国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
colour. Worn and ragged, and pattern indeterminate but evidently of Chinese type. The fabric is badly held together, and the figuring yarns are only slightly held to back of fabric by a very delicate binding woof ; remains of soft green silk lining. (Cf. Ha. i. 0031, Pl. CXII.)
Inside pouch is sawdust, possibly sandal, and the article may have been a perfume sachet. The shape is certainly that of the modern ' atar-dan'. Pouch, length 5r", width at bottom 34".
M. z. xxvii. oog. Bag of striped woollen material resembling fine darri; ground, golden buff; stripes, E apart and i" broad, composed of bright red band and dull green band divided by thin line of buff and edged on outer sides by indigo line; woven very regularly on thick warp, giving slight corded effect.
Bag made by folding a long strip of the material end to end, and sewing the long edges together with blue yarn; at mouth a hem and orig. a drawing-string; now, hem partly cut off R. and L. of a central point, and the two strips so achieved plaited together and apparently used as a carrying strap. Coarse patches have been added at bottom angles and another at mouth; a piece of black square ' military' cord is attached as a sort of tassel to middle of bottom edge. Evidently a bag for carrying
coins and the like ; much discoloured and torn in places. I or X 6".
M. z. xxvii and xxviii. ooz. Ears of bearded wheat or barley.
M. 1. xxxii. 005. Ball of woollen thread, in frs. apparently 3r"-4" long; light buff.
M. z. xxxii oo6. a-c. Turkish documents in ' R unic script; three frs. on coarse greyish-brown ' laid ' paper, rather thin and uneven in quality, and inscr. on one side only, except (b) ; writing mostly distinct. (a) obv. 22 Il. ; (b) obv. 9 I1., rev. 13 ll. ; (c) obv. 9 11. See V. Thomsen, JR.A.S., Jan. 1912, Pl. I, pp. 181 sqq. ; above, pp. 471 sqq. (a) I' 4" X I or, (b) 84" X Io4", (c) 6" X 'or. Pl. CLIX.
M. I. xl. 0014. Wooden pen made of stick trimmed to point ; bark still on ; cf. Ancient Kholan, ii. PI. CV, N. x. 05. Length 5E".
M. z. xlii. oog. Reed pen, as M. r. xxi. 1. Length 5". Pl. LI.
M. z. xliv. ooxo. Specimen of paper, blank, very dirty. 6"x 5".
M. I. lviii. 002. Irregular strip of horn. Length 6r", width (average) ''s", thickness 4".
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