国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
a stoppered one of usual shape with short spout seen from front but without orn. and painted also blue.
On either side below stands a man holding roll of paper. These wear Chin. official dress—long wide-sleeved scarlet jackets and white under-robes standing up round neck and trailing on ground about their feet. Their coiffure is unusual, hair being done on top of head in two blunt upright horns, slightly concave in front, and topped by gold boss orns. ; round base of each horn is tied a red band, and from same point stands out horizontally long sq.-headed prong with boss orn. at head. Figs. are unhaloed, but prob. represent the Good and the Evil Genius represented under this guise in Ch. lvii. 004, where their identity is established by inscr. Blank cartouche for inscr. in L. upper corner and on R. of central fig.
Donors below kneel on either side of central panel (blank) for dedicatory inscr., two monks on R., two nuns on L. Monks wear crimson and yellow under-robes, and black mantles lined with same colours covering L. shoulder ; their shaven heads are painted black. Nuns seem to wear women's girdle and under-bodice crossed over on breast, with olive-green robe over this, and on top wide-sleeved black coat, lined with crimson and covering feet ; but exact make of their garments is not clear. Their faces, however, are painted white (mostly lost) with vivid red cheeks characteristic of women in these paintings. Their features are soft and rounded though of monkish cast, and their shaven heads are painted light blue ; cf. Ch. xlvi. 0014. The foremost donors hold resp. censer and flask, and those behind scarlet lotuses on platters. Blank cartouche for inscr. is placed before each. 2' r r" X 2' 3".
Ch. 00125. Linen painting representing the single-headed and Six-armed Avalokitesvara (Kuan-yin), standing, with two small attendants, and donors. No border ; in fair condition.
A. stands facing spectator ; upper hands raised holding the discs of Sun and Moon (moon on R. showing tree, frog, and hare, sun on L. with phoenix ; see *Ch. 00102) ; middle hands in vilarka-mudrâ on either side of breast with willow spray between finger and thumb of each ; lower hands by sides, R. holding-rosary, L. flask with mottled porcelain body and metal neck and foot. Dhyani-buddha on front of tiara. General type of fig. and workmanship as descr. in *Ch. 0052, q.v. for other examples. Tight flowered over-skirt ; halo of waving rays of light.
At feet, on either side, stands small fig. of child in long white trousers, crimson tunic, and short black jacket, with long tight sleeves, white lapels turned back on breast and white band tying it at waist. Hair of these figs. hangs in bunchy black mass to shoulders and is tied with a red bow over forehead. Cf. for coiffure, child donors in Ch. lvii. 004.
These children may represent the Good and the Evil Genius; see above, p. 868; cf. also Ch. lvii. 004. Colouring chiefly crimson, light green, orange, and yellow. Blank yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head.
At bottom six donors, standing, almost effaced ; three men on L., one man and two women on R.; all in tenth-century dress of donors in 'Ch. '00102, etc. 418" x L' 9".
Ch. 00126. Linen painting representing Avalokitesvara standing, with donors. No border ; fair condition, but lower half badly scorched.
A. stands facing spectator ; R. hand raised holding attenuated willow spray, L. by side, carrying flask with decorated porcelain body and metal neck and foot. Dhyâni-buddha on front of tiara. Fig., dress, and general treatment as in preceding and *Ch. 0052, q.v. for other examples. Oblique eyes ; tight flowered over-skirt, chains, etc., profusely orn. with • jewels in lotus settings. Halo orn. with ring of pattern of ' enclosed palmette ' type. Colouring chiefly crimson, light green, yellow, and grey. Blank yellow cartouche for inscr. to R. of head.
Donors, almost effaced, appear to have consisted of two men kneeling on L., with man-servant (1) below, and nun and lady on R. Dress as in donors of *Ch. 00102, etc.
4' 11"x 1' 8*".
Ch. 00127. Linen painting with Chin. inscr., showing the single-headed and Six-armed Avalokitesvara, standing, with donors. Almost effaced ; but pose, emblems, and general type of fig. and dress as in Ch. 00125, though more carefully drawn and without attendants. For other examples, see *Ch. 0052. Donors at bottom consist of three men, standing, on R., and three women, standing, on L. ; all in dress of donors of *Ch. 00102, etc. Inscriptions, also almost effaced, consist of salutation to Kuan-yin (1) in L. top corner, and one 1. before each donor. 3' 10" x 1' gr.
Ch. 00128. Linen painting representing Avalokitesvara, standing. No border ; paint much gone ; lower end and R. side badly discoloured. Pose and emblems as in *Ch. 0052, but fig., dress, and coiffure of Chinese Buddhist type (as in *Ch. 002). Only remains of colour, light red on stole and skirt. Good workmanship. Cf. other paintings enumerated under *Ch. 0052. 5' 7" x 2' 10".
Ch. 00129. Linen painting representing Avalokitesvara, standing, with donors. No border ; linen suspension loops at top ; poor condition, with large patch of discoloration. Fig., pose, dress, coiffure, and emblems as in *Ch. 0052, but finer workmanship. Remains of colour, crimson, light green, and yellow. Donors : two men on R., two women on L., in dress of donors of *Ch. 00102, etc. 5' 21"x 1' 10".
Ch. 00130. Linen painting showing fig. (almost effaced) of Avalokitesvara, standing. Fig., dress, pose, etc., as in *Ch. 0052. No border ; linen suspension loops at top. 5' 5" X 1' 9".
Ch. 00131. Linen painting with Chin. inscr., representing the Six-armed Avalokitesvara seated, with attendants and donors. No sewn border, but painted lozenge border enclosing picture; intact, but colour much faded. General arrangement of picture, figs., accessories, and treatment, as in the silk paintings descr. under *Ch. 00102 ; donors of same type.
Attendants here number only six : four kneeling Bodhisattvas in corners, and at sides, on R. the Sage, on L. Nymph of Virtue, as in paintings of Thousand-armed Avalok. and in
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