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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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fruit, mentioned in Tibetan docs. (?), 1465. See also designs.

fruit stones, 191.

Fu Chieh-tzû, Chinese officer, his expedition to Lou-lan, 342.

Fu-ch`u, River (Oxus), in Hsi yii-chi, 63. Fu-hsi, Emperor, painting possibly representing, 891, 967.

Fu-kuei, canton of Tun-huang command, in Limes docs., 7zr, 712.

Fu-lin (Syria), submission of, recorded in Tang shu, 59.

Fudô, painting of, in Mandala' of Ksitigarbha, 1422.

furniture : wooden, frs.: (Kine-tokmak) 133 ; (Khadalik) 180 ; (Niya) 267 ; (Lou-lan) 384, 403, 436, 446-9; (Tunhuang) 66o, 770, 772 sq. ; designs on, (Miragram) 49.

Gabar-bati (Naristi), Kafir dialect, spoken in Chitral, 27.

Gahirat, Persian rock-cut inscr. at, 34. Galchas, Iranian hill tribes, anthropo-

metric records of, 64, 1359, 1388 sq. Galcha group of languages, 66.

Galcha type of Homo Alpinus, see s. v. galleries, wooden, in cave temples, 793. gambeson, 379, 435.

game traps, 704, 767, 782.

Gandaritis, see Gandhàra.

Gandhàra (Ch`ien-to-lo, Gandaritis), 2 n. 2 ; Wu-k`ung in, 19 ; relations with Udyàna, 20; Buddhist Vihâras in, 7x ; Khotan steatite antiques pro),. from, roo.

Gandhàra art : lost pictorial art, 499, 503, 510, 854; influence of classical models on, 503 sq., 5 r o.

friezes in, 509 sq., 516, 523 sqq•; comparison of, with decoration of Miràn shrine, 486 sq. ; with Chien-fotung paintings, 853 sqq., 878.

influence of: (Chitral) 35 ; (Mira-gram) 48 sq. ; (Yôtkan) z io ; (Khâdalik) 16r, 184, 190, 195 ; (Niya) 214, 216, 222, 226, 234 sq., 257 ;

(Lou-lan) 395-7 ;   (Miràn) 499,
502 sqq., 513 sqq., 518, 523 sqq.: (Yün-kang) 847 ; (Ch`ien-fo-tung) 85o sq., 853 sqq., 86o, 862, 870, 875, 877 sqq., 894, 1024; (` Ming-oi') '188 sq., 1190, 1193 sqq., 1197, 1200, 1203, 1210 sq., 1216 sqq., 1221 sq. ; (Farhâd-Beg-yailaki) 1253.

See also Graeco-Buddhist art.

Gandharvis, figures of: on pain ted wooden panel, 185; on painted wood-carving (?), 1216 ; in fresco panels, 929, 1196, 12 x 3 sqq.; in silk paintings, 1003,1041 ; stucco relief frs., 164, 174 sq., 179 sq., 183 sq., 186-8, 190 sq., 194, 1194 (?), 1207 sq. (?), 1262 (?), 1267 (?), 1268, 1270, 1273, 1280 sq. ; on terra-cotta appliqué ornaments, 98 sq., 109, r x2,


I 15, I20 sq.; wooden statuette (?), 894, 938. See also Apsaras.

Ganeia : in fresco, 167, 177 ; on painted panel, 174, 185.

` Ganga-sagar ', jug resembling, in fresco, 520.

Gankôrini, fort at, 36.

Ganymede feeding Zeus's Eagle, seal impression of, 1250, I 26o.

garden produce, mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

gardens, remains of ancient, 237, 404. GARDNER, Prof. Percy, help given by, xix, roc).

garland, see wreath.

garnet : trefoil piece, 120 ; intaglios, see seals.

garrison soldiers ' (convicts), as border colonists, 75r.

Pappolar, see Guraios.

Garuda figures, in paintings, 875, 887 sq., 931, 948, 961, 977, 1014 sq., &c., passim.

Garuhâ, see Guraios.

Garwi, Dard language, 24.

Gass Lake, 324.

gate ' to grave enclosure, 609, 61x, 619.

gates : remains of, 272, 387 sq., 608 ; of So-yang-ch`êng, 1102 ; of Chia-yü kuan, 1118 ; in ruined walls of Lapchuk, 1156. •

gateways : construction of, 453 ; remains of gateway (?), 713 ; gateway of Mazartàgh fort, 1286.

Gauri, see Guraios.

Gaula, see Kao-t`ai.

Gautama Buddha, see Buddha.

GAUTHIOT, M. R. : help given by, xviii ;

on Sogdian language and does., 383,

652, 675 sq., 92o sq. ; his death, 921. gauze, see banners, silk.

gauzes, technique of, 898.

Gazan (Gazzin) in Mastûj, mentioned by IbIughul Beg, 51.

gazelle, in paintings, 1025. See also deer.

Gazzin, see Gazan.

geese, figures of : in textile decoration, confronting, 909, 91 1, 939, 987 ; in paintings, 980, 1013, 1021, 1036 sq., 1078 ; flying, 955 ; at head of MS. roll, 1455 ; on seal (?), 1314.

Genii, in paintings, 868, x 424(seealsoGoôd Genius, Evil Genius); stucco relievo frs. of flying genii, 1194, 1207 sq. ; genius with the golden bag' (Kuvera) of I-tsing in Gandhàra relievos, 1253. geometrical patterns, see designs. Ghalchah, see Galcha.

Ghan, locality in Sarikol, 76.

Ghana or Vajra-topped bell, in paintings and drawings, 967, 980, 995, 1078, 1084.

Ghaz-kum, old Khotan River bed, 1296 n. x.

Ghazis : Mazar of the Three Ghàzis, 94.


Ghujak-bai (Ujadbai), deserted post in Sarikol, 73, 75 n. 8.

gilding : evidence of, at Ak-terek, 135 ; effects of wind-erosion, &c., on, 137 ; on Chien-fo-tung sculptures, 796 ; traces of, on stucco images and fresco frs., 1276 sq.; lavish use of, in Khotan temples, 1324; gilding on beads, 125, 247, 282, 290 sq., 393, 432, 779, 1295 ; on bronze, zoo, 116-19 ; on bronze open-work orn., xx68, 1175; on bronze statuettes, 1174 ; on Buddha sculpture, 928 ; on carved lotus, 513 ; on frescoes, 178, 931, 1175 ; on lapis lazuli ring, x x6 ; on painting, 978 ; on stucco, 172, 174, 179, 184, 201, 2x0, I170, I172 ; on stucco relievos, 141 sqq., 144, 146, 148, 150, 158, 165, 170, 175, 179, 184, x86, 195, 201, 1172-4, 1200, 1203 sq., 1223 ; on Stûpa model, 44x ; on white plaster, 1170 ; on wood-carvings, 1173, 1282 ; on painted woodcarvings, 1197, 1218, 1222 ; on painted wooden cornice, 1225, 1229; on wooden head, 193 ; on wooden statuettes, 1200, 1259. See also gold.

GILES, Dr. L. : help given by, xviii, xxi; on paper and calligraphy of Sui dynasty, xxiii ; translates Tang records, xxiii, 62o sqq., 716 ; help with Chien-fo-tung relics : paintings, 836 ; Chinese MSS., 82x, 916-18.

Gilgit: Islam adopted by rulers of, 28 n.; Chinese garrison in, 32. See also Kao Hsien Chih.

Gilgit River, bridge over, 58. See also So-i River.

Girarai, Buner, Stùpa remains near, identified, 9, 16.

giiti >gilth, term for ' span ', in BrAhmt record on silk, 702 sqq.

glaciers: Shayos, x 5 ; of Darkot, 52, 56 sq.; glacier sources of Yurung-kash River, 1324 ; Sasser glacier crossed, 1327; glacier pass over Nicholas Range, xxii.

glass : local manufacture of, 393, 1 191 ; mediaeval Arab, 1316.

finds : applied slip-work on, 133, 282, 290 sqq., 315, 432, 440; beads, see s. v. ; blown glass frs., (Endere) 291 sq. ; (Vash-shahri) 315 sq. ; (Loulan) 429, 431 sq., 434, 439 sq.; (Miràn) 478 ; (Ulugh-mazàr) 1269 ; misc. frs., (Yôuii:an and Khotan) 99 sq., 103, 117 sq. ; (Kine-tokmak) x33 ; (Ak-terek) 145, 148, 153; (Kushukaste) 200 ; (Endere) 282 sq., 289-92; (Charchan and Vàsh-shahri) 315 sq. ; (Lou-lan) 439 ; (Ch'iao-tzü) I 107 ; (Ushak-tal) x183 ; (' Ming-oi ') 1191, 1204 ; (Farhàd-Beg-yailaki) 1256 ; (Ulügh-mazàr) 1269 ; (Lachin-atâmazàr) x 269 ; (Mazar - tàgh) x 29 I ; (Chong - tim) 1314 sq. ; (Togu-jai) 1316; cup, edge of, 162, 196; imitation

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