国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
(a) inside diam. ", thickness i"; (b) 4" x ", thickness V.S. oo7, a-b. Two beads. Found 3o. xi. o6. (a) ovoid nasturtium-seed ' bead of mixed blue and green glass, x " ; (b) flat pear-shaped pendant of crystal, 14" x" x i". V.S. 008. Fr. of yellow quartzite, roughly shaped with one rounded end, other broken. Found 3o. xi. o6. z" x Ii" X c. ". V.S. oog. Pottery fr., chipped round and pierced for use as spinning-whorl. Light brown clay. Found 3o. xi. o6. Diam. r", thickness â". V.S. ooio. Pottery fr., converted into spinning-whorl as V.S. 009. Red clay. Found 3o. xi. o6. Diam. ii", thickness A". V.S. oon. Pottery fr. from bowl (?); hard buff body with thick opalescent glaze of bluish green dappled with grey. Chinese ware prob. made at Chin-chou in the time of Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. o6. r" x 4" x 4". V.S. 0012-0013. Two frs. of rim of stoneware bowl ; grey porcellaneous body with opalescent glaze, thin at the rim and thickening as it flows downwards, passing in colour from a pale brown at the edge into a dove grey ; finely crackled. Chinese Chin-chou ware of the Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. 06. I" x j" x h". V.S. 0014. Fr. of stoneware bowl (?); grey porcellaneous body with thick smooth glaze of dove-grey tint. Chinese Chin-chou ware of the Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. I-A", thickness A". V.S. oo15. Fr. of stoneware bowl (1); grey porcellaneous body with thick, faintly crackled, glaze of dull pea-green tint. Chinese Chin-chou ware of the Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. IA", thickness". V.S. 0016. Fr. of stoneware vase, fine buff clay covered on outside with thick mottled glaze of deep olive-brown. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. I", thickness a". V.S. 0017. Fr. of vase of fine grey clay, covered on outside with dull dark bronze-grey glaze. Chinese. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. ''s", thickness 4". V.S. 0018. Fr. of rim of vase, buff clay, covered on each side with dark brown glaze. Chinese. Found 3o. xi. o6. I8"XIl"Xg" 10 r. V.S. oomg. Fr. of vase, buff clay with mottled olive-brown glaze on outside. Chinese. Very similar to the modern tea-dust' glaze which is stated to be an 18th-century invention. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. 21", thickness i". V.S. 0020. Fr. of rim of vase, buff clay. Rim bends out a little. A thin smear of transparent glaze under the lip. Chinese. Found 3o. xi. o6. Ii" x g" x V.S. 0021. Fr. of rim of vase, buff clay, covered on each side with thin chocolate glaze. Chinese, prob. Sung dynasty. Found 30. xi. o6. I" X ." X *". | V.S. 0022. Fr. of high base-ring of small vase ; grey stoneware, outside unglazed, circle of brownish green celadon glaze in middle of inside. Chinese, prob. Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. o6. Diam. I é", h. $", thickness of vase A"toTy. V.S. 0023. Fr. of plate of grey porcellaneous clay with thin transparent celadon green-grey glaze on both sides; on interior, moulded floral orn. in relief. Chinese, prob. Sung dynasty. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. r4", thickness 3 " 16 V.S. 0024, a-g. Seven blown glass frs., jade-green more or less opaque. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. I8", thickness r to c. of". V.S. 0025. Handle of glass vessel, part of, opaque green, curved, elliptical in section. Found 3o. xi. o6. Length diam. c. â". V.S. 0026, a-d. Four glass beads : (a) cylindrical, opaque blue. Diam. 8" ; (b) ring, opaque blue. Diam. i"; (c) cube with corners bevelled, dark blue, translucent. Diam. "; (d) spheroid, brown, translucent. Diam. i". V.S. 0027. Stick of Chinese ink, octagonal in section, tapering. Cf. Kök-kum, oo8. Found 3o. xi. o6. 2" x 5 " i6 • V.S. 0028. Jade pendant, flat, oblong, light green. Found 3o. xi. o6. â" x 8" x ô". V.S. 0029. Glass fr., opaque brown, slightly concave. On concave side a raised line. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. I ", thickness I ". V.S. oo3o. Fr. of sulphur-coloured stone. Found 3o. xi. o6. Gr. M. I4". V.S. 0032. Quartz fr. (?), bluish-white (upper surface convex, lower concave, worked) : part of orn. Length V.S. 0034. Fr. of red cornelian. Gr. M. 4". Y.S. 0035. Bronze boss, part of, hollow with flat scalloped edge. In centre, hole, diam. s". Diam. c. V.S. 0036. Bronze weight, half of. Flat top and bottom with eight sides from which corners have been 'bevelled. Diam. each way $". V.S. 0037. Bronze weight similar to V.S. 0036, but smaller and complete. Diam. $" x h". V.S. 0038. Paste bead, fr. of cylindrical (?), with turquoise blue glaze inside and out. Length -i9i§". V.S. 0039. Fr. of ruby matrix. Gr. M. s". V.S. 0040. Paste bead, half of ring, yellow. Diam. 4". V.S. 0041. Wooden comb with two rows of teeth. One row has twenty-five teeth to I" ; the other seven. Concave ends. Cf. F. II. oo I. 3A" x z " )(iv. V.S. 0042. Bronze slag, small round lump. Diam.". V.S. 0043, a-m. Twelve nondescript bronze frs. Gr. M. Ir. | ||||
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