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0422 Serindia : vol.3
Serindia : vol.3 / Page 422 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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I5-17. Rev. of fol. 18 is blank, and concludes Pôthi. No. 27, Hoernle Reg. Io8" x 2*". PI. CLII.

Ch. 00277. Pôthi, incomplete, in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta script. Good strong paper, clean and well preserved. Three 11, black ink writing on page, but marginal and guiding lines in faint red ink ; so also interior small circle, in diam., 21" off L. edge, and numbering -of verses of text. At beginning of Pôthi (rev. of Ist fol.), two small concentric circles; inner red, outer black. The word baysa, where it occurs, also in red ink. Total no. of surviving fois., r 2 ; viz. Nos. I–i I and a cancelled fol. ro. The fols. numbering 12 ff. are missing.

Contents : Some Buddhist Stotra not yet identified, possibly a translation of one of Matrceta. In stanzas of four 'Vas each, beginning : Siddhant Drabâdva namasii baysa • avarûsyi baysau da : the word baysa being in red ink. Fol. I I closes with the first 3 Aksaras (karma bat) of the 3rd pada of the 39th stanza. On fol. io the scribe had omitted the 4th pada of the 32nd and the two first padas of the 33rd

  •   stanzas ; hence that fol. was cancelled (its rev. is blank), and the scribe commenced a fresh fol. ro, with the omitted padas, but the cancelled fol. ro was not destroyed. Stanzas numbered in red ink from I to 38. MS. possibly never completed. Another copy of this Stotra occurs in the fr. Ch. xlvi. 0013. a. (No. 51) and another fuller copy in roll Ch. 00268 (No. 19). The two last-mentioned agree more closely in their text, while they differ slightly from the text in the present Pôthi. Moreover, a comparison of our text with that of the roll shows blunders in the numbering of the verses in our Pôthi. The number II occurs twice and i5 is omitted. Again, the two numbers 28 and 29 are omitted. In fact, our Potin contains only 37 verses, not 39. The text of the roll extends to 53 verses and a half. No. 28, Hoernle Reg. qg"X28". PI. CLII.

Ch. 003x6. a. Pôthi, one complete fol. and three-fourths of another, numbered 22 and 99 respectively, on rev. within blank square surrounding string-hole ; with 6 11. in Kuchean language and Slanting Gupta script ; containing a medical text, in the complete fol. on different kinds of food, and in the incomplete on tumours, their signs and remedies. Identified by Prof. Sylvain Lévi. No. 29, Hoernle Reg. x21"x32". PI. CLII.

Ch. 003x6. b. Pôthi, one fol. practically complete, damaged at both ends, fol. No. lost ; with 6 II. writing in Kuchean language and Slanting Gupta script ; part of

a short poem, expressing wishes in reference to each section of the Udâna (Dhammapada). Identified by Prof. Sylvain Lévi '. No. 3o, Hoernle Reg. 1' 2" x 31". Pl. CLII.

Ch. 00327. Roll, incomplete ; stiff yellowish paper; upper portion of unknown length missing. Inscr. on obv. with some Chin. text; on rev. with mutilated text, to Il. in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta. No. 31, Hoernle Reg. 3' 6i"x I21".

Ch. 00328, 00329. Two frs. of rolls. (I) Inscr. on obv. with Chin.; on rev. with 5 11. of Buddhist text in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta ; apparently forming top of roll. 5â" x 10".

(2) Inscr. on obv. with 5 II., in Khotanese and Cursive

Gupta. Some Buddhist text. Rev. blank. No. 32, Hoernle Reg. 7" x to".

Ch. 00830. Roll, incomplete ; good stiff light-yellow paper ; folded up [concertina fashion] into r8 folds of about 31" each ; but two folds (one at either end) missing.

Iriscr. on obv. with some Chin. text ; on rev. with the Prajilâ-pâramila-hrdaya-sutra, together with Chin. transliteration, arranged in alternate perpendicular columns, to be read from R. to L. ; similar to that in the Horiuzi MS. (Anecd. Oxon., ii. pt. iii, table iv. 1, 2, 3), which, however, is arranged in alternate horizontal lines. The extant text commences with mila-caryam caramel ro, and ends with svaha ; colophon missing. There are occasional slight variations, but in the main the text and transliteration are identical in the two MSS.

The script of the Skr. text in our roll is a beautiful Upright Gupta of the Tibetan type, of a date not earlier than the late seventh century A. n. ; for it uses the modern form of ya (Er) throughout. As a peculiarity it may be noted that it occasionally writes nil for 11, and even for 1; as in cin/fa for cilla, and pâraminild for pârcnnita. No. 33, Hoernle Reg. 4' 4% X Ioi".

Ch. 00831. Roll, very small fr. of irregular shape. Inscr. on obv. with remains of 4 II. in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta ; rev. blank. No. 34, Hoernle Reg. 42" x 61".

Ch. 00456. Pôthï, small fr. from across middle of fol. with remains of 5 11. in Sanskrit and Slanting Gupta.

Prob. from some Buddhist work ; read by Prof. S. Lévi. No. 59, Hoernle Reg. 14" x

Ch. i. 0059. Roll, incomplete ; thin dun-coloured paper ; upper portion of unknown size missing. Covered on obv. with Chin. writing, on rev. with 38 11. Cursive Gupta in Khotanese : (I) Cursive table of alphabet, Io 11.; incomplete ; (2) dharani, 2311. ; (3) Incomplete Buddhist text, not identified, 5 11. No. 35, Hoernle Reg. 3' 42" x 98".

Ch. i. 0021. a. Roll, large incomplete ; on coarse thick buff paper, consisting of two portions of differing sizes, which are sewn together along narrow edge :-

(I) Upper portion, incomplete at top, inscr. on one side with three Chinese records of 3, 8, and 4 columns respectively, separated from one another by blank spaces of 6" and 9", and referring to accounts of corn, etc. ; other side blank. At lower end sewn to

(2) Lower portion, incomplete at end, and of lesser width ; inscr., on both sides, with unidentified Buddhist text, in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta ; with exception of space of 6' at top, where it is sewn on to the upper portion, and inscr. with r r columns of large Chin. writing. No. 36, Hoernle Reg. 5' I' X 12" (upper), 'or (lower half).

Ch. i. 0021. b. Roll, complete except for small blank piece torn off at top. Covered on both sides with writing in Khotanese and Cursive Gupta. Consists of two unidentified Buddhist texts, written in opposite directions; one text covering whole of one side and half of other, while other text covers other half, beginning at bottom of that side, so that the endings of the two texts meet in its middle. No. 36, Hoernle Reg. 3' .;â" x 6â".