar but short leaves curve out and up, with a third (or a flower ?) between them. Stiff poor work. No inscr. Rev. four 11. Khar., very faint. Soft and sand-encrusted. 51" x 2r x r to 8". Pl. XX, XXIII.
At thinner end a hole. Prob. needle for carpet-work. Cf. N. xxxviii. i. ooI. Io8" x $" to A".
N. xxxv. viii. ooII. Wooden stick, trimmed round, plain but slightly curved. Sq. hole (8" diam., i3" deep) let into one end. Handle for instrument such as a drill. 9" x 3".
N. xxiv. viii. 0012. Wooden peg, with raised central collar. Cf. N. xxiv. viii. oo6 and xxxvii. ii. ooi. 38" x 156" to TV.
N. xxxv. viii. 0013. Wooden mouse-trap. Spearhead-shaped flat piece of wood, pierced with large hole, 18" diam. at widest part. A V-shaped channel traverses almost the whole length. Near hole, six small peg-holes. At upper end, a seventh. In use the large hole is placed over mouse-hole or run. In passing through, the mouse releases check and causes an arrow to be discharged along the V-shaped channel at himself. Cf. N. xI[I. iii. oor and Anc. Kholan, ii. Pl. LXXIII, N. xix. 2. 151" X 38" to IN' x 3".
N. xxiv. viii. 0014. Fr. of buff leather, cut off corner of a rectangular piece. Sides measure 6" x 2" ; thickness
N. xxiv. viii. 0015. Stick of cherry (1) wood, with bark on. One end cut neatly to a wedge. 7r x
N. xxiv. ix. I. Half of oblong tablet. V-shaped notch across long side. Obv. two 11. Khar., very clear. Rev. blank. 3$" x 1" x".
N. xxiv. x. 1. Oblong tablet, with one end wedge-shaped. Obv. blank. Rev. traces of Khar. inscr. Surface soft and
bleached. 118" x x A".
N. xxiv. x. oox. Wooden fire-stick (female), like L.A. v. ii. I. Four holes along each edge of one side. See Joyce, in Man, xi. 3, 24, Fig. 6. 4r X
N. xxvi. i. 5. Rectang. cov.•tablet, with empty seal cay. (r8" x it"). Obv. blank. Rev. two 11. Khar., indistinct. Fairly preserved. 48" x 2-x 8" to 30.
N. xxvi. i. 6. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. five 11. Khar., faint. Rev. blank. Chipped. Wood rotten. 74" x 23" X
N. xxvi. i. 7. Oblong tablet with wedge-shaped ends, Hole near one end. Both sides covered with Khar. writing, very faint. Much encrusted with sand and plastered with straw. I 23" x 2r x
N. xxvi. i. 8. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. two 11. Khar., very faint. Rev. blank. Surface rotten. Point broken. 7$" X I$" X
N. xxvi. i. ow. Bone seal, oblong in section. Pierced. On sq. sides : (i) a lion advancing R. ; (ii) a rabbit seated upright, L. On oblong sides : (i) seated monkey L. ; (ii) obscure. Deeply but badly cut. 3" sq. x 3". Pl. XXIX.
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