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0269 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
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[Photo] 37~@1 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 1(S.K. 278). Copper Awl (?), Terrace B, +19 to + 23 feet.
[Photo] 37~@2 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 2a AND b (S.K. 280). Copper Tweezers, no Tin, Terrace B, +19 feet, text-figure 269.
[Photo] 37~@3 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 3(S.K. 281). Copper Pin with Spiral Head, no Tin, Terrace Bm +19 to +21 feet, text-figure 251.
[Photo] 37~@4 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 4(S.K. 40). Copper Chisel, Terrace B, +33 feet, text-figure 265. Analysis of corroded crust: Copper, 41.83; lead, 05.1; iron, trace; cobalt, none; nickel, 0.01; antimony, 0.10; arsenic, none; tin, 1.58.
[Photo] 37~@5 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 5(S.K. 276). Piece of Copper Chisel, Terrace B, +19 feet. No tin.
[Photo] 37~@6 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 6(S.K. 202). Part of Ornamental Disk, Terrace B, +23 feet.
[Photo] 37~@7 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 7(S.K. 166). Copper Punch, nearly Clean Metal. Copper, 95.39; lead, 0.14; iron 0.76; cobalt, none; nickel, 0.02; antimony, 0.61; arsenic, 2.04; tin, none; total, 98.96. A separate analysis of the aerugo(crust) gave no tin.
[Photo] 37~@8 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 8(S.K. 277). Small Copper Punch, Terrace B, +19 feet, text-figure 264.
[Photo] 37~@9 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 9(S.K. 302). Copper Chisel, no Tin, Terrace B, +19 feet, text-figure 266.
[Photo] 37~@10 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 10(S.K. 199). Copper Punch, Terrace B, +23 feet. Analysis of corroded crust: Copper, 55.58; lead, 0.37; iron, trace; cobalt none; nickel, 0.04; antimony, 0.16; arsenic, 0.64; tin, none.
[Photo] 37~@11 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 11(S.K. 275). Copper Pin, Terrace B, +19 to +21 feet, text-figure 254.
[Photo] 37~@12 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 12(S.K. 274). Copper Punch, Terrace B, +19 feet, text-figure 263. Analysis of nearly clear metal: Copper, 93.21; lead, 0.33; iron, 0.06; cobalt, none; nickel. None; antimony, 0.15; arsenic, 4.88; tin, none; total, 98.63.
[Photo] 37~@13 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 13(S.K. 97). Copper Punch, no Tin, Terrace B, +21.5 to 23.5 feet.
[Photo] 37~@14 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 14(S.K. 203). Piece of Ring, Terrace B, +21.5 to +23.5 feet, text-figure 262. Analysis of clean metal: Copper, 70.42; lead, 21.69; none; iron, 0.84; cobalt, none; nickel, trace; antimony, 0.97; arsenic, 2.40; tin, none.
[Photo] 37~@15 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 15(S.K. 144). Copper (?) Rod, Upper Digging, +29 to +32 feet, text-figure 270. Analysis of corroded crust: Copper, 50.63; lead, none; iron, 0.84; cobalt, none; nickel, trace; antimony, 0.97; arsenic, 2.40; tin, none.
[Photo] 37~@16 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 16(S.K. 334). Ornamental Disk, no Tin, Terrace B, +21 feet, text-figure 256.
[Photo] 37~@17 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 17(S.K. 353). Stamp (?). No Tin, but 12.64 Lead, Terrace B, +21 feet.
[Photo] 37~@18 Objects of Copper from Culture III, South Kurgan. 18(S.K. 207). Ornamental Button (?), Terrace B, +21.5 to +23.5 feet, text-figure 257.

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
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