[Photo] 52~29 |
再び上海のタクシー 豚を市場に連れて行こうとする農夫が、車の空いている座席に豚を乗せている。恐らくこの両者の間では、快適さのバランスがかなり公平に取れている。他の地域と同様に中国の豚も怠け者だが辛抱強い動物で、移動のトラブルから解放されさえすれば、いかにも痛そうに見える姿勢でどのように縛られても嫌がらない。中国では普通のことだが、イギリスであればこの豚は珍しがられるだろう。似たような豚がこれまで1頭以上、農業見本市で(その醜さでとしか思えないのが)賞を授けられた。THE SHANGHAI CAB AGAIN. A farmer carrying his pig to market gives the unoccupied seat in his carriage to his produce. Comfort is perhaps pretty evenly balanced between the pair, for pigs in China, as elsewhere, are long-suffering as well as lazy animals, and do not mind being tied up in all sorts of apparently painful postures, provided only they are saved the trouble of locomotion. Though universal throughout China this pig would be a curiosity in England, and more than one of his fellows have carried off the prize (for ugliness we assume) at agricultural exhibitions.