Publications and Media Appearances
The overview of the DSR project is best described in the following publication.
"Geometric Correction of Measured Historical Maps with a Pixel-Oriented and Geobrowser-Friendly Framework",
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA 2009),
2009-10, PDF
- Mohammad Reza MATINI, Alireza EINIFAR, Asanobu KITAMOTO, Kinji ONO,
"Digital 3D Reconstruction Based on Analytic Interpretation of Relics; Case Study: Bam Citadel",
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA 2009),
Yoko NISHIMURA, Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Reconstruction of Beijing Historical Space Using Complete Map of Peking, Qianlong Period and Old Photographs", Symposium on "The Horizon of Historical GIS", pp. 127-142, 2009-07 (in Japanese), PDF
Yoko NISHIMURA and Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Information Infrastructure of Beijing Historical Space Using Google Earth and Complete Map of Peking, Qianlong Period", IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2008, pp. 81-88, 2008-12 (in Japanese) (Best Paper Award), PDF
Kinji ONO, Asanobu KITAMOTO, Makiko ONISHI, Elham ANDAROODI, Yoko NISHIMURA, and Mohammad Reza MATINI, "Memory of the Silk Road -The Digital Silk Road Project-", Proceedings of the Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM08), Vol. Project Papers, pp. 437-444, 2008-10
Elham ANDAROODI, Kinji ONO, and Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Metadata-Based Terminology Ontology for Knowledge Management of an Architectural Heritage in Danger", Proceedings of the Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM08), Vol. Full Papers, pp. 179-186, 2008-10
Mohammad Reza MATINI, Elham ANDAROODI, Asanobu KITAMOTO, and Kinji ONO, "Development of CAD-Based 3D Drawing as a Basic Resource for Digital Reconstruction of Bam's Citadel (UNESCO World Heritage in Danger)", Proceedings of the Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM08), Vol. Full Papers, pp. 51-58, 2008-10
Kinji ONO, Elham ANDAROODI, Alireza EINIFAR, Nobuaki ABE, Mohammad Reza MATINI, Olivier BOUET, Frank CHOPIN, Takashi KAWAI, Asanobu KITAMOTO, Asaka ITO, Eskandar MOKHTARI, Saeed EINIFAR, Seyyed Mohammad BEHESHTI, and Chahryar ADLE, "3DCG Reconstitution and Virtual Reality of UNESCO World Heritage in Danger: the Citadel of Bam", Progress in Informatics, No. 5, pp. 99-136, 2008-03
:: PDF
Ryo KAMIDA, and Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Senga : A Participatory Archive Based on the Collection and Rearrangement of Images and the Sharing of Slideshows", IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2007, pp. 339-346, 2007-12 (in Japanese)
Elham ANDAROODI, M. Reza MATINI, Nobuaki ABE, Kinji ONO, Asanobu KITAMOTO, Takashi KAWAI, Eskandar Mokhtari, "Simultaneous Implementation of Heterogeneous Data for 3-D Reconstitution of the UNESCO World Heritage in Danger: Arg-e-Bam", IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2007, pp. 265-270, 2007-12
Yoko NISHIMURA, Makiko ONISHI, and Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Analysis of Silk Road Old Maps Using Google Earth", IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2007, pp. 155-162, 2007-12 (in Japanese), PDF
K. Ono, A. Kitamoto, M. Onishi and Y. Tanaka, "Digital Silk Road Project: Current Status and Future Perspectives," e-Culture Workshop, 24th APAN Meeting, August 2007.
M. Onishi, A. Kitamoto, and T. Ikezaki, "Enhancing Applications of the Digital Archive for Silk Road Studies," e-Culture Workshop, 24th APAN Meeting, August 2007.
A. Kitamoto, "Participatory Media and e-Culture," e-Culture Workshop, 24th APAN Meeting, August 2007.
E. Andaroodi, M. Matini, N. Abe, K. Ono, and T. Kawai, 3-D Reconstitution and Virtual Reality of World Heritage Site in Danger: the Citadel of Bam, short paper and proceedings of Virtual Environments 2007, 13th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Weimar, Germany, July 2007
E. Andaroodi, F. Andres, A. Einifar, P. Lebigre, N. Kando, Ontology-Based Shape Grammar Schema for Classification of Caravanserais: A Specific Corpus of Iranian Safavid and Ghajar Open, On-route Samples, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 7, issue 4, October-December 2006, Elsevier, pp. 312-328, ISSN: 1296-2074,
Asanobu KITAMOTO, Makiko ONISHI, Tomohiro IKEZAKI, Dominique DEUFF, Eka MEYER, Sonoko SATO, Takako MURAMATSU, Ryo KAMIDA, Takeo YAMAMOTO, Kinji ONO, "Digital Bleaching and Content Extraction for the Digital Archive of Rare Books", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL), pp. 133-144, April 2006.
Ono, K., Yamamoto, T., Kamiuchi, T., Andres, F., Kitamoto, A., Sato, S., Andaroodi, E., "Progress of the Digital Silk Roads Project," Progress in Informatics, Number 1, pp. 93-141, March 2005. ::
Part 1 (PDF) ::
Part 2 (PDF)
Press Releases
Media Appearances
Iran, a historical site is being reconstructed by CG, NHK Ohayo Nippon, December 26, 2007.
Arg-e Bam: Heritage reclaimed from rubble, Mainichi Weekly, September 15, 2007.
A trip to the world heritage (SOS from the heritage in danger), NHK General TV, May 4, 2006.
Citadel of Bam - Let it be reconstructed in 3D (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, December 21, 2004) (in Japanese)