国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
—perhaps middle of large wheel pattern—and part of intricate floral pattern leading up to one of points. This part con-. tains pair of white birds outlined with dark blue, perched amongst tendrils and leaves ; slightly worn and faded. (b) three frs., may belong to same material, but design appears less naturalistic. Frs. preserved show rosette or heart-shaped forms, and parts of leaves (?). Very fresh and glossy. (a) 4â" x 1 ", (b) two frs. c. " sq. and strip 8i" x ". Pl. CXI.
Ch. 00178. Three frs. of figured silk, rather fine ; weave, a close satin twill. Striking design of self-coloured crimson hearts set out in rows diagonally on golden yellow ground. Tips of hearts separated from body by narrow arched line of background and woven according to row in bright blue, rose-pink, or myrtle-green ; but frs. too small to show complete sequence of these colours. Above break four white dots are woven in body of heart. Material soft, bright, and excellently preserved. Largest fr. 5"x I. Pl. CXI.
Ch. 00179. Misc. frs. of figured silk. Weave, satin twill ; fine stiffened warp, flat untwisted weft. Ground strawberry red ; into which are worked rows of repeating ` spots'. These are circular, If" in diam., and spaced about Ii" from each other horizontally. They are composed of two much conventionalized lions pursuing each other's tails, positions of animals being counterchanged in alternate spots. The rows appear from one strip to have occurred at intervals of about 24" to 3r.
The lions have large sq. heads, gaping jaws, and upraised front paws ; woven in white with red ears, yellow eyes and claws, and green manes and tails, all outlines being dark blue except of tails, which are yellow. On one fr. the lions are
yellow, and the tails have white outlines. Circles of like
kind are found in Ch. 00228 (brocade), 00358; i. 0022 (printed silks), and prob. also, though incomplete, in Ch. 00363, 00364. They are a characteristic type of Chinese pattern found not uncommonly amongst the designs of the Shôsôin (see Shôsôin Catalogue, i. Pls. I o and 27, ii. Pl. 103) ; but there always composed of whirling birds. Chief fr. 9s" xAir. Pls. CXI and (reconstruction of design) CXV.
Ch. 00180. Fr. of figured silk, thick and soft ; weave, satin twill with fine stiffened warp and broad untwisted weft. Ground light Saxe blue. Pattern too fragmentary for reconstruction. In corner remains part of four-footed animal (lion ?), woven in white with outlines of Indian red, and having on back a cloth. This has green border, outlined with red and spotted with yellow, and blue centre on which is pink flower and green leaves. Animal standing stiffly ; R. fore-leg lost. Silk soft and lustrous. For another fr. perhaps of same material, see Ch. 00362. 4" x Pl. CxI.
Ch. oo181. Triangular tab of figured silk, evidently from valance of Ch. 00278 type; lined with plain peach-coloured silk. Part exposed much dirtied and faded. Weave, satin twill, fine and very supple ; warp, fine silk yarn, unsized ; weft, broader untwisted yarn. Pattern a
variety of Ch. 00171 ; pairs of spreading leaves alternating with trilobate flowers on outer edge of circular spot. Ground cream ; pattern in deep royal blue, dark olive, dull brown, (faded) peach-colour, and touches of tomato-red, with outlines in peach. Other pieces of same silk found in valances Ch. 00278, 00279, from one of which this evidently came. For fuller descr. and references, see Ch. 00171 ; above, p. 906. H. 4", base of triangle 8i". Pl. CXI, (design) CXVI. A.
Ch. 00182. Suspension loop of figured silk ; greater part torn to ribbons and remainder much faded and worn. To one end is knotted fr. of fine yellow-green damask, woven in small lozenge diaper. The figured silk is a satin twill, very closely woven ; warp, a fine yarn, apparently sized; weft, a thicker untwisted yarn. Pattern of ` Sassanian ' type,
consisting of small circular medallions, in diam., enclosing
pairs of confronting ducks. These are green with deep yellow wings and bills, on pale yellow field ; border of medallion dark brown studded with white spots. Outlines not stepped, perhaps owing to smallness of. scale, but figs. of birds are stiff. Medallions set out in rows, touching each other at four cardinal points ; junction in each case covered by six-petalled rosette. Smaller six-petalled rosettes also placed in spandrels between circles. All are worked out in various combinations of colours mentioned above, while general ground is a dull yellowish grey. For other examples of adaptation of Sassanian designs, see above, p. 91r.
This fr. is of special interest as having certainly been woven in China. In extreme smallness of scale on which the pattern is worked, as well as in closeness of texture and fineness of weft, it stands apart from other pieces of formal Sassanian style, which all show the same, rather broad, effective style of weaving of Ch. 009. But in all these points, and no less in colouring (except for absence of blue), it corresponds closely to Ch. 00171, in which Chinese manufacture cannot be doubted. Ion" X Ir. Pl. CXI, (reconstruction of design) Pl. CXVIII.
Ch. 00184. Dated paper painting, with Chin. inscr., showing the Six-armed and Eleven-headed Avalokileifvara (Kuan-yin), seated, with the Good and the Evil Genius (?) below. Date given by inscr. A.D. 955.
Avalok.'s upper hands hold up discs of Sun and Moon : Sun in L. containing the bird (here two-legged); Moon in R. containing frog and tree, and Wu Kang attempting to hew clown tree (see W. F. Mayer, Chinese Reader's Manual, § 864). Second R. hand in vilarka-mudrei, second L. hand holds stemless lotus bud at breast ; lower hands are stretched out above knees, R. with thumb and fingers spread, L. holding noose. The legs are interlocked with soles up. Third eye in middle of forehead. All outlines of body and limbs are red ; iris of eyes red ; two profile heads are painted grey, flesh otherwise in natural buff of the paper shaded with light red. Dress, orns., and accessories generally in style of *Ch. 00102, etc.
The Good and the Evil Genius (?) are represented by two children placed on either side of sq. panel with dedicatory inscr. at bottom. Good Genius kneels on R. with hands in
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