国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
M. III. 003. Flesh light buff, flat, with hard shading in light red at ear and jaw, and chin indicated by red circle ; hair and finishing touches in black ; eyebrow has double curve, low at nose, high and strongly curved at outer end ; L. ear slightly elongated and pierced. Whole R. side of face gone ; background light buff ; drawing rather poor ; fairly preserved. 61." x 5".
M. III. 0012. Bundle of fabric frs., woollen and cotton, including three pieces of buff backing with frs. of painted stucco (buff and black) adhering to them, and three small frs. of salmon red. (Analysed by Dr. T. F. Hanausek.)
Largest fr. 8" x 5".
M. 1u. 0013. Ten artificial flowers ; from cloth model of lake, M. tn. 0026. Flower-cup, of six to ten petals, is cut out flat in one piece from pale red, buff, or blue, cotton or silk fabric ; through middle is passed wooden peg, with pointed end, which serves as stalk ; to head of peg, tuft of buff thread to represent stamens, etc., is tied with red, blue, or buff thread. (Fabric analysed by Dr. T. F.. Hanausek.) Length of peg 24", diam. of flower 2" to 3".
M. u1. 0014. Fresco fr. fallen in front of M. in. ix, showing lower folds of robe and part of leg and foot of striding fig. as in M. in. 0036 ; flesh treatment as in M. III. 004 ; robe pale yellow outlined red ; background black orn. with green leaves and red rosettes within green circles (as M. iII. 0058) ; colours well preserved. 6" x 5".
M. zt1. 0015. Piece of striped silk, inscr. with one I. of Khar. chars. Preserved in one piece (except for two small detached frs., blank, from L. bottom corner), but broken all round edges and large portions lost. Silk buff, fine texture, plain weave, with two woven bands of narrow closely-spaced lines, alternately dark red and green, running its whole length. Width of each band 24", intervening space 24". Along middle of latter runs a red line, and along this nine short Khar. inscriptions, five of which are complete. They contain prayers in Prâkrit for welfare of pious donors, etc. See Boyer, Inscriptions de Miran, journal Asial., 191r, xvii, pp. 418 ff.; above, p. 495. Gr. length 4', gr. width c. 1' 1". P1. XXXIX.
M. III. 0016. Fresco fr. fallen in front of M. nr. iv, showing lower part of standing fig. in black under-robe to middle of lower leg ; buff upper robe with rich red border draped from above downward to R. R. foot visible, but toes partially obscured by L. foot of another fig. on L., and L. foot completely hidden by R. foot of third fig. to R. Background red ochre, nearly perished ; flesh of centre and R. fig. pink ; that of L. fig. yellowish buff. Traces of bright red outlines, prob. of orig. sketch ; final outlines Indian red ; traces of bright yellow just below robe to R. All upper part missing ; fairly preserved. I'll" x 9".
M. m. 0017. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage ; portion of group of three figs., seated. Robes gathered about legs and stoles on shoulders ; hands together in adoration or submission. Figs. turned 4 to L., knees wide apart; feet, heads, and upper part of bodies missing. Flesh light,
tinted with bright pink, and shaded with grey; arms and front of bodies bare ; fig. to L. wears red-brown lower robe and bright red stole ; middle fig. light green robe and white stole ; fig. on R. pale yellow robe, stole not visible.
Drapery in each case shaded with suitable colour ; red, with black lines ; green, with dark grey ; white, with pale grey ; yellow, with red. In the case of the white and the green, the folds are represented as shades rather than lines ; flesh contours red-brown. Background, visible between legs of green and yellow persons, rich red ; well preserved. 81" x 8".
M. m. 0018. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing R. foot of human fig. Pose suggests that fig. to which foot belongs is turned â to L., throwing weight of body on to L. foot, R. foot being held momentarily turned in opposite direction with heel lifted and toes only steadying pose. Though rapidly done, drawing is as a whole good ; flesh pink, outline Indian red ; ground on which toes rest, white, with pale grey below and black below that again. Background black, with small patch of vermilion at upper part, prob. edge of robe ; well preserved. 4" Pl. XLIV.
M. m. oorg. Fresco fr. fallen in front of M. in. v—vi, showing upper part of two figs., evidently female, with hands placed together in attitude of adoration or respect. The two heads almost touch and are turned â to R. ; faces are fair with pink cheeks and are painted in very distinct chiaroscuro, the shades being pearly-grey. Eyes almond-shaped, straight, and rather too near together ; animated expression, slightly mirthful ; mouth in each case longer than usual, and that on L. distinctly smiling ; lips are solid red and of moderate thickness ; necks strongly wrinkled, transversely, to express plumpness ; noses inclined to be aquiline. Hair black and long, hangs in tresses at back of ears, and wavy black ringlet in front of each ear. On forehead of R. fig., hair is parted in middle, and carried in wavy line R. and L., with small point at each side over eyebrows recurved towards centre. Eyebrows well separated, and ears normal or very slightly elongated. White bands crowning hair, somewhat like Brittany girl's cap.
Head of L. fig. broken away above bridge of nose, but on each side of face are rich pink pendant bands, perhaps part of cap ; robe of this fig. yellow outlined in red, with V-shaped opening at neck, sleeves to wrist, and dark red orn., prob. flower, on shoulder. Robe of R. fig. similar but light green, outlined dark grey. Background vermilion ; well preserved. 8y" x 8". Pl. XLIV.
M. u1. 0020. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing dull pink drapery outlined black ; loose ends of robe falling clown centre of fig. between striding legs. Background rich pink ; coarse work. 42" x 51".
M. 1n. 0021. Carved wooden capital (half of), round; upper half occupied by two plain mouldings, lower by. a row of broad upward-pointing petals; below this, a
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