国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
remains of eight (Buddha ?) figs., the pillar bases coming at about level of their elbows. Too much damaged to show any detail. 3' 9" X 5° x 2" to 24". P1. XXXII.
L.B. II. 0028. Part of open.work wooden panel, with 1*" rabbet at each end ; heavy trellis-work with sq. holes set diamond-wise ; see L.B. v. 0012. I' 10" X I' 1" X 1". Pl. XXXIII.
L.B. II. 0029. Part of wooden panel, with rounded end ; cut short slantwise at other end and broken on L. Round end, inside border, filled by lozenge pattern cut by grooves and finished off by deep groove where sides become straight. Straight part divided lengthways by four extant deep grooves, which are crossed by shallow slashes diagonally from R. r' 6" X 6" X 1". PI. XXXI.
L.B. II. 0030. Half of open-work wooden panel, carved with lotus in relief, as L.B. n. 0016-0017. Warped, bleached, and split. 2' X 84" x I". Pl. XXXII.
L.B. II. 0032. Part of wooden beam, carved in relief on one side ; much sand-worn and decayed ; design of two running animals facing central fig., very indistinct. 2' 8i" 2..
L.B. L.B. II.0033-0034. Two finials in wood representing Stüpas, made after same pattern, but not a pair. At bottom is rectang. base, then drum with sides slightly concave separated by ring moulding from dome; then small rectang. member spreading out to top, which is cut flat, and spire above with five umbrellas' and ball top in 0033, seven ` umbrellas' in 0034. Sq. mortice in base for attachment. Condition fair, but wood much split. 0033, H. I' 8 ", base 41" sq. ; 0034, H. 2' 5â", base 5h" x 4". Pl. XXXII.
L.B. II. 0035. a—b. Two parts of wooden beam, carved in relief on one side. In centre, between plain raised mouldings, lozenge pattern ; outside the plain mouldings, along each edge, a moulding of 2" billets divided by cubes and marked off by a groove on each side. 2' 8" and 3' X 3" x 2k". (a) l'l. XXXI.
L.B. u. 0036-0037. Two wooden beams, carved in relief on one side. 0037 (complete) has ends mitred. Pattern, a floral scroll between plain mouldings. Starting from centre, where they interlace, two stems run one each way to ends of beam. From each spring three triple leaves filling the hollows, two below and one above in each case. At centre on either side of interlacement is small six-petalled rosette, and in angle at each end another. Below is rounded moulding carved with lozenge pattern, and beneath a plain sunk moulding. Excellent condition. 0036 differs only in that floral scroll is continuous, and that there are no rosettes. Only one end originally cut sq. Surface somewhat cracked and broken away. Both thinned behind for transport. See L.B. v. 0013. 0036, 5' ï " X zk" (orig. 4i"); 0037, 5' 7$" X 712">c 2" (orig. 5"). PI. XXXI.
For similar floral scroll, with added rosettes, cf. Strzygowski, Kopi. Kunst, p. 37, Fig. 44; also Fig. 76.
L.B. II. 0038-0045. Eight uprights of wooden balus• trade ; see *L.B. 11. 0010. 0039, 0040, 0044, Pl. XXXIII.
L.B. II. 0046-0051. Six rails of wooden balustrade; for uprights see L.B. u. 0038-0045. .Sq. in section; upper surface plain, two plain mouldings on outer side. Under-surface divided by pairs of rounded transverse mouldings into four sq. sections, in each of which is mortice for head of upright. Good condition. 2' 1"x 3" to z4" sq. 0047, 0048, 0051, Pl. XXXIII.
L.B. II, 0052. R. arm of wooden fig., in round or high relief. To elbow split off body, but forearm free. Sq. at shoulder with two -12-" dowels to fasten it. Loose sleeve with fringe at elbow, forearm bare except for bangle on wrist ; hand clenched, too much worn to show fingers. Rude work ; wood bleached and split. Length knuckles to elbow 6i", thickness r" to t. ". Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. ix. 0053. Fr. of open.work wooden panel, carved in relief with grotesque beast as L.B. u. 0011-0013 ; but wood too much decayed and split to show detail. Head, however, visible with muzzle like bull-dog's, prominent eye, and small curved horn. Tenon below. t' r r" x 8" X I". Pl. XXXIII.
L.B. II. 0054. Whiskbroom, made of grass on same principle as T. xllt. iii. 001 (q. v.), but preserved to greater length. Stick core in handle end. Length 1' PI. LII.
L.B. III. I. a-h. Four-legged wooden cupboard, oblong, carved in relief. Parts extant : (a) L. front leg, (b) strip off L. side of R. front leg (upper half), (c) L. back leg, (d) R. back leg, (e) upper strip of front panel, (f) middle strip of front panel, (g) lower strip of L. panel, (h) upper strip of L. panel. The four legs are alike ; in section, oblong, though lower half, shaped roughly like beast's leg, has angles bevelled off. Paws are in profile on wider sides both of chest and legs, facing spectator on narrower sides. Above legs three sunk grooves (on outer sides only) produce effect of architrave. In upper half of legs are two mortices (one on each inner face) to take side panels. (a), (c), and (d) have three dowel holes (4" diam.) to each mortice ; five dowels extant in (a), three in (c), and one in (d); (b) shows four dowel holes. Mortice on narrow face extends I" lower than mortice on wide face (1' zi" and x' I" respectively); and on wide face is second mortice (c. r4" x 4") with upper edge level with bottom of mortice on narrow face. This took cross-piece to support bottom of chest. Upper parts of legs (c) and (d) are plain, but wide faces of (a) and (b) are carved in low relief with two upright rows of sq. four-petalled rosettes within plain sq. lattice-work, seven to row (cf. for similar decoration the incised ivory panels in Strzygowski, Kopf. Kunst, Pl. XI, XII, XIII). Ends of panels (c. r4" thick) are rabbeted to leave tenon 4" thick. Side panels (g—h) are plain. Front panel (e f) carved in shallow relief with rows of four-petalled rosettes of irregular sizes.
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