国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト

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0498 Overland to India : vol.2
インドへの陸路 : vol.2
Overland to India : vol.2 / 498 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000217
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





All the time the Commission remained in Seistan the

most exact work was executed in various branches ; extremely accurate detailed maps, precise determinations of gravity, geodetic, astronomical, and meteorological observations and hydrographic measurements, in particular of the volume of water and the water-level in the Hilmend and Hamun. This extremely valuable and multifarious material is, it seems, buried in the meantime in the archives at Calcutta, and will not be published as long as the political

result of the Commission retains its validity.

On April i 2 I bade farewell to my six servants. They received their pay and the expenses of their journey home, and set out with 500 tuman in their pockets. On the part of the Consulate especial arrangements had been made for their comfort on the journey back to Bendan, and then the country lay open before them all the way to the holy Meshed, and there they would find no difficulties—every Persian is a born traveller. They packed their clothes in double sacks and bags, secured their money in their belts, kept the black dog at their . own request for a night watch, and after a last Bismillah, in the name of God, and hearty thanks for their good behaviour and good wishes from me, they set out to the land of their desire, the land of the sun, Khorasan.

My days of rest also flew past, and the last soon came. A memorable time it had been, for I had had the comfort of home and was free from all worries, and the absence of amiable ladies troubled me no more than when I was at the Pamirski Post. We talked of the political outlook in this part of the world, listened to the doctor's dissertations on the plague, and wondered at the Hilmend water, which was still rising, and had come up near to the foot of the courtyard wall ; one fine day it would flood all the low-lying court, and make an island of the house.

I had obtained confirmation of the English Government's permission to travel through Baluchistan, a privilege which Sir Rennel Rodd kindly obtained for me from Lord Lansdowne.

Captain Macpherson had looked after baggage and riding animals to Robat on the frontier, and the cook of