国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
L.B. Iv. v. 0020-0021. Two wooden seal-cases as L.B. Iv. ii. ooro, etc. Notches for three strings; 002I with sq. hole in bottom. 0020, If' x I' X I'; 0027, IlrxI'xt-'.
L.B. Iv. v. 0022. Flat fr. of lacquered wood, prob. from bottom of bowl ; broken at all edges ; lacquer applied over canvas, black on one side, red the other; bad condition. Gr. M. 7', thickness r.
L.B. Iv. v. 0023. Wooden upright and rail from chair, carved and lacquered in form of fig. like L.B. Iv. v. 0013$ and identical in design with N. xii. 3 (Ancient Kholan, ii. Pl. I.XX, human carving), but in much better condition. Upper part in form of human head of Persian (?) type, evidently intended for woman from circular contour lines on breast.
Below this, descent is made through half-open lotus blossom (out of which fig. rises) to solid horse leg and hoof. 1-Iead has large black eyes and eyebrows, black hair hanging in perpendicular locks to neck behind, and straight leaf and flower garland round brows. Above rises wooden projection, lacquered vermilion with black bevelled edges, cut in sort of hook towards back. Face lacquered grey with vermilion lips, vermilion spot on each cheek and ear, and similar stripe down forehead and chin. Long neck rises from yellow collar of red robe, and behind are small upright curled wings reminiscent of Greek sphinx wings though curled the reverse way, and lacquered yellow and black. The lotus has one brown petal and two yellow, and between show tips of vermilion inner petals. Horse leg is vermilion and hoof black.
Mortice in back of head still holds tenon of stout bar, lacquered black, which projects to back. Its other end is rounded, and has groove in which, on wooden peg, swings oblong flat piece of wood with rounded corners and hole for another pin at further end ; this clearly served as
hinge. Fine bold work, colours brilliantly preserved.
Upright i' r"x ri"x zi"; bar ro"x 1rx r*". Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. Iv. v. 0024. Fabric frs., including bundle of white felt strips,(z' to 61" long x }" to 2*" wide) ; frs. of usual buff cotton (?), silk, and felt ; very thin strip of red silk, and fr. of dark blue wool. .
L.B. Iv. v. 0025. Leather fr. of irregular shape, which has been tied over top of circular object as cover is tied on jam-pot. Edges rough ; hard ; coloured inside grey to light red ; dressed face down. Gr. M. ;,â". diam. as tied iii"
L.B. Iv. v. 0026. Wooden half-baluster, lathe-turned, with tenons, to go against flat surface ; complete with top and base ridge and ten ball rings; cf. L.B. v. oo8 ; M. It. 009. Length 8" (with tenon frs. 8"), diam.
L.B. Iv. v. 0027. Bar of lacquered wood, cross-piece from piece of furniture (?) ; oblong in section, with rounded tenons projecting r at each end. . Near these at each end an iron dowel pierces the narrow sides. Its corrosion has split the wood. Lacquered black all over, with red
scrolls on one flat and both narrow sides. 1' 9 " x I "
L.B. Iv. v. 0028. Wooden bowl hollowed out of block ; nine lathe-turned grooves on outside, ridges between rather scarified ; raised rim with shoulders to allow of fitting of lid ; hard brown sediment at bottom ; inside roughened by constant scraping out of contents, and worn away to depth of z ". H. 3 ", diam. 4a", thickness of sides r.
L.B. Iv. v. 0029. Fr. of base of lacquered wooden bowl like T. vi. b. ii. oor. Central portion flat, defined by groove inside, outer slightly rising. Lacquer on outside and flat portion of inside, black ; on rising portion of inside, red. Bad condition. 3" X I' x i'.
L.B. Iv. v. oo3o. Part of carved wooden pilaster or edge of panel, broken at lower end. Top, cut on L., broken on R., is divided into three• planes horizontally by two grooves cut slanting back ; see L.B. 1C. i. oor, Iv. viii. 001. Dowel-hole runs into it horizontally from broken end. Shaft carved with four hanging wreaths looped together by grooved cinctures. Plain narrow beading down sides. If 4â" x 2*" to 3r x 'a". Pl. xxxIV.
L.B. Iv. v. 0031. Base of bronze cup and part of hollow stem ; broad outsplayed hollow foot ; broken stem, rounded outside but sq. inside. H. of whole zâ", H. of stem rg", diam. of base 37". PI. XXXVI.
L.B. Iv. v. 0032. Five frs. of yellow felt, thin, painted with (apparently geometrical) patterns in dark grey, buff, and pale blue. Very fragile. Imitation of embroidery. Gr. fr. ex 3'.
L.B. Iv. v. 0033. Four frs. of yellow felt, painted with tempera in red, buff, brown, and grey. Conventional floral design of blue-petalled lotus on red ground ; above, brown band with white spots. Largest fr. 2" x 2'.
L.B. Iv. v. 0034. Ivory die. Long rod sq. in section; the numbers (1-4 consecutively) marked by broad incised circles full width of side, with clot at centre. Good condition. 4r x AM sq. ' PI. XXXVI.
L.B. IV. vi. I. Wedge under•tablet. 06v. four 11.
Khar. faint and encrusted. Rev. one 1. Khar. near
sq. end, fain t. Well preserved but encrusted. 8 X z" x~ i" .
L.B. Iv. vii. ow, 004. Two frs. of wheels from open-work wooden panels of same pattern and scale as L.B. Iv. i. oo r. Actual diam. 3" and 3g".
L.B. Iv. vii. 002. Weaver's wooden comb, smaller edition of N. xxrr. i. 001 ; surface rough ; edges cut sq. but sides bevelled towards them and also down to teeth. Cf. Ancient Kholan, ii. Pl. LXXIII, N. xx. o5. H. 4' (with handle 6"), width zi', length of teeth 3a6", six teeth to i".
L.B. Iv, vii. 003. Fr. of open•work wooden panel belonging to L.B. Iv. i. 005 ; viii. oo1. On top is end of berried laurel branch curving in reverse direction
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