国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Altertume, pp. 123, 125. Greenish-white glass. 21" X 2", thickness ? " to $", orig. diam. c. 3". Pl. XXXVI.
E. Fort. 0012. Frs. of' woollen fabric, dark blue. Various weaves : Plain cloth, plain corded ; plain twill ; fancy twill forming lozenge pattern, sewn in places with hemp (?) thread. Also pieces of loose buff woollen thread ; and frs. of similar undyed fabric. All very perished. Found W. of gate, to. xi. o6. Analysed by Dr. Hanausek. Gr. length I3f".
E. Fort. 0013. Frs. of brown woollen fabric. Remains of sewing with hemp (?) thread. Fr. of blue silk attached to piece of brown fabric. Plain weave, but weft thicker than warp. Found W. of gate, 1o. xi. o6. Analysed by Dr. Hanausek. Gr. length 13".
E. Fort. 0014. Four frs. of coarse woollen braid, red, attached to buff felt. Found W. of gate, to. xi. o6. Analysed by Dr. Hanausek. Gr. length 27".
E. Fort. 0015. Fabric frs. Three of fine buff silk, one with lozenge damask pattern ; two, blue silk ; one, silk yarn waste, bound round into cord by crimson silk fabric. Found W. of gate, to. xi. o6. Gr. M. 6".
E. Fort. 0016. Fr. of buff woollen (?) fabric, plain weave, much decayed. Found W. of gate, Io. xi. o6. Length c. 8".
E. Fort. 0017. Fr. of flat cord made of two plaits of hair string, fastened side by side by string stitching. Found W. of gate, I o. xi. o6. 5" 1" x 1".
E. Fort. 0018. Bundle of mixed rags, including braid, darn*, small frs. of blue silk, and loose yarn. ' All the
E. Stûpa. o01. Glass fr., cloudy, pale yellow-green. On outside raised bar, applied slip. Gr. M. I â", thickness
1 "
E. Stûpa. 002. Fr. of blown-glass vessel, cloudy, pale green. Raised bar on outside, applied slip. Gr. M. a", thickness 8"; orig. diam. c. If".
E. Stûpa. 003. Glass fr., dark blue, cloudy, fused. 8" x"x•".
E. Stûpa. 004. Bead, cylindrical, blue glass. Length h", diam. h".
E. Stûpa. 005. Bronze buckle ring, semicircular ; pin missing. Base $", h. from base
E. Stûpa. oo6. Bead, fr. of, green glass, spherical. Gr. M.
5 r •
E. Stûpa. on. Bronze ' grelot ' bell, complete. Cf.
fabrics are of silk or wool, and contain no vegetable fibre.' Found at foot of rampart, 9. xi. o6. Analysed by Dr. Hanausek. Gr. M. 9".
E. Fort. 0019. Oval bronze bezel of ring. Intaglio design, indistinct. ti' x A".
E. Fort. 0020. Pottery fr. from vase of grey, comparatively fine, clay, fired hard, covered each side with dull mottled green glaze. Gr. M. IV', thickness I".
E. Fort. 0021. Fr. of blown-glass vessel, translucent yellowish-white, with design in relief slip-work. Gr. M. Z", thickness A".
E. Fort. 0022. Bronze shield-shaped plate with three pin-holes. Two broken projections on straight edge.
Tongue of belt. IV" X X Ag". Pl. XXIX.
E. Fort. 0023. Fr, of hollow bronze object, apparently a bell with projecting ring at top. Three small holes, prob. for clapper attachment. I " xi.. PI. XXIX.
E. Fort. 0024. Bronze disc. Smoothed on one side only, and pierced in centre. Diam. ", thickness A".
E. Fort. 0025. Bronze stud with hemispherical gilt cap and plain pin. Diam. â".
E. Fort. 0026. a-b. Fabric frs. : (a) coarse woollen fabric, dull carmine, loose irregular weave. 4" x 2" ; (b) buff silk, fine corded weave. 6r x 3".
E. Fort. 0027. a-d. Four beads : (a) cylindrical, blue glass. r x an ; (b) ring, yellow glass. g" x 1"; (c) shapeless, red cornelian. Tg" X $"; (d) cylindrical, green paste.
3 " 1" ïs x s •
Ancient Khot., ii. PI. LXXIV, N. oo12. a. Found to. xi. o6. Diam. f" x i". PI. XXIX.
E. Stûpa. 008. Bronze bell, like E. Stupa. 007. Complete. Found t o. xi. o6. Diam. i" x ig". Pl. XXIX.
E. Stûpa. ooio. Ring of bronze wire, the two ends overlapping. Round each end is wound a second piece of wire, the end coiled in a spiral on the outside, the spirals side by side. Found 1o. xi. o6. Diam. e", thickness A". PI. XXIX.
E. Stûpa. 0011. Bead, discoid, blue glass. Found 1o. xi. o6. Diam. /".
E. Stûpa. 0012. Terracotta ring-handle from vessel ; broken off and broken surface ground flat and smooth. Found 8. xi. o6. Diam. inside 4" x tr, outside 11" x g" ; width â" to I8".
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