Database for Buddhist Cave Temples in China
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0226Ornamentation (also otherwise frequent) from the Preta cave of the third construction. Rear: brown; vine: lightgreen-grey; flower: light blue with white points and lines. Side strips: lightgreen-grey, Klutst. p. 169.

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0175Fig. 390a shows the cross section of the cave before the niche wall. The upper limit (its arrangement see. Fig. 390c) rises to 90 cm over the walls.
0175Ornamentation strip of the framework (see. Fig. 390a) TheCover 1 brown, lightgreen arabesques, light blue flowers with white points 12 cm, 2 rear, white brown arabesques color, lightgreen leaf ornament but lost the color, 8 cm, 3 a right field light blue, left light-brick-red, next in reverse, white points; disconnecting switch Λ lightgreen, white, brick-red, white, light blue, 14 cm; 4 petal, outer edge alternating: white, lightgreen, black-brown, light blue, white, etc., 12 cm; 4 center, flowers light blue on white rear, outer white on hellbauem rear, 22 cm: 6 rear white, arabesques dark-brown, darkly leaf ornamente, sky-blue with darker design, brightens white with lightgreener design, 17 cm. Fülung 7: Rear light blue, lotus flower brown with white receptacle, brown small Blümchen with knows. Points, edge strips knows. Before 7 inner of the wappen: brown slat pattern, square pattern green with white-black edge. All separating lines are lightgreen. The head of Garuḍa in the centre zone is drawn grey on white: eye rings and the upper bill are green.
0176Wreath owner over Buddha niche.
0176Cintâmaṇi on a lotus flower, h. corridor, niche at the top the Parinirvâṇabuddha. Flames: lightbrick-red, likewise receptacle of the lotus flower; flower leaves green with white. Inner edge, cross form. Strip of the jewel of the side: green, upper and lower bluish gray; triangular fields in the corners, frame lightyellow . It is unusual in comparison with the other Cintâmaṇi representation
0176Mouring figure with the burninig coffin of Buddhas, 3. Figure from right. In the belt a strange hilt of a sword or a whip? Not black parts are painted yellow in the original.
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0176no caption
0176no caption
0176Edging under the projection of the side wall. Height 6 1/2 cm. Bright part lightgreen, dark part light blue.