国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
and in ringlets on shoulders ; flesh faintly coloured with pink ; garments touched with pink, crimson, and olive-green, jewellery uncoloured. Behind are oval halo and vesica ; latter uncoloured, former deep yellow, and both edged with flame. Above a simple canopy, and on either side discs of 'Sun and Moon : Moon on Btva: s R., all paint lost ; Sun on his L., containing the bird. Latter has been touched up and in process has been given only two legs, but third visible below. Inscr. is written across bottom of painting; see below. I' 4i° x I' or. Thousand Buddhas, PI. XXXII.
Ch. 00378. Paper painting showing two Buddhas
(unidentified). Upper one stands to L. within elliptical
vesica which surrounds whole fig. ; lower is seated on mat. Standing Buddha wears under-robe covering feet and red mantle which leaves R. breast, shoulder, and arm barc ; hands are joined at breast, R. hand clasping fingers of L. His vesica has outer border of flames, and inner border orn. with small scattered flames or clouds; the field is covered with crooked rays alternately red and black. His halo is circular with a border of straight rays, and its centre also orn. with scattered clouds or flames. The Padmâsanas of both are conventional single lotuses, whose centres are strewn with small rosettes.
The lower Buddha is seated in meditation, his mantle covering both shoulders and hands. He has no usnisa ; small triangular flames shoot upwards and sideways from his shoulders. His halo is of same character as that of Buddha above, but arch-shaped, ending off at shoulder level. His Padmâsana is placed on mat strewn with small rosettes, and divided by bands of black dots into three triangular. sections. Before him stands a covered (altar?) vessel, and at one of the mat's corners is fixed upright a pole with crosspiece from which hang flask and fly-whisk (?). On either side of mat stands also in background a small black attendant, dressed in under-robe and red mantle like Buddha above; one with his hands clasped at breast, the other carrying a pole with flask and fly-whisk. Round edge are sketched clouds, flaming jewels, a censer, a flask, and other emblems.
Drawing exceedingly bad, the forms of the body where visible especially bad in proportion and grotesque in outline; colouring limited to black and light red as described above. Condition good. 1' 5'
Ch. 00379. Paper painting, apparently a charm against sickness, but uninscr. Above square, with T-shaped space in middle of each side (see *Ch. 00190) at which stands demon against background of flame. Demons are resp. dragon (?)-headed, ox-headed, horse-headed, and elephant-headed ; three carry Vajra, noose, or flaming sword, while fourth clutches breast with both hands. Within square crossed Vajra, with circle at centre containing flask; within each of four arms is drawn resp. eight-pointed wheel, Vajra with triple-forked ends, Vajra with single-pointed ends, and flat dish with tripod foot containing objects indistinguishable. Corners of square filled in by four figs. in armour, placed diagonally ; three holding resp. halberd, flaming torch, and
noose, while fourth seems to tear apart his garments in front with his hands.
Immediately beneath square a monk sitting on mat ; to L. another fig. clad only in red skirt lying on mat and holding his sides in pain.
In L. bottom corner again stands another fig. in white dhbfi, arms uplifted in distress, and arms, legs, and body
transfixed with knives. Beside him two globular objects with
short tripod feet, latter part resembling tripod referred to above. Globular part bears marks perhaps intended for
grotesque human features ; figs. may possibly represent demons of disease. In same corner are represented a Vajra, censer, and Vajra-topped bell. R. bottom corner blank.
Drawing rough ; colouring pale red, green, and yellow in places. I' 5' x I'.
Ch. 00380. Paper painting, bottom and R. side lost, showing pilgrim or hermit walking L. accompanied by tiger.
Cf. same subject in Ch. 0037 (a). Hermit here represented
as extremely wrinkled old man with shaggy eyebrows, deeply sunken eyes and cheeks. With R. hand he leans upon staff;
in-L. he carries stout fly-whisk. He wears sandals, long spotted
trousers, tunic reaching to knees ; over it shorter spotted tunic with long sleeves, tied by girdle round waist. On head
mushroom hat over skull-cap, tied under chin by scarlet
bands. On his back bundle of manuscript rolls tied in cover and slung by chain to thorny branch above. Attachment of
branch to his person not clear, but it is evidently part of his equipment. On his further side stands tiger, with threatening expression and open jaws. Both figs. stand on cloud of dark red fire ; on another in L. upper corner seated Buddha. Paint used for these cloud scrolls has destroyed paper, and this accounts for lost parts of picture. On L. edge two blank cartouches, for inscr.
Colouring only dark red, light red, and grey, distributed over clothing and equipment, while flesh is uncoloured. Masterly drawing, giving a vivid impression of weird inhuman character of subject.
May represent the Tib. lay-saint Dharmatrâli, author of Udanavarga (see Waddell, Buddhism of Tibet, p. 377); but his association with tiger unexplained.
Part preserved, in good condition. z' 4' x I'. Thousand Buddhas, Pl. XXXIII.
Ch. o0381. Linen canopy, coarse, made square with plain hanging border. Top roughly painted in red, orange, green, and black, with large circular lotus rosettes and cloud scrolls ; border as a draped and jewelled valance. Suspension loops along edges on unpainted side. Fair condition. 3' I' sq.
Ch. 00382. MS. roll-cover, made of oblong sheet of stout paper covered each side with silk and bound v.ith silk round edges. Silk on outside, dull yellow, plain weave, very fine warp and broader weft giving slightly ribbed effect ; binding. on ends, strong leaf-green plain silk ; binding on long sides, bright yellow plain silk, slightly glazed; lining, silk damask, warp dull chocolate, weft brownish yellow, woven in small twill and with tiny quatrefoil spot in darker
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