国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
T. xxix. 005-007. Stucco frs. ; two fingers and thumb prob. belonging to T. xxIx. 003-004. 005, tapering finger, bent over in curve without any joint ; oo6, extended tapering finger, slightly curved ; 007, thumb, showing nail with creases at root and creases on inner side of joints, carefully modelled. All painted black, c. life-size. Soft clay mixed with hair. Lengths 24", 3s", 2*"
T. xxxx 008. Stucco relief fr., end of drapery. Traces of dark paint. Soft clay mixed with hair. 3" x Ig" x ".
T. xxxx oog. Fr. of goat's hair fabric, brown with one yellow stripe; coarse plain weave; weft threads run in pairs. C. 9" x 2f
T. xxxx. o01o. Stucco relief fr., three folds of drapery
painted black. Soft clay mixed with hair. r $" x x1".
T. xxxx. ow'. Stucco relief fr. of ornamental band. Along edges a double moulding, of which inner is beaded ; between, apparently a running bough with spiral tendrils on each side ; was applied to curved surface, and relief is on convex side. On concave side diagonal lines incised,
prob. to help it to bind. Painted black ; from baldric (?). Soft clay mixed with hair. 21" x I "x ylg".
T. xxix. 0012. a-b. Stucco relief frs. (a) L. upper arm, (d) R. forearm from same fig. Both show plentiful traces of grey paint. (a) is very fragmentary, but shows overlapping armlet orn. with central rosette at elbow ; (b) is complete in the round, but all fingers are broken from hand. Both have round wooden cores, which at elbow are cut flat to half their thickness and pinned to core of other half arm by two dowels. The joint is also tied round with string. In (b) part of upper arm core preserved and joint perfect. Upper core charred at upper end. Soft clay mixed with fibre. Length (a) Ioé', (b) Ion"; wrist to elbow 7 "
T. xxix. oox3. Pottery jar, handmade of brown-drab clay, ill-levigated but with smoothly finished surface slightly burnished and coloured (by oil ?) ; hearth-burned ; round shoulder two incised bands ; neck broken. H. r 2", diam. q . Pl. IV.
T. xxxx oo1. Bronze arrow•head. Triangular blade with edges markedly curved to give leaf-shape to faces. Hexagonal shank formed by merely shaving off corners, not by cutting them back ; blunted point ; sides plain ;
traces of iron tang. Length of whole (of blade fr).
T. xxxu 001. Rude block of wood, not trimmed. 2'XI'X$".
T. xxxu. 002. Wooden pen ; twig with bark on, rudely cut to point. Length 4*"
T. xxxu 003. Forked twig, bark stripped off. Length 3'.
T. xxxxx. 004. Tapering green jade cylinder, pierced lengthways. Length ri', diam. " to A".
T. xxxxx. oo5-007. Specimens of reed stems. Length
T. xxxu. oo8. Hemp string, knotted, ends unravelled. Length 1' II", thickness c.
T. xxxu. oog. Bronze arrow•head ; type of T. xv. oo8, but smaller ; depressions in two sides. Condition poor. Length I" (of blade I"). Pl. LIII.
T. xxxu. 0010. Curled end of wooden bracket ; cf. T. vIII. 004 ; broken off. On each side, end of spiral ; from central rib of this, broad shallow bevel to edge. Plain end. Painted black all over. ex Ir x I8".
T. xxxxv. ow. Wooden fire•stick (' female '), like L.A. v. ii. I, but of exceptional size. Set of ' hearths ' along each side—five on one and two on other ; edges now much broken. 8i" x 2" x ". Pl. LII.
T. xxxxv. 002. Flat wooden block with tenon projecting from middle of each end. Coloured black all over except tenons. 4" x 2 x y. Tenons R" x g" x
T. xxxxv. 003. Oblong rectang. wooden block. From either end a small sq. tenon protrudes flush with back face of block ; top front edge of block bevelled away to half width of adjoining sides ; bottom of block hollowed out at right angles to length, leaving projecting ends. From centre of top face to bottom a hole pierced (' diam.). Painted black all over. 21' x I i" x r8'. Pl. LIV.
T. xxxxv. 004. Misc. string and fabric frs., including : bundle of string made of twisted grass, piece of coarse cotton (?) fabric, buff, and fr. of pale brown silk, rotted. Gr. M. re'.
T. xxxxv. 005. Wooden pen ; stick with bark removed, cut to rude point. Length 4â".
T. xxxxv oo6. Specimen of materials from Han Limes wall, consisting of reeds of various thickness with leaves, twigs, water-worn pebbles, etc., adhering.
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