国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
268 | THE NIYA SITE | [Chap. VI |
Wooden buckle, consisting of sq. head with oblong central hole through which a strap passed from above, and a long longue-shaped piece, at the lower end of which is a groove and hinge-hole for a tongue (pointing downwards) ; transversely across the tongue-groove is a rectangular slit through which a strap passed from behind and was held by the tongue. Probably the breast-piece of harness of riding-horse. Upper surface is rounded, lower flat but worn by friction. an x x" Xi'. Pl. XXVIII.
Wooden spindle whorl. H. r ; hole fu" diam. ; diam. 2".
Thick rope of corn-stalks, wound in circle. Perhaps for wearing on head when carrying burden. Ends have come apart. Diam. 8' x 81".
Broad piece of matting, very flat split rush. Cf. T. XII. 0024. - Io" X 9 ".
N. oog. Holdfast of fiat bronze, folded over into a loop at head : shaft double. Loop wider than rest. $' x At to 3" X
N. ooxo. Bronze bell of ' grelot ' type. Suspension ring broken, and clapper gone. Cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIV, N. 0012. a. Diam. $" x". PI. XXIX.
N. ooxx. White pebble, pierced for bead. Water-worn, and two sides flattened to make it a rude cylinder. Diam.
N. ooxn. Bronze ring, with broad flat bezel. Intaglio design worn and indistinct. Cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LI, D.K. 004 ; Pl. LII, N. 0014. g. Diam. of ring r ; bezel X 1". Pl. XXIX.
N. 0013. Small strip of plate bronze. Round one end, sq. the other. Hole at each end. -"x ~a". Pl. XXIX.
N. 0014. Cowrie shell, pierced for suspension. Found about SE. group of ruins. Length r.
N. 00x5. Lignite seal (found about SE. group of ruins). Two sq., four oblong sides. Pierced with AN hole. Scratches on oblong sides ; on one sq. side rectilinear
quartering, on other apparently four Chinese Seal characters, undetermined. i' sq. x 8". Pl. XXIX.
N. 0016. Fr. of turquoise matrix, found at NW. group. 1° x I'.
N. 00x7. Bronze nail, sq. in section with octagonal flat head. Head E x -" x ' ; length r.
N. 0018. Bead of blue glass, small cylindrical, found at NW. group. Aft long;" diam.
N. 00x9. Lentoid bead, of opaque white stone, found at NW. group. i° x fig' to A'.
N. 0020. Sq. bronze seal. Much split with corrosion. . ° x â". Handle broken. PI. XXIX.
N. 0021. Spherical cornelian bead. Diam. .
N. 0022. Octagonal bronze ring. Flat one side, edges bevelled the other. Inside diam. "; thickness iff" x
N. 0023. Fr. of bronze orn. Curved strip orn. with two punched circles. Undulating edge. Gr. M. A' ; Gr. width A".
N. 0024. Round bronze wire, short curved piece of, with
button end. Gr. M. A'; diam. ; diam. button }".
N. 0025. Wedge under-tablet ; a large piece has been split off surface and sq. end. Obv. end of two 11. Khar. visible near point. Rev. blank. Excellent preservation. Received on Oct. 15, 1906. 9i' x
N. 0026. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; opened. Cov. tablet : Obv. seal cay. (I- x I', one side broken away. Seal defaced. Across one end two 11. Khar. very faint. Rev. four I1. Khar.
Under-tablet : Obv. five 11. Khar., faint. Rev. blank.
3-14# x
N. 0030. Jigda stick, hard but much split. No bark. 23' X I .
N. oo3x. Mulberry wood stick (ujme), hard but much split. No bark. 2I " X I$".
N. 0036. Bronze ring, with flat bezel whereon roughly incised linear design. Hoop broken. (Found by Ibrahim, SE. group.) Diam. ". Pl. XXIX.
N. Ibr. 1. Oblong tablet, pierced at wedge-shaped end. Obv. (rounded) traces of three 11. Khar. Rev. blank. Surface destroyed. 5' x I'
N. Ibr. oox. Rectang. double tablet, complete ; opened. Said to have been found by Ibrahim in r 904 at N. xrv. Seal cay. (x 'x ") empty. Cov.-tablet : Obv. blank. Rev. four 11. Khar., rubbed in parts.
Under-tablet : Obv. nine 11. Khar., clear, save where rubbed. Rev. blank. Well preserved. 7 -' x 2'.
N. Ibr. 002. Oblong tablet, with slightly curved ends, one pierced ; corner by hole neatly cut out. Obv. four 11.
Khar., barely traceable. Rev. blank. Fairly hard, but bleached. 4' x I" x c. i'.
N. Ibr. 003+ 008. Rectang. double tablet. Cov. tablet : Empty seal cay. 1}' xi". Obv. blank. Rev. six 11. Khar., clear. Badly warped and discoloured.
Under-tablet : Obv. seven 11. Khar., clear except at ends. Rev. blank. 9k" x 2f"
N. Ibr. 004. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. traces of four 11. Khar., very faint. Rev. blank. Much corroded. 8'xI"X}'.
N. Ibr. 005. a, b. Rectang. double tablet, complete;
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