国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
vertically with round hole for cord. 21•° x 28° x C. r to r. Pl. xxxvI.
L.A. vi. ii. 003. Paste bead, grooved all round to make one large ball flanked by two small ; brick-red. Length 8", diam. Ts-u" to Y.
L.A. vi. ii. 004. Pottery fr., hand-made, of well-levigated black clay, liard and evenly fired ; decoration, incised parallel straight lines rather irregular. Gr. M. 2-'g", thickness ". PI. XXXVI.
L.A. v1. ii. 005. Fr. of bronze slag. Gr. M. I4".
L.A. vi. ii. 006. Fr. of neck of bronze vessel(?). Rim thickened and cut like teeth of saw ; neck perpendicular but low ; broken from shoulder. H. i", length 2", orig. diam. of neck 3h".
L.A. VI. ii. 007. Bronze bar, sq. in section, slightly curved, with anchor fluke at one end, and at the other a claw to fit round a rod. On top, orn. of notches and incised diagonals. Condition good. Length 2-A", width a " Pl. XXXVI.
L.A. VI. ii. oo8. Fr. of iron ring from harness; section sq., condition bad. Diam. if.
L.A. vi. ii. oog. Bronze rivet with triangular head. like L.A. ni. 003 ; condition fair. Length 1".
L.A. vi. ii. ooio. Bronze strap-loop of bent wire, diamond in section, prob. from light harness ; figure-ofeight shape with open middle and fiat end for sewing into strap. it x â", diam. of wire r. Pl. XXXVi.
L.A. vi. ii. ooii. Oval bronze strap-ring from harness, inside rounded, outside bevelled, sq. recess for strap Tie x r in inner rim ; condition good. Diam. r x ig", thickness c. é". PI. XXIX.
L.A. v1. ii. 0012. Fr. of open-work moulded bronze strip. Floral orn., condition fair, perhaps orn. from belt.
"s-" x *" x PI. xXIX.
L.A. VI. ii. 0013-0014. Two wooden combs with arched tops ; 0013 is fr. only, 0014 in good condition. 0013, H. (incomplete) ig", two teeth to â". 0014,H. 2", width r8", length of teeth i", four teeth to i".
L.A. VI. ii. 0015. Soapstone disc, round except on one side, where two fiat surfaces make a point ; pierced in centre ; cf. L.A. viii-IS. 002. Diam. xi", diam. of hole i g", thickness iv.
L.A. VI. ii. ooi6. Wooden handle, tip-cat-shaped, roughly rounded and tapering at each end. In centre deep groove, rudely bevelled, for attachment of rope. Length 4a", diam. 1", groove lag," x C. y. Pl. xxxv.
L.A. vi. ii. 0017-oo18. Two wooden spoons, straight; handle roughly sq. in section, spreads into thin flat rounded bowl; rudely cut. 0017, length 8", handle r sq., bowl â" thick, i r broad. 0018, length 9", handle A" x section, bowl 8•" thick, r " broad. 0017, Pl. xxxv.
L.A. vi. ii. 0019. Wooden seal-case, oblong, with edges rounded except on top. Three string-grooves, and hole
pierced through bottom of seal cay. One side of cay. broken away. Condition good. 2° X I-76"X $".
L.A. v1. ii. 0020. Wooden seal-case, as preceding, but with two string-grooves only, and cut down on one side and across ends. Hole pierced horizontally through centre. I8" sq. X I".
L.A. vI. ii. 0021. Roughly rounded wooden stick, with knob at each end ; one end tapers before knob ; handle for attachment. Length 5k", diam." to i". Pl. XXXV.
L.A. VI. ii. 0022. Wooden stick, carefully rounded but not turned. At one end rude point ; at other for 21" thinned down but not finished off, clearly for insertion in hollow holder of some kind. fr from unfinished part is black line painted all round. Wooden pen (?). Length 7r, finished part 5", diam. of finished part r, of unfinished â" to é".
L.A. vI. ii. 0023. Fr. of wooden tool (?), with button end similar to that of L.A. i. iv. 009. Length 2", diam. r. PI. xxxv.
L.A. v1, ii. 0024. Pottery disc chipped from vessel of dark grey clay, hand-made, well-levigated ; fired on an open hearth and mat-marked ; cf. L.A. 002. Diam. thickness 1-1".
L.A. v1. ii. 0025. String sandal (L.). Sole formed of thick string plaited, the plait being then coiled flat and bound together by a string passing transversely through sole. This string is prob. turned at edge and brought back, but sole is so compacted with wear that it is impossible to see clearly. Round edge of sole is series of short strings. Each is doubled and then twisted cable-wise, leaving loop at top. The ends are passed down into edge of sole and there finished off, but no knots apparent.
These strings, set close together and standing an average height of 1$", form sides of shoe. They are not continuous all round, but are set in groups of four or five where most required : i. e. on outer edge, there are three groups on side of heel and foot and remains of another outside little toe ; on inner edge, two groups on inside of heel,' one at instep (the strings here are 3"-3 long to cover joint of toes), and one at side of great toe At point of sole is another group of three, strengthened with binding of string. Through loops at top of all these another thick string was passed, crossing on front of foot, by which the whole was drawn tight and shoe fastened firmly. A loose string, hanging to group at point of sole, prob. also strengthened fastening. Under heel and toe-part of sole are patches of hide sewn with thong. Length 10*", gr. width 3$". Pl. XXXvII.
L.A. vi. ii. 0026. Leather shoe-sole (L.) and part of vamp‘; heel missing. Sole double, vamp stitched to it with fine string ; worn ; patch over little toe ; dried fruit- inside.
7rX 4$
L.A.' VI. ii. 0027. Fabric frs. ; coarse yellowish woollen material, in texture and appearance similar to L.A. iv. 003, and small fr. of fine dark red woollen (?) stuff. Yellow fabric i' 6" x i o" ; red 2" sq.
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