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0486 Serindia : vol.3
Serindia : vol.3 / Page 486 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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` Buzurg' (holy man), legends of, 41, 46. Byen-filing, place-name in Tibetan docs., xxiii, 470.

Byzantine art, 398, 535 ; adornment of Christian churches during B. period, 841 n. 24 ; B. type of carving, 398, 403, 44o ; B. capital on fresco, 181. Byzantine coins from Karghalik, 1340,


C. = Camp.

cable pattern, see designs.

cairns, 61x , 619, 707, 708 n., 1325 sq. Caitya-catuska-sûlra, Skr. MS. fr. of, 1450.

Caityas, figs. of, on stucco relief plaques, I I I I ; (1), on terra-cotta relief plaque, 1107.

` Calamities ', represented in paintings,

867 sq., 1020, 1044, 1055, 1057. 1081.

Calcutta, stay at, 1327.

caleçon, on painted panel, 196.

calendars : Chinese, on silk, 700 ; on wood, 641, 647, 667, 672, 762 ; illustrated Chinese calendrical MS. fr.,


Calmadana, see Charchan.

caltrop-like object, terra-cotta, 142. camel skin (?), used for scale armour,


camels : wild, 319, 565, 711; transport by camels mentioned in Chinese does., 412, 699, 710 ; posts and rope for tethering camels found, 66x ; local instinct of camels, 1146 ; camels mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

figs. of : bronze cast, roo, 123 ; on fresco frs., 544 ; on garnet intaglio, 104 ; lead figurine, 118 ; paintings and sketches on paper of two-humped camels, 892, 976, 996 ; inscription on, translated, 1338 ; painting of camel on wood, 1259 ; stucco relief fr. of camel's head, 1193, 1212 ; terra-cotta figs., 99, 103, 104, io6, io8, I I0, 113, 137, 141 ; drawing on watch-tower wall, 658 ; on wooden disc, 196.

camp, entrenched, traced on Limes, 636 sqq.

Campa Nagari, king of, named in MS. fr., 1435.

Campicfiu, Marco Polo's name for Kan-chou (q. v.), 1 13 2.

Camul, Goez's name for Ha.mi (q. v.), 1125.

canals : used for irrigation, (Ak-tam) 76 ; (Ak-kul) 135 ; (Tun-huang) 582 sq. ; (Nan-hu) 62 2 sqq., 626 sq. ; (Wan-fohsia) 1109; (Chin-ea) 1134; (Hâmff 1148 ; (Lukchun) 1160 ; (Kara-shahr) 1179 ; (Khaidu-gol Valley) 1224 ; (Korla) 123o n. 1; (Kara-dong) 1241 ; (Domoko) 1263 ; (Jamada) 1266 ; (E. of Yurung-kâsh River) 1266 ;

(Kara-sai) 1 273 ; (Bögar-ming) 1 273 ; (Islamabad) 1279; (Nara) 1322; in-

adequate drainage of canal-ends in

Tang Ho delta, 582 n. ; marshes
between An-hsi and Tun-huang fed

by, 603 ; canalized streams at Karadöbe and Lapchuk, 1156 ; projected new canal fromYurung-kash R., 2265.

remains of ancient canals : (Rawak) 129 ; (Niya) 240 sq. ; (Endere) 285 ; (Charchan, ' Yangi-Ustang') 300-2 ; (Köne-tamlik) 305 ; (Vash-sl,ahri) 309 ; (Miran) 347, 534 ; (Koshkuduk) 554 n. ; (Tun-huang) 587 ; (So-yang-ch'êng) I Ioi ; (Farhad-Begyailaki) 1249 ; (Chong-tim) 1308.

Canceu, see Kan-chou.

Candraprabha, minister, paintings of, 949, 1077. See also Bodhisattva of the Moon.

cane frs., (Tun-huang) 774, 779; basket fr., 68o, 775. See also broom, matting.

Caiikuna, minister in Kashmir, 1090.

CANNAN, Mr. C., help given by, xx.

canopies: silk and linen, 894 n. 22, 966, 994 ; canopy on stucco sculpture, 928 ; in wall-paintings, 928, 931 ; in paintings, 937-1087 passim ; dome-shaped canopy on painted wood, 172; miniature painted canopies, 1000,1079. See also screen and canopy.

cantilevers, or double brackets, see brackets.

canvas : as backing for stuccos, (Khadalik) 165, 170, 172, 174 sq.; (Loulan) 399, 442 ; canvas bag, (Endere) 276, 290 ; canvas on woven string shoes, (Tun-huang) 771 ; canvas wrappers round MS. bundles, (Ch'ien-fo-tung) 823 ; paintings on canvas, see paintings. See also cotton, linen.

capitals : carved wooden, (Lou-lan) 398, 44o; (Mirân) 496, 523, 542, 545; (' Ming-oi') 1198, 1221 ; stucco, 486; on fresco fr., 506, 544.

caravans, through Lop Desert, 312, 560 sq., 566 n. 22 ; through Pei-shah, 1125, 1126 n. 26 ; near Kan-chou, 1134.

carcanet and bells, on painted panel, 174. Caroka, (Skr. Cdruka), name in Kharosthi inscription, 495.

carpenters' chippings, see chippings. carpet industry of Khotan, 373.

carpet-weaver's needles, wooden, (Lou-Ian) 402, 440, 445, 447. See also weavers' instruments, weaving stick.

carpets : mentioned in Tibetan does.. 1465 ; woollen pile, frs. found : (Niya) 25o; (Lou-lan) 372 sq., 384, 401, 433, 438, 445 ; (Tun-huang) 711, 78i ; (Kara-dong) 1243.

carrots (?), mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

cart-road, ancient, traces of, (Farhad-Begyailaki) 1250.

cart-tracks : near T. Limes, 568, 574, 6o6, 657 ; near Kuan-tsou, 628, 629 ; near Korla, 1228 ; traces of, retained for long periods by bare gravel soil, 628, 657.

cart traffic : on ' Lou-lan route ', 554, 556, 633; near Tun-huang, 649,


cart-wheel, solid wooden, (Lou-lan) 378.

cartouches : on silk banners, often left

blank, 848 ; ornamental in textiles,

see medallions; in painting of textile,

1276, 2282.

Cdruka, see Caroka.

carving, see wood-carving.

Cascar, Goëz's name for Kashgar (q. v.),


casemates, in ruined fort, 116i.

castanets (?), in silk painting, 1468.

castle, in Mastaj, 46; legendary mountain

castle S. of Uch-Turfän, 1301.

castra or praesidia promovere, 729.

cat, terra-cotta head of, I z i.

cat-headed demon, painting of, 979.

catapult (?), frs., 645, 758, 769.

Cathay, Goëz's search for, 1126 ; Desert

Cathay, xiv, xxviii.

cattle, numbers in Chinese army in Han

times, 728.

cattle-sheds, 238, 402. See also sheep-


cattle-trough, 402.

Catutiataka-slotra, Skr. MS. fr. of, 1448.

Cauri, see Yak-tail fan.

cave, near Chong-köl, 1182.

`Cave of Mafijuiri', 8oi n.

`Cave of unequalled height ', 798, Boo.

cave - shrines :   (Ch'ien-fo-tung, q. v.)
792 sqq. ; (Hsiao Ch'ien-fo-tung) i io8 ; (Ara-tam) 1153 ; (' Ming-oi') 1184 ; (Kuehl) 1238.

cavetto, on carved wooden cantilever, 1257.

ceiling decoration, (Ch'ien-fo-tung) 931. celadon, frs. found, 238.

celestial attendants : stucco relief figs. of, (' Ming-oi ') 1205-8, 1217 ; heads, 2203, 2223. See also divine assemblages, divinities.

` celestial fields, delimitation of', 754 sq. celestial music, dancing, and mansions, in paradise paintings, 887.

cellas : (Karwan-balasi) 7o ; (Kök-kumarish) 129; (Kine-tokmak) 131; (Akkul) 135 ; (Siyelik) 139 ; (Khadalik) 156 sq., 162 ; (Miran) 492 sqq., 512 sqq. ; (T. xxv) 590 ; (Ch'ien-fotung) 793, 927 sqq. ; (Wan-fo-hsia) I I I0 ; (Ara-tam) 1152 sqq. ; (Toghucha) 1155; (Lapchuk) 1156; (Chong-hassar) x 161 ; (Kichik-hassâr) r 164 sq. ; (' Ming-oi') 2 188, Ix 91, 1195, 1197 sqq., 1200 sqq. ; (Khöra) 1224 sq. ; (Farhad-Beg-yailaki) 1247