国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
L.A. o07. a-b. Two pottery frs. prob. from same vessel, of flaky yellow clay. Outside covered with thick deep blue-green glaze, largely flaked off. Body softer than Chinese-made ware ; prob. local make showing Western influence. (a) 3' x 2" ; (b) 4h-' x 31"; thickness
L.A. 008. Pottery fr., from hand-made jar with globular body and open mouth. Rim is nearly sq. in section and very closely overhangs body. Poorly, levigated clay, very hard fired to sealing-wax colour; surface black. Smothered' ware. 2 â" x 3" X r.
L.A. oog. Pottery fr. from neck of vase, hand-made, of poorly levigated clay, fired on an open hearth and smothered '. Incised V-shaped pattern on neck. 22" x 2"X". Pl. XXXVI.
L.A. ooio. Pottery fr. from shoulder of vessel, handmade, of poorly levigated black clay, hard and evenly fired. On shoulder, incised orn. of squares filled with diagonal hatching; below, line of tooth-pattern dividing this from plain surface. Handle has been broken off. 3' x 3' x
L.A. oo11. Pottery fr., hand-made, of ill-levigated black
clay, hard and evenly fired. 1' r.
L.A. 0012. Stucco fr. stamped with relief pattèrn, rosettes with the leaves bent as the arms of a turbine. Back flat ; front accidentally burnt. Grey clay. 2" x 11". Pl. XXXVI.
L.A. 0013. Bronze buckle with tongue on hinge. Cast bronze. Rounded with two oval lights. Found 17. xii. o6. 1'x Ii". Pl. XXXVI.
L.A. 0014. ' Fr. of bronze dagger or sword-blade. Broken close by hilt and towards point. Central rib; remains of cross-piece by attachment. Found 17. xii. o6. Length 2g", width by hilt •IE, by point end 18". Pl. XXXVI.
L.A. 0015. Bronze rivet head, smooth, circular, convex, with part of stem. Found 17. xii. o6. Diam. c. A'.
L.A. oo16. Limestone whetstone, broken, lenticular section, worn on one face, ground smooth all over. Found 17. xii. o6. Length 2 °'.
L.A. 0o17. (W. of.) Bronze arrow-head; blade triangular in section, each face slightly leaf-shaped. Hexagonal shaft formed by cutting back sq. the angles of the blade. Traces of iron tang. Triangular hollow in one side. Cf. N. of C: 123. 001, and T. 007. Condition good. Found 17. xii. o6. Length ri". Pl. XXIX.
For others similar see L.A. 0069, 0082, III. 001.
L.A. oo18. (W. of.) Jasper flake, brown; one plain face with bulb, the other with sharp transverse rib. Found 17. xii. o6. Length 1".
L.A. 001g. (W. of.) Jasper blade, mottled brown; one face ribbed, both edges worked. Found 17. xii. o6. Length Ir.
L.A. 0020. (N. of.) Circular bronze boss with orn. of pointed quatrefoil attached to centre by iron bolt. Condition fair. Shield or harness boss. Found 17. xii. o6. Diam. 34". Pl. XxxvI.
L.A. 0021. Bronze rod, condition fair. Found 18. xii. o6. 5â" x 1" x A". PI. XXXVi.
L.A. 0022. Iron bolt, pointed, rectang. in section. Found
18. xii. o6. I " x " sq.
L.A. 0023. Part of bronze hook, broken both ends; rounded outside, slightly hollowed inside; condition good. Found 18. xii. o6. Length 5'; width at straight end e", ,at curved end â". PI. XXXVI.
L.A. 0024. Bronze nail with flat round head ; stem oblong in section ; condition fair. Found 18. xii. o6. Length i", dram. of head 8".
L.A. 0025. Bronze nail as L.A. 0024 ; broken, condition bad. Found 22. xii. o6. Length é", diam. of head 1".
L.A. 0026. Bronze rivet-plate, oblong, pierced at each end ; with rivet through one hole. Condition fair. Found 22. xii. 06. I " X S".
L.A. 0027. Fr. of bronze mirror, curved edge. On back, broad plain border, row of triangular outward-pointing rays, then row of straight cross-bars, then plain band. Condition good. Found 22. xii. o6. Gr. M. Iii', thickness at edge g", thickness inside". Pl. XXIX.
L.A. 0028. Fr. of bronze mirror; cf. L.A. 0027. Broad thickened rim, no orn., condition good. Found 22. xii. o6. Gr. M. IA", thickness at edge z2", thickness inside A'.
L.A. 0029. Fr. of bronze mirror; cf. L.A. 0027. Broad thickened rim divided by groove from central plane, no orn., condition good. Found 22. xii. o6. Gr. M. 1 *", thickness at edge is', thickness inside". Pl. XXIX.
L.A. 0030. Fr. of bronze nail or rivet. Round hollow overhanging head ; pin oblong in section, divides into two. Found 22. xii. o6. Lengthfilm; diam. of head r.
L.A. oo38. Bronze bar, oblong in section, condition bad. Found 22. xii. o6. I" x *' x A'.
L.A. 0039. Bronze spatula made of small rod beaten at one end into curved sq.-ended bowl ; condition fair. Cf. L.A. 0048 and 00120. Found 22. xii. o6. Length diam. of rod ", breadth of spatula r.
L.A. 0040. Bronze bar, oblong in section, bent round into a V, with loop point ; ends beaten flat ; condition good. Found 22. xii. o6. Length of each arm ti". Pl. XXIX.
L.A. 0041. Bronze bar, oblong in section ; one' end
beaten into a hook ; condition good. Found 2 2. xii. o6. 1 aX$'X
L.A. 0042. Iron rod, slightly thicker at one end than the other ; condition bad. Tool, such as drill. Found 22. xii.
o6. X*"x".
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