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0638 Serindia : vol.1
セリンディア : vol.1
Serindia : vol.1 / 638 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000183
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




strongly deft chin ; drapery yellow bordered white ; crimson over-robe, vermilion background. Good work. 34" x 34".

M. m. 0041. Fresco fr. showing portion of fig. (?), draped ; perhaps breast of flying female. Drapery light pink, background light green, flesh (?) nearly white. 3" x 24.

M. m. 0042. Fresco fr. showing portion of background. Two broad bands, one red, the other yellow ochre, at right angles to each other ; in the angle a rough red, green, and black scroll enrichment. 4" X 34".

M. in. 0044. Fresco fr. ; on R. appears R. side of seated or kneeling fig. wearing light green stole and crimson lower robe. Flesh light buff, shaded pink and grey ; R. arm crossed on breast, hand broken away ; prob. in attitude of supplication. Background dull purple with black tufts at intervals ; this may he part of a camel, cf. M. ni. 0055 ; to extreme L. portion of buff drapery. Work somewhat rough but effective. 71"x 84".

M. u1. 0045. Fresco fr. fallen in front of M. III. v—vi ; showing feet and ankles of standing fig. turned slightly to L. R. foot in profile, L. foot directed forward, the toes very clumsily drawn ; flesh pink ; lower part of green robe visible ; on extreme R. remains of feet of fig. similarly posed, having vermilion robe. Ground vermilion, bordered above feet with white, and with blue-black background above ; work rough. 7" x 64".

M. 1u. 0046. Fresco fr. showing lower part of standing fig. turned slightly to R. Yellow lower robe in classic folds contoured red ; purple upper robe contoured black ; L. foot foreshortened 4 to L. p.; R. foot (broken away) pointing back to R. p. ; flesh pink roughly shaded with grey. Background buff; very rough work. 7 X 62".

M. 1u. 0047. Fresco fr. showing middle portion of standing fig. in yellow robe lined with red, and green stole. Rough work. 4*" x 34".

M. m. 0048. a—b. Two fresco frs. showing portion of border. On a black band upon red background are lily-like forms painted in white ; very bold. (a) 41-" X 3" ; (b) 3k-" x 33".

M. 1u. 0049. Fresco fr. fallen in front of M. In. iv. Near centre is lower part of tree trunk, buff; to R. is human R. foot pointed towards tree ; to L. toes of another foot (L.) also turned towards it ; flesh pinkish buff, shaded grey, and outlined dull red. Background vermilion with narrow band of buff below ; work rather rough. I' 41" x 31".

M. m. 0050. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing band of dark salmon pink, with black line on each side; beyond is portion of grey-green background and bright crimson robe (?). 51" X 31".

M. in. oo51. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing part of foes (?) of human foot nearly life size. Flesh pink, shaded with warm grey and bright pink, and outlined reddish-brown. Ground pale blue-grey ; much rubbed. 2 2" x 3".

M. in. 0052. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing part of

L. brow and head-dress of human fig., nearly life size. Flesh pink, shaded and generally treated as in M. in. 002 ; headdress appears to be white turban such as Afridis wear, with band of grey with red splashes encircling its lowest edge. 44" X 31".

M. in. 0058. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, partly burnt ; shows a few red lines, prob. of drapery. 31"x 14".

M. in. 0054. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing

piece of decorated background. On blue-black ground are red and green circular patches outlined with white, and white device, possibly a written char. IT . Beyond is piece of white band on which are red marks ; whole too fragmentary to be intelligible. 2" X 2".

M. in. 0055. Fresco. fr. from N.E. (?) passage, showing

an animal (camel ?) lying down. Outline black over light brown ; general colour buff shaded with pink, with a few black dashes prob. intended to indicate fur. Head, line of back, and quarters missing ; background black. i'


M. in. 0056. Fresco fr. much broken, showing head and

shoulders of royal personage, 4 to L., similar to smaller fig. of M. Ill. 002 ; behind, second fig. of same type ; background vermilion. Much abraded ; good work. 9"X52".

M. 1u. 0057. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing two

figs. seated or half kneeling, with hands together in supplication ; upper part missing, and most of fig. to R. Fig. to L. wears light green lower robe and crimson stole ; otherwise nude ; other has pale buff drapery ; flesh very pink. Background where visible, blue-black ; ground red with white upper border ; much abraded. 9" x p4".

M. in. 0058. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage showing archi-

tectural details of background. In centre is panelled pilaster, with capital ; panel black, with three large outline circles in dark green, full width of panel, placed one over the other ; in each circle is six-petalled crimson rosette. Border at top and on L. side is white with scale imbrications in green and red ; border on R. side, red ; outside the red is black, and then red as a general background ; capital, apparently bell-shaped, yellow. To L. of pilaster, and in a more distant plane, is straight-linteled arch carried on cubical impost supported by bell-shaped capital and pillar, all yellow ; above lintel a decoration of imbri-

cations ; and through archway, a bright green distance ; all outlines red. Cp. above, p. 506. 8" x 5".

M. in. 0059. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, showing part of garland of overlapping rosettes as M. in. 007. Outer half of petals green, inner white, centres yellow with red stamens ; outlines black on green and black ground.

61x ,,, 2 5ï oo6o. Fresco fr. from N.E. passage, having slightly concave surface ; shows part of garland of overlapping rosettes as M. ut. 007, 0059 ; outer half of petals