国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
E. ooII. Glass appliqué fr., pear-shaped, yellowish-white, translucent, detached from glass vessel. Found ro. xi. o6. Gr. M.A".
E. 0012. Glass fr. from edge of vessel ; amber-coloured, translucent. No om. Found ro. xi. o6. Gr. M. é", thickness s".
E. 0013. Glass fr. from edge of vessel ; blown glass, amber- coloured. Found r o. xi. o6. Gr. M. f", thickness ".
E. 0014. Fr. of bronze ring. Broadened and flattened for bezel, elsewhere ribbed across. Found ro. xi. o6.
Ta"X II" toi6"X "
E. 0015. Fr. of white jade ring. Inside circular, outside octagonal. Found ro. xi. o6. â" x 215 x
E. 0016-0020. Five frs. of bronze rings. Plain, sq. or flat in section. Found• ro. xi. o6. Section ilg" x lengths from i" to a" ; orig. diam. c. a".
E. 0021. Hollowed bronze disc pierced in centre. Found 8. or 9. xi. o6. Diam. xi", thickness A", h. r.
E. 0022. Brown paste bead, flattened spheroid. Found 8. or 9. xi. o6. Diam. A"
E. 0024. Bronze nail, much corroded. Length e".
E. 0026. Fr. of bronze appliqué plate, prob. from harness. Traces of two rivets. Corroded. Gr. length t", gr. width t".
E. 0027. Bronze strap ring, irregularly elliptical. Lozenge-shaped in section. Pin missing. ii" x â°.
E. 0028. Three frs. of plate bronze, one with hole. From appliqué orns. (?). Corroded. Gr. M. f r.
E. 0029, a-c. Bronze frs.: (a) binding of dagger-blade, from base of handle. Outer side orn. with cross grooves. Length", width â" ; (b) and (c) two small bronze rings. Outer diam. e" and a".
E. 0030. Bronze tang, expanded and corroded. Length T6•
E. 0031. Bronze plate fr. Irregular shape, with incised concentric rings for inlay work. i" sq.
E. 0032. Bronze rivet with quatrefoil orn. head. Behind, short shank (under s"), topped by large flat circular stud head of almost same diam. as quatrefoil. Quatrefoil }4" sq. Pl. xxIx.
E. oo33. Fr. of glass rod, moulded and bent, greenywhite glass. Raised ridge along middle ; apparently part of floriate handle (?) of vessel. Length r", diam. 1".
E. 0034. Spherical yellow pebble, unpierced. Diam.
1 ",
E. 0085. Eight beads : one cylindrical, blue glass with three yellow rings. Rolled from plate and ill-joined, cf. E. Fort. 007. 1" x r; one spheroid, white glass gilt. Diam. g"; one double-spheroid, dark blue paste. Length c. $",
gr. diam. ; one fr. of yellow paste bugle. Length i° ;
one spheroid, red cornelian. Diam. Ç" ; two spheroid, turquoise blue patte. Diam. c. A" and $" ; one spheroid, dull bluish glass. Diam.
E. v1. 001. Pierced shale disc. Spinning whorl (?). Diam. ri", thickness c. â".
E. vr. 002. Lump of crystalline quartz. Gr. M. 4". E. vr. 003. Strip of buff leather. 2e" x r â"
E. v1. 004. Bundle of mixed wool. Pink, crimson, yellow, and blue.
E. v1. 005. Pouch of buff felt, one piece folded and sewn. 4-k" x 2r.
E. vr. 006. Pad of buff felt, made of two pieces ; the thinner folded on both sides of, and sewn to, the thicker. 2â'" X 3r.
E. v1. ooq. Strip of thin buff leather, irregular shape. Gr. M. 6e".
E. v1. 008. Strip of buff leather. 2e" x r".
E. vi. oog. (Sadak's find.) Irregular oblong tablet. Obv. two columns (9 and 3 1I.) Khar., faded. Rev. Khar. words scribbled at random, writing clear. Well preserved. 9s" X 4i" X;u".
E. v1. ooio. a-c. Two fire-sticks (a and b), female (cf. L. A. v. ii. r), in a canvas bag (c) :-(a) has six hearths
along one side, and a hole bored into one end, to join which hole a second is pierced from side opposite to hearths. One side split off. 5r x I r )(in; (b) like (a) exactly, but has five hearths finished and two begun. 6" x I " x . "; (c) narrow bag of canvas with pointed end ; several folds thick ; roughly stitched. 6i" x 2" to 2" diam. Cf. Joyce in Man. xi. 3. 24. Pl. XXVIII.
E. v1. 0012. Cowrie shell with back cut or worn off for threading. Length H".
E. v1. 0013. Glass fr. from edge of vessel; cloudy yellow, edge rounded. On outer surface part of an oval ground hollow. Gr. M. I g°, thickness s" to ic," ; orig. diam. c 3".
E. vi. ooz4. a-c. Three beads : (a) double spheroid of pale blue opaque glass. Diam. r ; (b) spheroid of blue
translucent glass. Diam. " ; (c) flattened spheroid of
gilt glass. Cf. E. Fort. 007. Diam. ii,".
E. v1. 0015. Pottery fr. from vase. Clay hard and pink. Slightly lustrous grass-green glaze on both sides, almost eroded away outside. Gr. M. I", thickness
E. v1. 0016. Pointed strip of yellow felt. 9° x xi" (max.).
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