国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
L.A. 00114. Lead spinning-whorl, as L.A. oo68. Diam. A", thickness ie"
L.A. 00115. Bronze rivet with hollow pyramidal head; condition fair. Length of side -k", H. of head â".
L.A. oox16. Bronze ring, with flat bezel. Traces of incised device, unrecognizable. Diam. s"x z", width é".
L.A. 00117. Lead spinning-whorl, as L.A. oo68. Diam. â", thickness TV.
L.A. oo118. Bronze ring, with setting for circular stone; condition good. Diam. â", width i" to $". Pl. xXlx.
L.A. 00119. Bronze ring, formed by bending round a flat strip narrowed at each end to a point ; condition good. Diam. "x s", width $" to 1G". Pl. XXIX.
L.A. 00120. Bronze rod, widening into curved spatula end ; broken at handle end ; cf. L.A. 0039. Condition good. Length if.", diam. re", width of spatula 36".
L.A. 00121. Bronze rod, sq. in section, spike projecting from one end ; condition good. Diam. -i", length of rod r s", of spike r.
L.A. 00122. Head of bronze rivet, round, hollow ; cf. L.A. 0025. Condition poor. Diam. -".
L.A. 00123. Bronze rivet-plate, with rivet through one end, and traces of sq. hole in the break at other end ; cf. L.A. 0026. r x g".
L.A. 00124. Fr. of bronze rod, oval in section. Length diam. â".
L.A. 00125. Lump of bronze, roughly spherical, with hole pierced in one side, perhaps for head of rivet. Diam.
3 "
Yfi •
L.A. 00126. Fr. of blown glass, from mouth of vessel; yellowish-white, translucent, plain sq. rim. Gr. M. thickness .3y,-orig. diam. c. 5".
L.A. 00127. Glass imitation gem, cut in ' cabochon', greenish, cloudy ; perhaps for appliqué on glass. s x TV x
L.A. 00128. Rounded lump of glass, green, translucent, broken ; prob. slag. 8" x A".
L.A. 00129. Wheat grains, carbonized.
L.A. 00130. Paste bead, cylindrical, opaque green.
Found 18. xii. o6. x â"
L.A. 00131. Pitch ring, rough and flat on one side, rounded and worked smooth the other. Diam. outside z", inside A".
L.A. 00132. String of twenty-five beads : z bugle of black paste with white combings; 5 flattened spheroids, translucent dark blue glass; 2 nasturtium-seed' beads, translucent greenish-white glass ; z double-spheroid, amber-coloured glass ; 2 discoids, translucent blue glass; 2 sq. bugles, opaque blue glass ; z triangular bugle, translucent green glass ; r ' nasturtium-seed' bead, opaque blue glass ; I faceted cube, blue glazed frit; z spheroid, blue, yellow,
and red millefiori glass ; z spheroid, opaque light blue glass; 3 bugles, opaque light yellow glass; it triple ring bead, blue translucent glass ; z bugle, translucent green glass; z ring bead, scored, translucent blue glass; z roughly faceted spheroid, translucent dark blue glass. Found 22. xii. o6. Gr. diam. A", gr. length fr. PI. XXIX.
L.A. 00188. Disc of horn (?), cut across the grain ; hole through centre, is to r in diam. Found 22. xii. o6. Diam. r.
L.A. 00184. Lignite seal, cubical, with broad rounded loop-handle on top. One side of the oblong stamp slightly chipped; corners rounded; design, symmetrical spirals arranged as a Svastika. 3a" x e" x i". Found 18. xii. o6. Pl. xxIx.
L.A. 00135. Paste bead, bottle-shaped, pierced lengthways but broken across, black with white spiral inlay bands. Found 22. xii. o6. Diam. TV to é", length of fr. ;V. Pl. XxIX.
L.A. o0136. String of eight beads :-z roughly spherical, cornelian ; z lentoid, faceted, pale green translucent glass ; 3 flattened spheroids, opaque blue glass; I discoid, translucent dark blue glass; 2 spheroids, light green paste ; and ring of blue-grey steatite. Gr. diam. ", gr. length r.
L.A. 00137. Lead spinning-whorl, flat disc pierced, as L.A. oo68. Found 22. xii. o6. Diam. /", thickness ".
L.A. 00138. (i mile S. of.) Fr. of shoe-sole of woven string, hard and compact, encrusted with sand and brittle. Found 20. xii. o6. 34" X Ir.
L.A. 00189. a-e. String of five glass beads :-(a) pale blue, form of carinated tumbler. Pl. XxIX ; (b) faceted lentoid, purple ; (c) spheroid, translucent blue ; (d) three-faceted bugle, amber yellow ; (e) double spheroid, amber yellow. Gr. diam. r, gr. length 1".
L.A. 0014o. Glass bead, blue spheroid. Diam. â".
L.A, 00141. String of five beads : r discoid, dark blue translucent glass ; 2 spheroids, dull grass-green paste ; r ring and z spheroid, blue-grey opaque glass. 'Gr. diam. ", gr. length ig".
L.A. 00142. Disc of white stone. Diam. , ", thickness é".
L.A. 00143. Cowrie shell ; hole pierced, 3" in diam. Length -".
L.A. 00144. Bead of red cornelian, half of spheroid, roughly cut. Diam. e"
L.A. 00145. (2 or 3 miles E. of.) Jade celt, green ;'faces polished and sides left rough ; straight cutting edge. Found by Mullah, 2o. xii. o6. See R. A. Smith in Man, xi. 6, No. 52. Length 2". Pl. XXx.
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