国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
occurring at end of fol. they are in some instances lost. They wear dhôlis and narrow stoles of dark pink, blue, or green, and are generally accompanied by children. From inscr. the demons appear to have been credited with power of saving children from illnesses, and directions are given for prayers to them with this object. In detail their chief characteristics are as follows :
(a) Obv. Cat- or leopard-headed; feet lost ; flesh brown ; R. hand raised as if beckoning ; L. hand holding by stem large pink object like half-open flower, but flower is turned downwards and demon grasps stem like neck of bottle. Cf. same object in L. hand of most of other demons. Between legs appear head and part body of infant, apparently lying on ground. 3 1I. Chin. and Brahmi inscr.
Rev. Hawk-headed, with wings ; feet lost ; flesh dark grey. L. hand grasps undetermined obj. like demon above, and in same fashion ; R. hand by side, perhaps holding hand of standing child, lower half of whom is preserved below standing by demon's R. leg. 3 II. Chin. and Brâhmi inscr.
Obv. Cock-headed, with wings and cock's feet ; flesh yellow. R. hand raised with first and second fingers extended, thumb and other fingers joined ; L. hand grasping obj. as in two preceding figs. Child in green shirt sits by R. foot, clasping leg. Painting broken. 411. Chin. and Brâhmi inscr.
(b) Rev. Dog- or lion-headed, with wings and bird's feet; flesh brown. Stands facing spectator, holding up by wrists and ankles human fig., whose inside he devours. Painting broken. 4 lI. Chin. and Brâhmi inscr.
(c) Obv. Stag-herded, with deer's hooves (?) partially
preserved ; flesh uncoloured. Holds young child in arms. 4 ll. Chin. and Brâhmi inscr.
(c) Rev. Ox-headed, with hooves ; flesh dark blue ; limbs specially long and thin. R. hand holds noose (1), L. undetermined obj. as in case of (a) obv. and rev. and (b) obv. On stand between feet lies infant in swaddling bands. 9 11. inscr. almost entirely Chin. I2.4" x 3'. (a) Pl. XCVI.
Ch. 00218. Fr. of Chin. Sutra with rough drawing on rev. of series of sealed Buddhas, running one above the other length of scroll. One complete, and parts of two others visible, with legs interlocked ; R. hand (where preserved) in vilarka-mudrà, L. in lap. One face painted white. Rough conventional practice work. Stout brownish paper ; torn. 2' 8â"
Ch. 00219. Remains of drawing on paper, with Chin. inscr., forming Buddhist magic diagram or Afandala. About three-quarters preserved ; L. lower quarter missing. Drawing in red, writing in black, ink.
General plan same as in *Ch. 00190, etc., with circle at centre containing star formed of four crossed Vajras, and seated Buddha at heart of it. B. seated on lotus on top of lion-supported throne, with lotus carrying jewel (?) growing on either side. Elongated oval halo ; arms and breast bare. Each arm of Vajra-star is filled with small seated Bodhisattva; each spandrel of small square containing circle, with two. All these have their names or epithets written over them in tiny Chin, chars., almost illegible.
There are four outer squares instead of three. First containing four small seated Bodhisattvas on each side, and Vajra head in each corner. These Bodhisattvas are uninscr., but carry emblems such as flaming sword, flask on lotus, jewel on lotus, crossed Vajra, etc. Second square contains Buddhist emblems tied with streamers, and demonic many-armed deities seated on rocks or animals, especially on yaks or bullocks. Interspersed with these are some figs. in Chinese dress, unhaloed ; one in trailing robes with phoenix on head, and others naked except for loin-cloth, with long rabbit-like ears and bat-like wings, perhaps prelas. So far figs. are all turned inwards ; in remaining squares they face outwards. Third square contains only Bodhisattvas, placed diagonally at corners, and demonic divinities with lassoes, etc., in part of T-space (see *Ch. 00190) which falls across its sides. Remainder represented as geom. orn. border and draped valance, like Ch. 00278.
Fourth square covered, except at T-spaces and corners, with close lines of small Chin. writing, and continuation of wide band of inscr. which on this side extends to 31 II. outside limit of fourth square, and on other side to 27. In each corner of fourth square a sword placed diagonally; in T-spaces, in each case, an elephant and lion, with jewel on back, facing animal which stands between them facing spectator. In two cases, this is a phoenix with ruffled wings; on head of one lotus, of other crossed Vajra. In third case, it is a horse, supporting jewel ; fourth lost.
Figs. in second, third, and fourth squares all inscr. in small writing as in inner circle. Rev. also inscr., at top and bottom, with 9 and I r 11. Chin., apparently as there was no margin for them on obv.
H. I' 91", width with external inscr. 2' 5".
Ch. 00221. Silk painting representing the Two-armed Avalokitesvara (Kuan-yin), seated, without attendants. Painting intact but much faded, and border lost. Picture finished on each side by band of lozenge diaper between lines of Indian red, and similar line of red below, beneath which perhaps were donors.
Avalok. is only fig. of picture proper. He sits on variegated lotus with legs interlocked, R. hand in vitarka-mudrei at breast, L. below holding stemless lotus bud. Large fig. of Dhyani-buddha within trilobate setting forms front of his tiara, which is high and of solid metal painted in brownish-red bronze' colours as in *Ch. 0051, etc.
Robes, fig., and orns. treated as in Ch. 00167, colouring of former crimson, slate-blue, and green ; hair black, and eyes slightly oblique. Circular halo and vesica were painted with waving rays and vandyke, jewel, and rosette ornamentation as in *Ch. 00102 ; but only traces of paint on them and the Padmâsana remain. Behind halo, as there was no room for it above, a draped and jewelled canopy; floating blossoms sprinkle background, which was painted slate-blue. Workmanship mediocre. I' 7" x r' 6i".
Ch. 00222. Fr. of large silk painting representing .lfanäala of a Buddha (undetermined). Complete in width with remains of orig. silk border; top and bottom lost;
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