国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
circular halo with copper-green centre, and outer rings of crimson, buff, and white ; above, tasselled canopy.
Workmanship good example of ' Chinese Buddhist' type as seen in *Ch. 002, etc.
Cartouche for inscr. is on L. edge opposite face, but inscr. is written only on rev. Chin. chars. on back of head-piece and front of suspension loop. For other Ksitigarbha banners, see Ch. oor I r ; xxi. oor 3 ; xxiv. 004 ; xl. oo6 ; and lxi. 004.
Painting r' ro" x 7r", length with head-piece 2' 8". Pl. LXXXIII.
Ch. i. 004. Painted silk banner ; head-piece and side streamers lost, otherwise well preserved.
Subject : Dharmapàla Vajrapà.ai, a fine instance of the Chinese demon type. Stands facing spectator, feet apart,
head L., hands carrying long Vajra as in Ch. 004.
Dress, jewels, hair, type of fig., and treatment of muscles as in this latter, the muscles painted in red on brown. Face half-brutish, with round staring eyes, coarse nose and cheeks, large-lipped mouth of bright red, eyebrows, moustache, and cat-like whiskers of sparse curving hairs. Energetic control of whole person and readiness for some vigorous movement expressed even in strained tendons down front of foot, and strongly upturned toes, which become a mere convention in the more stylized figs. ; but tenseness of fig. counterbalanced by sinuous lines of stole, and cloud. Workmanship of the best in conventional style, and colour fine, including a specially beautiful dusky blue and green used on stole.
For other Dharmapâlas, see under Ch. 004.
Painting 2' Iâ" X 6g length with streamers 5' 5â".
Thousand Buddhas, Pl. xxIx.
Ch. L 005. Painted silk banner, with head-piece ; all streamers lost. Slightly faded and discoloured, but painting practically intact.
Head-piece a small triangle of white silk gauze, with wide (21') border. On R. side this is of plain white silk, end being made of white silk gauze ; on L. it is of brilliant red silk damask, with end of plain red silk. Damask pattern consists of rows of lozenges, separated by chevron bands composed of alternating quatrefoils and Svastikas ; ground woven plain, pattern twill ; glazed on outside, and in excellent condition. The suspension loop is of duller red silk damask, very brittle and too small to show pattern.
Subject : Bodhisattva, with censer. Traced from same original as Ch. 0083, but on reverse side, so that L. hand carries censer and fig. curves out to L. hip. Colouring, though now faded, was gay and very decorative, the most striking feature being the V-shaped stole. This is bright crimson with large half-rosettes in copper-green and white placed alternately along the edges, its rev. being green. The drapery across breast is also bright crimson ; skirt pinkish yellow, with folds in crimson and border of slate-blue ; lotus underfoot pinkish purple with masses of green stamens. Tiara is complete, and stands out brilliantly against pale blue of halo with its orange and pinkish lotuses, green jewels, and crimson flames. Over central orn. hangs a single flower,
as in *Ch. oor, here painted scarlet. Yellow cartouche for inscr. to R. of head, blank.
Painting 2' 2*' X 7g", length with head-piece 2' 8".
Ch. i. oo6. Painted silk banner, complete and in good condition ; mounted like Ch. 004 except that side streamers are dark blue.
Subject : Dharmapàla Vajrapàni, a replica of Ch. 004 but
for mouth, which snarls, showing teeth. Cartouche blank. For other Dharmapâla banners, see under Ch. 004. Painting 2' IX 7 ", length of whole 6'. J. Indian Art,
1912, No. 120, Pl. 3.
Ch. i. 007. Painted silk banner, with head-piece, and remains of one side and one bottom streamer of ragged dark blue silk. On suspension loop is strung Chin. coin, of Tang period, with K`aiytian Nien-hao.
Head-piece of dull purple silk, with border and suspension 'bop of coarse red cotton or hemp, loosely woven. Both orn.
with rude stencil designs in yellow : centre-piece with Buddha
seated in meditation and lotus leaves ; border with floral sprays. Painting itself much broken and upper end above
halo lost, but colour well preserved. Patch of fine indigo silk damask, woven in minute key pattern, has been gummed on at R. ankle of fig., and frs. of painted silk in other places, to strengthen gauze.
Subject : Avalokilefvara (Kuan-yin). Stands I R. on two short-stalked lotuses, respectively light blue and scarlet. R.
hand, before breast, holds weeping willow ; L. by side carries
flask(bodyof which is lost). Face and fig. very feminine; head thrust forward from shoulders, chest hollowed, and body
sloped forward to hips, legs straight. Treatment shows mix-
ture of Indian and Chinese elements. Dress, jewellery, and coiffure are that of ` Indian ' Bodhisatfva as in Ch. lv. 0032 ;
though features are Chinese, tiara of Chinese *Ch. ooz variety,
turn of arms and hands characteristic of same less angular type of fig., and willow emblem itself entirely Chinese. General
pose, however, with its marked protrusion to L. hip and the stiffness of legs and skirt, and jerky fall of stole recall Indian' types. Halo circular edged with flame ; colouring bright scarlet, blue, green, brown, and white ; with scarlet, green, and purple on jewellery.
Painting I' Ion" x 7", length of whole 3' 6".
Ch. i. oo8. Painted silk banner ; head-piece and side streamers preserved, but broken off; bottom streamers lost, painting fragmentary. Head-piece of plain ivory silk, bordered with red silk of closer weave ; streamers of plain dark blue silk ; suspension loop of light buff silk with cord passed through it. Upper edge of painting, showing vandyked valance in flowered band, remains attached to headpiece.
Subject : Bodhisattva, prob. Avalokitesvara. Main part of
fig. preserved, standing to L. on pink lotus outlined red;
R. hand raised carrying flower-stem whose head is lost; L. horizontal before breast, second and third fingers bent. In style of work, dress, fig., and accessories, of type *Ch. oo2. Breast bare to girdle, ears almost normal and not pierced ; upper part of head and all above, lost. Colouring fairly
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