国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
Ch. 00504. Ragged fr. of silk damask, dark brown, sand-encrusted. Ground plain; pattern, a small lozenge lattice-work in twill. 8" x 21".
Ch. 00505. Fr. of silk damask, light brown, fine close weave, dirt-stained. Ground plain ; pattern, in twill, small lozenge lattice-work. Spaces filled with lozenge-shaped spots. 6' x 2".
Ch. 00506. Fr. of silk damask, bluish green, soft even weave. Ground and pattern woven in reversed twills; pattern, small repeating spot ' of concentric lozenges. Gr. M. 3'.
Ch. 00507. Ragged frs. of silk damask, pasted on paper ; light brown, very loose weave. Pattern apparently repeating lozenge-shaped or elliptical rosette, I" in length. Ground and pattern woven in large reversed twills. Gr. fr. 21°xIi'.
Ch. ooso8. Fr. of silk damask, wine-colour (two pieces joined). Ground plain ; pattern in twill of large occasional floral ' spot ', c. 4" across, prob. circular. C. 8i" sq.
Ch. oo5og. Strip of plain silk, natural colour, even weave. One edge frayed to fringe; selvedge at each end. Across whole width are woven three narrow lines in light blue. Width (selvedge to selvedge) 2' 9f', length Ir.
Ch. oosio. a—b. Two frs. of printed silk (from suspension loop). Fine plain weave. Printed with blue ground leaving crescent, lentoid, or circular ` spots ' in natural colour of silk, grouped in circles, etc., and prob. forming rosette shapes in complete design. Green and yellow discoloration. Each fr. 6" X 2".
Ch. 00511. Remains of silk banner. Head-piece of light brown silk damask, woven with plain ground and scattered four-petalled rosettes of flattened elliptical shape in twill. Border of plain brown silk. Fr. of body of printed silk, much faded, showing rosettes and leaves in greenish indigo. Length of whole I' 2", width of banner 4".
Ch. 00512. a—e. Decayed remains of five silk banners. Head-piece and body of each made of figured silk like Ch. 00293, but having indigo ground and palmettes in buff. Head-piece border of yellow damask Ch. 00486. Streamers of plain blue silk; all very ragged. (Best preserved) length of whole c. 6', body 2' 6" x 10".
Ch. oo513. Silk banner ; weighting-board and most of streamers lost ; poor condition. Head-piece of plain cream silk, with border of faded brown silk damask, and suspension loop of red ribbed silk. Damask woven with plain ground and pattern in twill; design, hexagonal latticework formed by elongated leaf-shapes touching at their extremities. Within hexagons are, in alternate rows, four-petalled (square) and twelve-petalled (elliptical) rosettes. Body of one piece of printed silk, much faded, but showing hexagonal lattice-work formed of trefoil-shapes alternately green and blue, with circular seven-petalled rosettes in the
hexagons. Rosettes pink or buff, with blue centres and outlines left in natural colour of silk ; ground buff (?) ; outlines of trefoils, natural colour. Remains of bottom streamers of cream silk. Tib. (1) chars. scrawled on head-piece. Length (without streamers) z' 9', width 7".
Ch. 00554. Remains of silk banner ; the painted silk has been mounted on paper and has finally disappeared except for fr. at bottom, and been replaced by length of plain buff silk. Banner otherwise complete, but in poor condition. Head-piece of brown silk damask, decayed ; showing ground in small twill, pattern of large repeating flower (?) in large twill. Head-piece border of indigo silk; side streamers of light green silk ; bottom streamers of light blue silk ; weighting-board painted with three open yellow flowers on red ground. Length of whole 2' 9', width 8i".
Ch. 00515. Silk banner ; head-piece and side streamers lost. Body made of four sections of plain silk : puce, yellow, and two of light terra-cotta. Clean and fresh, but torn from stiffeners. Remains of bottom streamers of light brown. Length (without streamers) 3' 6', width 5oß".
Ch. oos16. a—d. Decayed remains of four silk banners ; very dirty. Made entirely of plain silk (green, white, fawn, brown, or puce), and one silk damask (red), woven in small lozenge lattice-work like Ch. 00503. Bodies made of four (?) sections, majority preserving only two. Streamers ragged. Gr. length (without streamers) 2' I', width 7.".
Ch. 00517. Silk streamer from valance ; made of tabs of puce, lemon, pink, and rose plain silks ; of printed silk with lemon ground and flower spot in blue and pink, and of blue-grey silk damask with plain ground and large naturalistic floral pattern (incomplete in fr.), in twill. Lined with light terra-cotta silk. Good condition. 1' 6" x 4'.
Ch. 00518. Fr. of silk painting (from banner). Delicately drawn and coloured ; fair condition ; shows Escape of Prince Gaulanza from Kapilavastu. Above on L. on cloud, Prince escaping on Kanthaka, small divinities in armour holding up horse's feet. In foreground, two or three women in red and blue robes lying asleep on Palace floor. On R. a seated woman, also asleep, specially finely drawn. Gr. M. c. 3° X 4'.
Ch. 00519. Fr. of silk painting (banner), mounted on paper. Fair condition ; good execution. Shows above, feet and lower end of robes, crimson, white, and blue, of standing personages ; and below, a long cylindrical (?) object, grey-blue covered with rosette pattern in white, burning in mass of flames. 3 ' x 6°.
Ch. 00520. Fr. of silk painting (banner), showing face of I3odhisaiva. Skilled workmanship of *Ch. 002 type; face straight-eyed, with white fillet on head set with red lotuses and hair apparently in Indian' style (see *Ch. lv. 0014) ; but long drooping narrow beard and moustaches of Chinese mandarin. C. 4' X 6".
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