国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
incised lines following the outline of the double curve. Bracket proper 5â x 21" x I", tenon 4rX 2i' X I. Pl. LIV.
T. VI. c. iii. 003. Wooden bracket ; see T. VIII. 004 ;
variant as T. via. 007, but smaller and less elaborate. Incisions only on end (where traces of yellow); sides plain; collar in relief between tenon and bracket proper. 3' (with tenon, 7r) x ice" >cm,. Pl. LIV.
T. VI. d. ooi. Two small frs. of green silk fabric, plain weave. Gr. M. 1'
T. vu. ooi. Bronze buckle ; ring with cross-bar whereon is hinged (?) tongue. I r " x t". PI. LIII.
T. vui. I. Wedge-shaped wooden block, as T. vr. b. 003 ; VI. c. iii. ooi. Painted black, with two or three large Chin. chars. in red on one flat side ; in top, hole and wedge for fixing string handle (missing) ; scored with knife-cuts and otherwise damaged. 12*" x 5' x.21" (max.). Pl. LII.
T. Vui. 2. a-b. Rectang. wooden board, broken in two._ Obv. painted purple all over (much faded), with border and a few Chin. chars. in black ; rev. plain purple with black bands across it. See Chavannes, Documents, p. 127, No. 591'. or x 6â" x g".
T. vm. 3. Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. vin. 5. String tied round ; inscr. in ink on upper surface ; hole through bottom. 2" X 4" x".
T. vin. 4. Wooden measure and 'set.square', or shoemaker's measure ; made of straight main-piece and cross-piece put in at end with round tenon, both oblong in section. Measurements marked on bottom and narrow sides of main-piece by grooves which are coloured red and in many cases on sides edged by a black line ; on narrow sides (only) of cross-piece by painted red lines ; the divisions are somewhat irregular, but each seems intended to be ?e'. On one narrow side of main-piece at end away from cross-piece, five of these divisions are again
0 subdivided into five (but one by mistake only into four) ;
and across fifth groove on under side are cut diagonals also in red. A small hole $' deep and " in diam. is drilled into end of cross-piece, and free end of main-piece is pierced for suspension string, which partially remains. ,The cross-piece forms rather less than a right angle with the main-piece ; and the edge of the latter is not quite true. Cf. L.A. II. Vi. 001, and T. xi. ii. i 3. Main-piece "
ion" x r x , cross-piece 4A" X f g" x A". PI. LIV.
*T'. VIII. 5. Wooden seal-case, type A ; cf. L.B. Iv. ii. 0010. I g" sq. x '.
The types of seal-case are :
Roughly sq. block, side edges sometimes bevelled, the centre hollowed out in a sq., and three grooves sawn in sides for string to level of bottom of hollow, wherein clay seal was put.
Similar, but with hole bored through bottom.
Block, usually oblong, the middle cut away leaving upstanding ends but no sides; prob. also a seal-case, the strings being simply laid across, as in T. xir. 002. T. xvr. ii. ooi of this type retains strings and mud sealing, but differs in having hole bored through one end, through which string passes ; most show no traces of mud. T. xv. a. ii. oo5, T. xv. a. v. oo5, etc., have slips of wood like matches wedged lengthways between the two ends at the bottom of the hollow. T. viii. 3 has a hole through the bottom, a string tied round, and traces of writing on the raised ends. T. XIV. vii. 004 has a hole pierced lengthways through the box.
For other examples see :—T. III. oor ; iv. b. i. oor ; vI. b. i. oo6 ; vIII. 3,001r-0017 ; XII. 12-13 ; XII. a. 005-0011, 0015-0018, a. ii. cot ; xlir. i. 002, ii. 002-003 (Pl. LIII); xiv. ii. 005, v. 002; xv. a. ooi, a. i. 002, a. ii. 005, a. iii. 002 ; xvi. ii. 001 (Pl. LIII); xvit. 002-004 ; xix. i. oor, 004, ii. oor (Pl. LIII); xxviii. a-b.
T. vIII. vox. Wooden apparatus, of doubtful use, very roughly made. It consists of two uprights 9" apart, and two parallel cross-pieces tenoned into them, about 2r apart; between these cross-pieces is a roller of 2" diam., the upper and lower surfaces respectively of the crosspieces being hollowed out to give it free play. Through the roller a slit is cut, about 5' long and i" wide. Probably used in connexion with weaving or spinning. Well preserved. H. I I '. Pl. LII.
T. vIII. 002. Pair of woven string shoes ; woven over a last, in one piece like a modern sock. The woof is closely pressed and gives a ribbed mat-like texture over sole and vamp ; for shaping heel, fresh woof threads were inserted low down on the bunched warp ; higher up, the woof threads from one instep had to be spaced round the back of the heel to give necessary lunette shape, so that here a ladder-like effect is produced. Canvas was stitched on round the tops of the uppers for the width of the opening over instep ; soles strengthened below with goatskin in one case and felt in the other. Length c. r r"; breadth c. 3' to 4r". Pl. LIV.
T. vin. 003. Cone.shaped wooden vessel, hollowed out of solid block, and with top of cone cut off; two small
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