国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
M. 1. 0076. Small leather pouch, thumb-shaped, with scalloped mouth round which running string is drawn ; well-dressed leather, stained dark outside ; made in one piece, folded over and sewn up round bottom and along one side. Depth 28", width of mouth z*". Pl. L.
M. 1. oo80. Felt pad, made of strip of buff felt doubled and stitched round edge ; interior filled with powdered charcoal ; possibly pounce bag (?), used for transferring designs to fabrics before painting or embroidery. 4" x c. 3"
M. z. oo81. Sling of stout goat's•hair cord, with elliptical felt pouch for holding stone ; cord is of seven strands closely plaited ; it divides into two to form edge of felt pouch, then unites again ; broken. Length 2' 5". Pl. L.
M. 1. oo8a. Fr. of cotton fabric, indigo ; plain weave, loose but regular ; coarse. r i"x 4 ". [Analysed by Dr. Hanausek.]
M. 1. 0083. a-c. Three pieces of strong woollen fabric, sewn together. a. Closely-woven dark crimson material, faded to pinkish-brown ; plain weave, firm and regular ; warp and woof threads run in pairs ; texture of English hopsack tweed. 1' x 3ff". To end of this is sewn b: brick-red twill material faded on right side, finer than a, but very compactly woven ; woof threads run over two warp threads, then under two, and so on. 5" x 3". To bottom edge of b and a is sewn with grey yarn c, similar to a in texture but slightly finer ; woof also looser, giving less smooth surface ; colour as b. 6"x 4". b and c, PI. XLVIII.
M. 1. 0084. Fr. of coarse woollen fabric (darn), plain weave, even texture, ragged ; warp threads (visible on surface) of dark brown yarn ; woof single-ply woven in variegated stripes, as follows : i. Remains of terra-cotta coloured band, z $" deep. ii. Band of dull myrtle-green, 2*" deep ; just within upper and lower edges of this green band is stripe of buff (I" deep) with brown line along middle. iii. Band of terra-cotta, i" deep. iv. Series of stripes, c. " deep, following thus : myrtle-green, buff, terra-cotta, brown, buff. z•. Band of terra-cotta, r deep, forming selvedge. Pattern of piece prob. formed of alternations of i and ü as torn edge beyond i shows remains of stripes as in ir. Colours fairly preserved. 11" X 6". PI XLVIII.
M. z. 0085. Handful of goat's hair, mixed with straw.
M. z. oo86. Round felt cord, salmon-coloured, made by felting together a number of loosely spun strands of yarn. Length (knotted) 5 ".
M. z. 0087. Fr. of very fine silk fabric, dark terracotta ; open muslin-like texture, plain uneven weave ; worn.
Cf. M. I. xxi. ooh. I2" x 7". [Analysed by Dr.
M. 1. oo88. Three frs. of coarse woollen fabric (darri); warp of brown yarn, woof rich red (faded) and dark green. Design : red key pattern outlined green,
separated by bands of red which are covered with serrated
pattern in green ; close satin weave. Largest fr. 6"x 2".
M. 1. 0089. Part of wooden comb with slightly arched back. 2" X 2i" X ff".
M. 1. 0090. Wooden key, of type Ka. r. oor ; two pegs, handle pierced. 31i" (with handle 5i") x i" x ff". Pl. LI.
M. z. 0093. Base of lacquered wooden bowl (part of), circular, red one side and black the other. Diam. 4r, thickness s".
M. r. 0094. Two pieces of silk damask, dull sage-green, fine, evenly woven ; ragged ; ground plain, pattern twill. Design : honeycomb diaper of hexagons, carried out in bands formed by three lines of clots; in each hexagon is quatrefoil lozenge formed by four small lozenges; cf. Ch`ien-
fo-tung damasks, e. g. Ch. 00336. 1' Ion x I' 7" and
I' I" X 7". (Design) PI. CXXI.
M. z. 0095. Blown-glass fr. of light green colour ; appears to be thick ' bull's-eye ' base of bulbous vessel ; texture slightly granular internally but translucent ; circular. Diam.
M. z. i. 4. Wooden seal-case ; cavity (roughly cut) x r ; one notch for string on each side. z $" x f".
M. z. i. 002. Three leather armour scales; same pattern as M. I. ix. 002, but broken and decaj'ed, and lacquer considerably gone. Average size 2 " x 2A".
M. z. i. 003. Three leather armour scales ; same pattern as M. I. ix. 003, but broken and decayed ; one longer than usual (4ix Ii"), with lacquer almost entirely gone. Thong-holes somewhat irregular, having prob. been added to as armour grew old ; bronze rivets with round flat heads, prob. ornamental. With these, fr. of scale, lacquered black showing no pattern.
M. z. i. 004. Part of wooden comb with arched back ; cf. M. 1. i. oo r r. 2 ff" (broken) x 2", thickness r, I I teeth to 4 inch.
M. z. i. 005. Fr. of wooden writing slip ; as M. I. iv. 0014 ; blank ; 2-!4 (broken) x • ".
M. 1. I. 006. Strip of wood, flat one surface, convex the other, notched in middle to hold string; over notch knotted leather thong, decayed. Off" X ff"•
M. z. i. 007. Leather ' buckle ' and thong ; ' buckle' formed of piece doubled and slit down middle ; through this is passed thong, knotted to prevent slipping. Dark red outer surface ; insect-eaten. ' Buckle ' 1~" x 4", thong
2 X r.
008. Leaf of apricot. Length 2ff".
M. L i, oog. Strip of fine silk damask, buff ; pattern, rows of small double concentric lozenges divided by chevron lines ; ground plain, pattern twill ; soft and insect-eaten. 19r x 5â".
M. r. i. ooxo. Two cuttings of fine tanned hide : lambskin (?). Length, z' 3" and 6".
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