国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
to former ; below, base of stem, and (between) solid transverse band with palmette leaves in relief, resembling but not identical with L.B. iv. v. 0012. Through band are two dowel-holes running from end to end ; dowels broken. The open-work is not finished off everywhere, and shows that a start was made by cutting a hole with a brace and bit. Good condition. 9' x 3" X i". Pl. XXXIV:
L.B. Iv. viii. 001. Fr. from edge of (open-work) wooden panel, belonging to L.B. iv. i. 005; vii. 003. Border, 3' deep, cut into three horizontal bands by slanting grooves as L.B. iv. i. ooz ; v. 0030. Through it transversely runs dowel-hole with dowel in position. Below is part of branch with leaves in relief similar to frs. quoted. Broken on R., other edges squared. 5*' x la" x i". Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. Iv. viii. 002. Fr. of carved wood from piece of furniture (?). Broken on two sides, squared on others. Raised border, c. a' sq., along one of these sides, and traces of smaller border (broken off) c. i' wide on other. Between, curved band carved in scale pattern, three wide. Orn. suggests a long piece, but if so the grain is the wrong way. zâ" x 2' X $. Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. iv.—v. 002. a—b. Two bronze frs. (a) Ornamental rivet-plate, lozenge-shaped, with repoussé trefoil ends ; in each, rivet for attachment ; fair condition. Length 11'. Pl. XXIX. (b) Part of pin with round convex head. Diam. a'.
L.B. v. ool. Lead spinning-whorl ; flat disc pierced as L.A. oo68, etc. Diam. f', thickness ".
L.B. v. 002. Bronze rivet-plate, plain oblong with slightly raised edges. Within these, top and bottom, two pin-holes for attachment, and two holes -1§q" sq. cut out in middle. Condition good. i"x 1a'x ". PI. XXXVI.
L.B. v. oog. Fr. of sheet bronze, prob. rim of vessel. Gr. M. 1i", thickness A".
L.B. v. 004. Lead wire, bent nearly to right angles. Length c. 2f', diam. ".
L.B. v. oos. Bronze tongue, both ends pointed, bent over flat and pinned together ; cf. L.A. 0052. Condition good. if x it x i-'-g".
L.B. v. 006. Fr. of bronze mirror; cf. L.A. 00113. Patterns in very low relief on back, geometric and vegetable, in sq. compartments, Chinese style. Gr. M. 4", thickness -". Pl. xxlx.
L.B. v. 007. Small block of lignite, roughly cut. 1" sq. x
*L.B. v. 008. Upright of wooden balustrade, lathe-turned, with seven ball mouldings divided by single rings, and plain neck ; tenon at each end ; good condition. Length I' 5', diam. 2k", tenons a".
Of same pattern L.B. v. oolo (broken off at I' iv' height), and 0014-0018 (fitting rail L.B. v. 0019); but latter have neck at each end. Cf. *L.B. n. oo10. L.B. v. oo8, Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. v. oog. Part of open-work wooden panel, carved in relief with lotus as L.B. n. 0016-0017, but smaller. Wood much cracked. 1' 7 " x 6" x ii". Pl. XXXII.
L.B. v. 0012. Part of open-work wooden panel with rabbet at each end ; heavy diamond trellis-work as L.B. II. 0028 ; surface split. I' 9" x 6i" x 1 ". Pl. XXXIV.
L.B. v. 0013. Wooden beam, carved in relief on one side with same running floral scroll as L.B. u. 0036 ; row of dog-tooth orn. below lozenge band ; much worn and cracked. Cut in two pieces, a and b, for transport. 5' 8" x 7 ' x 3'. Pl. XXXI.
L.B. v. 0014-0018. Uprights of wooden balustrade ; see *L.B. v. oo8. 0017, Pl. XXXIII.
L.B. v. 0019. Rail of wooden balustrade ; for uprights see *L.B. v. oo8. Same pattern as L.B. n. 0046-0051, except that it has five mortices and is narrower. 2' I" X 2" X 2 '.
L.B. vI. oox. Sq. wooden block, carved in relief with eight-petalled lotus within plain raised border (broken away on one side). Petals ribbed down middle ; twelve small petals round knob centre ; oblong mortice in one side ; wood much split. 9y" sq. x 3" ; mortic 2*' deep. Pl. XXXII.
L.B. VI. 002. Fresco fr. showing upon pale green border circular white leaves with scalloped edges, green centres, and short tendril-like stems ; white field beyond ; much worn. Gr. 1ti.3j"
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