国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Bilderatlas zur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Mittel-Asiens : vol.1 | |
中央アジアの芸術・文化史に関する図録 : vol.1 |
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: Explorations in Central Asia, Igo6-8. `Geographical Journal' for July & September, Igog.
: Note on Maps illustrating explorations in Chinese Turkestan and Kansu. `The Geographical Journal', March, 1911.
: Ruins of Desert Cathay. Personal Narrative of explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. Vols. I, II. London, Macmillan & Co., 1912.
—: Les documents chinois découverts par Aurel Stein dans les sables du Turkestan oriental. Publiés et traduits par Edouard Chavannes. Oxford, 1913.
: Guide to an exhibition of paintings, manuscripts, and other archäological objects collected by Sir Aurel Stein in Chinese Turkestan. Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. London 1914.
—: A third journey of exploration in Central Asia, 1913-16. The `Geographical Journal' for August and September 1916 pp. 97-130, 193-225.
—: Atlas of Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu as above, 47 Sheets, scale 1 : 500000; 11 triangulation charts, 1 levelling chart. Dehra Dun 1918 bis 22.
—: Explorations in the Lop Desert. `The Geographical Review', Voo. IX, Nr. 1 January 1920.
—: Ancient Chinese Figured Silks excavated by Sir Aurel Stein at ruined sites of Central Asia. Drawn and described by F. H. Andrews. London, Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 1920.
: Serindia. Detailed Report of explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China, carried out and described under the orders of H. M. Indian Government by Sir Aurel Stein. Vols. II—III text; Vol. IV plates; Vol. V. maps. Clarendon PreB, Oxford, 1921.
—: A Chinese expedition across the Pamirs and Hindukush, A. D. 747. `The Geographical Journal', February 1922.
—: Memoir on maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu. From the surveys made during Sir Aurel Stein's explorations Igoo—oI, Igo6—o8, 1913-15, with Appendices by Major K. Mason, M. C., R. E., and Dr. J. de Graaff Hunter. Trigonometrical Survey Office, Dehra Dun 1923.
—: Innermost Asia: its Geographiy as a factor in History. Geographical Journal, May-June 1925.
: Ancient Buddhist paintings from the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas on the westernmost border of China. Recovered and described by Sir Aurel Stein with an Introductory Essay of Laurence Binyon. Published under the orders of H. H. Secretary of State for India and with the cooperation of the Trustees of the British Museum. London, B. Quaritch, Ltd., 1921.
Zaturpanskij, Dr. Choros : Reisewege und Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Expeditionen. Orient. Archiv. Bd. III. Hiersemann, Leipzig 1913.
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