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高昌故城 / Ancient City of Gaochang

寺院址。高昌国は古代シルクロードの玄関口であり、火焔山近く、トルファンの南西40Kmに位置している。前漢時代には高昌壁といったような砦が築かれ、後代には政治・経済・文化面での中心となっていった。唐時代には、天竺取教途中に立ち寄った玄奘三蔵が国王麹文泰に請われて一ヶ月に渡る説法を行っている。国王ni仏教の信心が篤く、故城内にはいくつもの寺院址が見られる。遺跡は外城、内城、宮城の三つの部分から構成されており、城壁などがよく保存されている。 / Temple ruins. / Gaochen Kingdom was an important gateway on the ancient Silk Road, situated near the Flaming mountains 40 km southwest of Turfan. In the first century, military units of the eastern Han Dynasty doing farm work there established a rampart called Gaochangbi. Later it developed into a political, economic and cultural center along with historical changes. The monk XuanZang (602-664) of the Tang Dynasty preached in the city for the King of Gaochang during his pilgrimage to India for Buddhists scriptures. The ancient city of Gaochang consists of three parts: the outer city, the inner city and the palace city. The city walls are fairly well preserved and some other remains can still be seen.

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ja 高昌故城
en Ancient City of Gaochang



  • Stein Place Name - Innermost Asia / Kara-Khoja
  • Not Collated
  • Hedin Place Name - Central Asia Atlas
  • Collated
  • German Expeditions Place Name - Idikutschari
  • Not Collated (with Image Cards)
  • Huang Wenbi Place Name - Archaeological Report in Turfan / Archaeological Report in Tarim Basin
  • Collated (with Image Cards)
  • DSR Place Name - Silk Road in Photographs
  • Ruin Card

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