国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Here, 3" from L. side and 2" from top, is upper part of door aperture, 81" wide. Top, bottom, back, R. side, and most of R. front leg missing. Dowel holes in upper panel edges for attachment of lid. Cupboard (reconstructed) 2' log" X 2' r*" x i' 4", h. of legs r' 8', total h. 3'. Pl. xLVII.
L.B. uI. ooi. Fr. of mica. r"x 4'.
L.B. III. 002. Pottery fr., hand-made, of coarse clay ' smothered' black; traces of incised orn., prob. par4 of palmette design from under handle. r 4" X i$" x c. is".
L.B. III. 003. Fr. of almond (?) shell. Length ié". L.B. In. 004. ,Fabric frs., including buff woollen (?)
material, felt, and much-decayed silk rags, of usual textures; also frs. of flat string band, consisting of four pieces of thick string laid side by side (two dark brown at edges and two light in middle), and bound together by cross threads of dark brown ; cf. N. xxrx. oor. Also part of felt shoe-sole (?) with seam down centre, and remains of one side of shoe and toe-piece sewed round edge. String band c. 8" x I" ; shoe-sole, length 9-", breadth 3" to 2".
L.B. III. 007. a—c. Misc. bronze and paste frs. (a) Bronze arrow-head, triangular in section, point blunted as L.A. 0069. Length 1". (b) Part of bronze needle (?), point and eye broken. Length 3". (c) Fr. of millefiori glass bead, chequer pattern, red, white, black, blue, and
yellow. Diam. c. (c) Pi. XXIX-
L.B. iv. ooi. Fr. of rim of large jar; sq.-edged rim turns sharply out at right angles to axial line of vessel. Much distorted. Hand-made, very finely potted, of fairly well levigated red clay fired very hard on an open ' hearth and blackened by ' smothering'. 58° x 3-&" x Pi. xxxvi.
L.B. iv. 002. End of hollow bronze bar ; end solid, rounded, and orn. with two raised rings; condition poor. Length I", diam. '.
L.B. Iv. 003. Bronze fr., prob. rim of vessel ; thickened towards edge by two bands; condition fair. Length 38°,
thickness to s".
L.B. Iv. 004. Fr. of carved wood, oblong, flat on both sides, front surface curved in to overhanging top (?) moulding, back broken off. Two dowel holes pierced through sideways, beneath moulding, and another below from front to back. Signs of open-work (?). 2" x â" x 8".
L.B. Iv. 005. Wooden bird-arrow, with head complete; other end broken. 2f" from broken end shaft swells into rounded knob, which is cut down sq. again after Uzi' to *" diam., the shaft thence continuing for Iii" to take head. This is of peg-top shape, made in two pieces, and pierced vertically to fit on shaft : (x) the cylindrical body, narrowing to join exactly on to knob of shaft, which thus strengthens its base, (2) the rounded top, at apex of which end of shaft appears. Pieces carefully cut to fit ; strips of fibre round shaft ; see L.B. rv. ii. oo5; v. oo6.
According to Mr. T. A. Joyce, to whom the correct explanation of the object is due, such arrows were used for killing birds without spoiling the feathers by blood, and are found in India (Orissa), N. America, etc. ; see specimens in the Ethnographical Galleries, British Museum. Length of whole 4i", of head iy, , diam. of shaft A", gr. diam. of head r}'. Pl. xxxv.
L.B. Iv. 006. Heads of bearded wheat and Târigh (millet).
L.B, Iv. 007. Fr. of slate hone.stone, with perforation
at end, one lace worn smooth. Found 26. xii. o6.
Length r,".
L.B. Iv. ooio. Small flexible wooden stick, with mallet head tapering towards one end ; prob. used to sound small bell, or some instrument composed of thin keys of wood or metal resembling modern xylophone. Cp. App. H. Stick 6i" x 8" diam., head 2 -a" X V' to ;' diam.
L.B. iv. ooil. Part of bronze earring, orn. with second twist of wire. Diam. of ring s", of wire s".
L.B. iv. i. 2. Tapering wooden pin with knob, like L.I3. tr. 002 ; iv. iv. 001-002, but knob here shaped like inverted thistle-head ; cf. L.B. iv. v. ooro. Lathe-turned and orig. painted red ; condition fair. Staff 9i" x c. 8" sq. ; knob H. 28", diam. of base 2*".
L.B. iv. i. 6. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. seven il. Khar., black and clear. Rev. one I. Khar., faded. Well preserved; one corner ant-eaten. 7é" X 3â' x TV. Pl. XXXVIII.
L.B. Iv. i. 7. Rectang. cov..tablet, with empty seal cay. (r 8" x s"). Obv. on one side of cay. two II. Khar. in very small clear hand ; nearer to seal two separate 11. Khar. Rev. six Il. Khar. clear and black. Hard and excellently preserved. 5r x 28_" x r (max.). Pl. XXXVIII.
*L.B. Iv. i. ooi. Part of openwork wooden panel. Above is border, 2" deep, divided horizontally into three bands by slanting grooves as in L.B. xv. v. 0030 ; viii. oor. Below is part of wheel pattern, the wheels strung on interlacing vertical and horizontal bands which cross each other in centre and pass alternately over and under circumference of wheel. This interlacing is wotked also on rev., but border on rev. is plain. Into it from ont end runs dowel hole, . " in diam. Condition good. For pieces of same pattern and scale see L.B. iv. i. ooz ; vii. oor, 004 ; and cf. L.B. u. 0024. H. 8 ", diam. of wheel 3" to 3s", thickness ter" to A". Pl. XXXIV.
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