国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
clear. Condition very fair. Obv. surface sand-encrusted, and one corner worn away. 4° x 3° x
N. xxix. i. 15. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. seven 11. Khar., indistinct. Rev. blank. Hard, but worn. 71N" x 21( X *".
N. xxix. i. 16. Rectang. cov: tablet, with seal cay.
(I}' x ii') empty. Obv. on one side of cay., one 1.
Khar., faint. Rev. six Il. Khar., clear. Excellently preserved. 6' x 31' x r to g".
N. xxix. ii. I. Oblong tablet, pierced at one end. Blank. Good condition. 6i x i/5g" x ".
N. xxix. ii. 2. Oblong tablet, pierced in one corner. Blank. Fairly preserved. 5" x I".
N. xxix il. 3. a, b. Double-wedge tablet, complete,
opened. Seal cay. (Igx i") empty. Cov.-tablet :
Obv. one 1. Khar. at sq. end, one 1. point side of cay., trace of usual character near point. Rev. blank.
Under-tablet : Obv. three 11. Khar., faint and encrusted. Rev. blank. Hard and well preserved. 15}" x 2j' x to i ".
N. xxix. ii. ooi. a. Wooden fire-stick (female), like L.A. v. ii. I. Corners rudely bevelled. At one end a hole pierced right through. Seven fire-holes along one side and the beginnings of one on the other side. This was passed through ring of goat's-hair rope belonging to N. xxix. ii. oat. b. See Joyce in Man, xi. 3, 24, Fig. j. 6r° X I" x c. I" PI. XXVIII.
N. xxix. ii. ool. b. Stick warped into a V. At each end a wide notch, in one of which a piece of goat's(i')hair rope is attached by the usual method of separating the strands. When found, the fire-block N. xxix. ii. ooi. a. was passed through a loop in the rope. Possibly handle for thong of fire-drill, but more probably a ' dead-eye' or primitive pulley for hauling rope. Cf. N. xxiv. 002. H. of bow ziß'; diam. stick r to r; across ends 2'. Pl. XXVIII.
N. xxix iv. i. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. rg" from sq. end seal cay. (IA" x I g") with remains of seal. Point side of seal, Svastika is cut. No writing visible. Rev. blank. Bad condition. 8r x ii x '.
N. xxix. iv. 2. Rectang. under•tablet; with hole in L. top corner. Obv. twelve 11. Khar., black and very clear, except in extreme R. top corner. Rev. blank. Good condition. i 5r X 41" x r.
N. M. i. I. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. three 11. Khar. Rev. one 1. Khar. by sq. end, and scratched Svastika 31." from point. Condition good. 14" x 2i" X8'.
N. xxx ii. I. Wedge under-tablet. Wood perished and bleached. (Broken and glued.) 14" x 21," x
N. xxx-xxxii. ooi. Bronze ring, with fiat bezel. In-
cised design. Diam. x 4". Pl. XXIX.
N. xxx-xxxii. 002. Steatite handle, sq. in section, of some implement. Pierced, and flattened at end. Broken. it long x r sq., and j" x r (at end). PI. XXIX.
N. xxx-xxxri. 003. Blue glass bead, faceted lentoid. Threaded with bronze wire. I" x fig" sq. to it" sq.
N. xxx-xxxii. 004. Pyramidal lignite seal, pierced through apex. On base intaglio face L., roughly cut. AN sq. ; r high. Pl. XXIX.
N. xxxv. ooi. Wooden comb, round-topped like L. A. VIII. ool. H. 2r ; length of teeth r; width 2g"; thickness gig" ; seven teeth to 1".
N. xxxv. 002. Flat piece of wood. One end sq., the other narrower end wedge-shaped. By this end chip off one side. Near end two parallel saw-cuts, ?g" deep, AT" apart. Nearer broad end a hole AT" diam. 51" x Ig" x ".
N. xxxv. 003. Bronze ring. Lozenge-shaped section. Ends beaten together. Diam. i-'g".
N. xxxv. 004. Round bronze button, with boss projecting from within a raised ring on the face. Behind, two hoops. Face -" x "; diam. hoops fig"; thickness hoops t ". Pi. XXIX.
N. xxxv oos. Curved bronze rod, sq. in section. One end beaten out flat, other end broken. Rod c. j" x" X TV ; flat part I" x r x 4".
N. xxxv. 006. Pendant of glass and silver. Round convex piece of pale green glass, set in round silver mounting. Flat back. Round edge, row of hollow silver bulbs. Two small rings on back to take a rod, and a loop
for suspension. Diam, ' ; diam. of glass fg". Pl.
N. xxxv i I a, b. Double-wedge tablet, complete. Cov.-tablet Obv. 21" from sq. end seal cay. (I$' x empty. By sq. end one 1. Khar. By point usual character, Rev. blank.
Under-tablet : Obv. four II. Khar. Rev. one L Khar. at sq. end. Wood hard but twisted. '4" x 2" X tr to fig'.
N. xxxvii. i. I. Oblong tablet, much encrusted with sand and plastered with straw. Obv. traces of Khar. writing. Rev. three Il. Khar., faint and obscured. 18*" x I" x ".
N. xxxvii. 1. 2. Rectang. cov.•tablet. Obv. seal cay. (1}' x Ig°) with damaged seal of pink clay bearing same Chinese impression as N. xxiv. viii. 74 and 93. Across end two 11. Khar. faint, Rev. three Il. Khar., faint, upper
line almost effaced. Wood hard. 4i" x 31' x I g" to -A". Pl. XXIII.
N. xxxvn. i. 3. Wedge cov..tablet. Obv. 2*" from sq. end seal cay. OA" 1V') with remains of seal. No writing. Rev. one 1. Khar., faint. Surface soft. r 5" x
N. xxxvii. i. 3. a. Fr. of wedge cov.•tablet, L. end.
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